Posts Tagged ‘Jam’
7 Day Hoop Dance Challenge-Day 2 Luscious Legs
Ready to get your fancy dance pants on in this great 7 Day Hoop Dance Challenge? Whether you’re just starting or a super pro, there’s always something new to learn from others. So game on– grab your hula hoop and let’s get hooping!
****Here’s our 7 Day Hoop Dance Challenge:****
(DAY 1-Focus on Footwork)
***DAY 2-Luscious Legs***
This video is a little longer, because I have so much to cram in quickly…and I did’t even get to one of my goodies…stay tuned for a future video on that!
Thank you for joining us for this video series. I am Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla and this is a 7 day challenge of humorous hoop dance to learn, or to improve, your hula hoop skills with this 7 part focus on dance–from head to toe.
All levels welcome to join in! Let’s DO this!
Bring your hoop, positive energy and let’s hoop it out with #BroncoBellyDancer #BikiniGirl #BroncoSuperFan hoop/fire/belly dancer, Laughter Yoga leader, cartoonist/humor writer, and professional custom hula hoop maker Che (30++ years of dance experience).
Also, please join us online for classes that will work these moves in more time and depth. We would love to have you sign up for classes, value packages or book your private personal coaching appointment time. A complimentary goal session is available if you qualify to work with us! Also you can get a complimentary hoop consultation with any of our professional hand-crafted custom hula hoops. Contact us to schedule now.
I do distinguish between “leg hooping” and “knee hooping,” which some people use interchangeably. I recommend NOT hooping directly on the knees, but instead slightly above or below to keep your joints and tendons safe, especially if you are using a bigger or heavier hula hoop. You can hoop on the legs horizontally, vertically and we haven’t even covered floor hooping using the legs here…but check out this video for some really helpful tips on leg hooping floor work:
Please warm up and cool down (head to toe!) to keep your body safe and hooping longer, hydrate, and take it sloooow! Make sure you have a nice dance posture: stand tall, shoulders back, chest and head lifted, abdominal wall in, pelvis tucked under and a slight bend in the knees. Dancer/Boxer feet–keep your weight shifted forward on the balls of your feet rather than resting back on your heels–easier for nimble movement. Try everything *without* the hoop first. Next, just hold the hoop and do the moves. Then get your fancier hoop moves in while coordinating with some basic stepping or fancy footwork dance combinations. Bring all you have to the table–your personal style, experience and sass! Stay positive and give yourself lots of credit for any and all progress! Keep a hoop notebook and take a couple of moments to write down tips and tricks that are helpful for you. Then review them right then and there, and a few minutes the next day…etc. You’ll be amazed at your progress! Please post how you are doing. Grab a buddy and stay accountable to another. And Please Share! Thanks So Much for watching! Subscribe to this channel here and our informative hoop circle news via e-mail at
~With Hoop ♥ ~Che’
@hipthehoopla on Instagram and Twitter, YouTube
on the MindBody app, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc!
Special shout outs to our fabulous hoop groups (come join us!):
Monkey See. Monkey Do., Fab♥ Over 40 Hoop Community, Denver Hula Hoop Group, Colorado Hoopers, Hoopaholics,, The Hooping Community of, Colorado World Hoop Day, The Hoop Loop, Hoop Love, and all of our other great flow groups and communities–locally, statewide, nationally and internationally!!!
Go Denver Broncos!!! 🙂 ♥
Please help support Stronghold Society~Live Life
♥ Blessings & Happy Health! ♥
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and running Hip The Hoopla since 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life, Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, Instagram and the MindBody app. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Finding Hoop Community Groups and Links
Finding Flow Friends
Other hula hoopers, spinners, flow artists
Sometimes we need a little help from our friends…or need to find some that share our common interests. Here’s some ideas to get you started:
Hooper Hookups–Facebook Group/Page and online recommendations from world-wide to city specific example:
♦ Fab♥ Over Forty Hoop Community
♦ The Spin Summit
♦ Colorado Hoopers
♦ Denver Hula Hoop Group
Check out the Community Links at
♦ Also check out hooping in your community…Google where you are at
♦ Search on Facebook
♦ Check out hoop forums
♦ Craigslist sometimes has events, teachers, or hoop makers listed
♦ can be helpful
You might try some of these “keywords” helpful to search for:
Hoops, Hula Hoops, Hooping, Hoopers, Jam, Classes, Instructors, Teachers, Props, Flow Community, Flow Artists, Spinners, Burners, Fire Dancers, Circus Arts
Whatever your method(s) you choose to find your flow buddies will be very helpful to you and your growth, plus you can share what you know, as well–Win/Win! Finding others in the community will increase your learning experience exponentially by exposing you to new things to try. Now go find your people! You’ll discover you aren’t so weird or alone in your process.
