Where to get Hoop Tapes

Where to get Hoop Tapes? Hmmmm….

Someone asked about where to get hoop tapes recently. Here’s my reply:

“Of Course Hoopologie, JAMhoops Limited, are my favorites that I’ve shopped with online and in person. Also if you have to just get really creative and need a little bit of tape to start, do try your local hardware stores like Home Depot (some basic electrical tape colors), Ace is always more, but there’s coupons.
I’ve found tape in really weird sources though (like auto stores!) and I get VERY creative. I’m not a fan of duct tape, because it’s a disaster mess to remove and re-tape good hoops. I know lots of people use it though, and I used to when I first started making hoops years ago.
Also, sports supply stores sometimes have some grippy or gaffers sports tapees, sometimes.

I also can totally vouch for my guys Nick and Brody over at Things That Glow in Denver for some nice UV gaffer tapes!

P.S. I can’t tell you how many calls I get to buy a roll of tape off of me, lol! That’s how I get some of my hoop biz, because people see how I wrap with such attention to detail. I also have lots who come to me after they’ve tried to either make or tape their own hoops. I’ve learned a lot in 10 years and still stay open to learning and growing on a constant basis. I’m not a $5 Walmart toy hoop, or a $10 Etsy hoop purchase, but if you want a high quality lovely boutique hand-crafted custom pro hoop–based on your personal hoop needs and goals, we can start with a complimentary consultation…which is a lot of years of experience I wish someone had clued me in on before my expensive and time consuming self-learned lessons!”
Hoop Love, Ya’ll!* ~Che’ Rippinger, Hoopsmith and Chief Hooping Officer/Instructor and Performer at Hip The Hoopla
*Catch the Hoop Love Ya’ll live show or recordings with Hip The Hoopla on YouTube and Facebook featuring info and laughter with Che’ on Health, Humor and Hooping

♦ 1. Watch more… the “Hoop Love Ya’ll Show,” LIVE and Free, Mondays at 6:30 pm MST. Catch the show recordings available on my Hip The Hoopla YouTube Channel and Hip The Hoopla Facebook page.
♦ 2. Free Hoop Consultation with Che’–can be in person, by phone or video chat.
♦ 3. Hip The Hoopla on Instagram @hipthehoopla for my One Minute Hoop Dance Tutorials, new hoops, #hoopspiration and jams
♦ 4. Hip The Hoopla website www.HipTheHoopla.com for lots of free info and resources.
♦ 5. Hip The Hoopla Happy Circle and Whirled News email (sign up at http://eepurl.com/bRtK_5 )–get a valuable freebie plus great stuff coming to you in the future!
♦ 6. Hip The Hoopla Facebook page for tutorials, shows, #hoopspiration, motivation, along with Health, Humor and Hooping!
♦ 7. Hip The Hoopla on Twitter @hipthehoopla
On Pintrest, Google, Yelp, etc.

*****Hey, testimonials and positive 5 star reviews are VERY  much Appreciated. Thank you! ♥*****

About Che’ Rippinger: Che’ has been hoop dancing (aka hula hooping) since 2008, she specializes in teaching (mainly adults) of all levels how to hoop dance, laugh, and be happy and healthy. She has over 30 years of experience teaching dance and founded her company Hip The Hoopla in 2011 instructing, performing and creating handcrafted locally made professional custom dance hoops.

Che is a professional hoop dancer, belly dancer, fire spinner and Certified Laughter Yoga Leader. She’s also been a professional humorist specializing in “relationships” as a cartoonist and columnist, published in the Sunday Denver Post and Playgirl Magazine.

If you’d like to hire Che’ for education, performing or events, please visit www.HipTheHoopla.com for schedule, info, and to connect.

~With Hoop ♥ ~Che’
@hipthehoopla on Instagram and Twitter
on Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc!
Get Hip The Hoopla “Whirled News” via e-mail: http://eepurl.com/bRtK_5

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~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.

Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list: Hip The Hoopla Circle E-mail and get a free gift!

Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube(with our own channel), TwitterPinterestLinkedInYelp,and Instagram.  To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit www.HipTheHoopla.com or e-mail Che@HipTheHoopla.com. (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)