Good luck and happy hooping!
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and running Hip The Hoopla since 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life, Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Guest Instructor and Spin Summit This week
News You Can Use
Please join us for two special Hip The Hoopla classes this week Tues. 6:30pm & Sat. 10am) with Guest Instructor Extraordinaire Felicia Heyn. She’ll be doing Q&A, Injury Prevention, and Mastery Move Tweaks.
Pre-registration discount: or MindBody Connect app.
*ALL Levels Welcome*
And come visit us down at The Spin Summit April 30-May 3 (day passes, camping, weekend, shows, and an array of flow, fire & fabulous world wide instructors!) (Hip The Hoopla Laughter Yoga celebration on Sunday 5/3)
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Sign up now for our e-mails.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Yelp.
January Jump Start – Schedule, Specials & More!
Give your goals some jet fuel! Hip The Hoopla is here to help to kick butt on your wellness, weight goals and well-being (a.k.a. Happiness).
Give yourself the gift of health and humor with hooping. Here’s a sneak peak at the January Hoopla! (Warning: Hip The Hoopla promises high doses of laughter, hoop dance, positivity and motivation!)
Group classes (all levels welcome) Tuesdays 6:30pm & Saturdays 10am. January 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, (31-Tentative-depending if Broncos play in the Superbowl!)
♥ $99 January Special= 1 private lesson* + 1 Month of Unlimited Monthly Group Classes (save $71!)
♥ 5 Class Pack $65 (Save $10) (exp. 3 months from purchase)
♥ 10 Class $120 (2 classes Free-Save $30!)
♥ 30 Day Unlimited Group Class Pass $80 (Save $40+)
Stay tuned for Hip The Hoopla’s NEXT big Announcements including:
1.) ONLINE CLASSES! Yes, you asked, and they are in the works! The tentative plan is once a week with a replay (if available)…and also…
3.) A MONTHLY PLAN PACK for those dedicated to wellness and wonderment! (Including your own private sessions, and special surprises, too!)
(*Studio rental and/or on-site travel costs are extra. Private lessons priced for Lakewood location.)
For more information, Please visit , , or call 303-919-9280, or e-mail
Minis & Multis 303 Hoop Troupe Jam with Ché – HipTheHoopla
We are hoop jamming at Gabrielle’s Garden this Wednesday 5-7 pm in Denver. Come spin & play with us! Just $5 monthly for 303 Hoop Troupe group.
What: Hoop Jam-focus on “Minis & Multis” led by hoop dance teacher Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla
When: 5-7 pm
Where: Gabrielle’s Garden, 832 Kalamath St., Denver, CO 802o4
This is a community based, organic, pay-what-you-can garden filled with lovely food and people.
Bring: Hoops-and lots of them to share. Some will be available to borrow, but due to the nature of this jam, many will be in use. You can order or pick up hoops in advance from Hip The Hoopla.*
Hip The Hoopla offers humorous hoop dancing classes, private lessons and coaching, for whatever level you are starting at… or want to get to!
Regular Hip The Hoopla classes are Tuesdays 6:30pm & Saturdays, at 10am at Red Elephant Workshop, 244 Sante Fe, Denver, CO 80204.
Most classes have a theme and are much like a mini workshop. Check calendar for details.
*If you are interested in getting hoops: ready made, custom, twins, multis, collapsible convertibles, polypro, HDPE, or PE (black tubing)…please connect with us for a complimentary hoop consultation (by phone or in person).
Contact us: online at,, 303-980-6295 / 303-919-9280 cell,
We’re also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Yelp and Google+
August Hip The Hoopla Classes & News
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
***AUGUST 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 8/2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23 26 & 30 (Sat. 10am & Tues. 6:30pm)***
♥ 30 Day Unlimited Monthly Special: JUST $65! (Save up to $70!! about $7 a class!-purchase ANY day in August–good for 30 days from purchase)*
*(Monthly unlimited Regular price: $75 )
♥ $5 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card (save $55!)
♥ Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $60! (Save $60!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ Welcome New Student Yelp “Check In Deal”-save 20% on first class 🙂
♥ **New Private Coaching Plan**–ask about your personal invite–deep discount for our 2nd wave of attendees–limited 10 available–custom tailored, personalized, in-depth dramatic results!
♥ Order your new personalized custom dance hoop(s)* now. Choose from a variety of options in sizes, tapes, tubing and some are collapsible for travel. We even offer some Colorado-made LED hoops, too!
*A complimentary hoop consultation is included with custom orders. You’ll acquire some invaluable advice gained from years of experience! Ready made hoops are also available at class times, by appointment during the week, and some weekend times, too!
+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, all available–just ask! 🙂
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!
***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
Some past performances at:
South Park Music Festival
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.
♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥
July Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
***JULY 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 7/1, 5, 8, 12, ,15, 19, 22, 26, & 29 (Sat. 10am & Tues. 6:30pm)***
♥ 30 Day Unlimited Monthly Special: JUST $60! (Save up to $75!! about $6 a class!-purchase ANY day in July–good for 30 days from purchase)*
*(Monthly unlimited Regular price: $75 )
♥ $5 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card (class savings $50!)
♥ Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $60! (Save $60!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ **New Private Coaching Plan**–ask about your personal invite–deep discount for 1st attendees–limited 10 available–custom tailored, personalized, in-depth dramatic results!
♥ $$$ OFF the South Park Music Fest! promo code: HipTheHoopla
+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, all available–just ask! 🙂
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!
***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
South Park Music Fest: The first large scale private property 420 festival of it’s kind–Only in Colorado…July 4th weekend-4 day camping passes available… – please use promo code HIPTHEHOOPLA to SAVE $$$ OFF of your ticket!
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
Recent performances at:
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.
♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥
June Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
***JUNE 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 6/3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24 & 28 (Sat. 10am & Tues. 6:30pm)***
♥ Yelp Check-In Deal: $10 for 1st class
♥ $10 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card
♥ Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $50! (Save $70!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ $$$ OFF the South Park Music Fest! promo code: HipTheHoopla
+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, all available–just ask! 🙂
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!
***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
South Park Music Fest: The first large scale private property 420 festival of it’s kind–Only in Colorado…July 4th weekend-4 day camping passes available… – please use promo code HIPTHEHOOPLA to SAVE $$$ OFF of your ticket!
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
Recent performances at:
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.
♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥
3 Reasons Why Happiness Rules…and 3 Ways To Get There
by Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla
We all know we should be as happy as much of the time as possible, but do you know WHY? Here’s 3 BIG convincing reasons & 3 EASY ways to get happy…
1. Happiness affects the rest of what you do.
Think productivity, energy and efficiency. If there is something you are dreading (for example paying your bills or cleaning out an overstuffed closet) think of how excited you are to do it. Think of how exciting anything else might be in comparison, and it’s easy to see where procrastination comes from. If there is something you are happy about doing like going on vacation, notice that even though it takes work and planning time, you WANT to do it, because the outcome is going to be fun.
Any given situation has a mindset that gets locked in, almost instantaneously. Something “good” has “good” thoughts that magnetize towards it. And same with a perceived “bad” situation. You can choose to change up your thoughts, in each moment, to see what all you can think of that’s good during the harder parts of life. Maybe being diagnosed with something doesn’t seem like fun, but if you think of the positive lifestyle choices that you can make to help deal with the “problem,” and know that the results will change things for the better…what a great way to change things up!
2. Happiness affects your body chemistry.
This one’s easy, especially when we look at the detriment that stress has on our bodies. Stress overtaxes our adrenal function, heart, blood circulation, digestion, brain waves and even creates wrinkles! With all that, why not get happy to have better functioning organs and body systems? Endorphins reduce stress, improve the immune system and help heal the body. Happiness is even a pain reducer. The famous case of Norman Cousins using humor to get off of the pain meds and heal the condition that his doctors diagnosed, is one of the many examples of this.
3. Happiness is contagious.
Luckily the vagus nerve* isn’t just for sharing tears and yawns when others do. When someone smiles at you, your own system is triggered, and joy can quietly erupt. When you see a giggling baby, or almost anyone engaged in a hearty laugh, it’s really hard not to smile and also start laughing. That’s a good thing. Think of how many boring company meetings get livened up when humor is used, or something really silly happens. It’s definitely more memorable and we also bond positively in the process. Positive associations are things we generally WANT to gravitate to.
So how can you get happy in more moments of your precious lifetime?
1. Laugh. Giggle. Smile.
It could be with others, reading something funny, or watching YouTube videos. Try what I call “Microwave Minutes.” For the time your food is in a microwave (or heating something on the stove, or waiting in line, etc.), just start laughing. It may be weird at first, but with practice, it will come easier and you will find more and more little opportunity moments to consciously smile and laugh. Bonus points if you try the laughter minute exercise in an elevator, with others!
2. Try Laughter Yoga.
It’s more about the breathing state and not about telling jokes. There are Laughter Yoga variations for all kinds of people, from kids to elderly; businesses to prisons. It’s a combination of the “Four Elements of Joy”: singing, dancing, playing and laughing. Exercises that encourage movement, interaction with others and joy, are prevalent in Laughter Yoga. And more breathing equals more oxygen. Oxygenation to the body’s cells is a huge healthy benefit of deep laughter (which requires big breathing from the diaphragm–easily done with big belly laughing). FYI: disease cannot live in well oxygenated cells.
3. Surround yourself with the positive.
Seek out positive stories, information, people (and unconditionally loving pets). If you have friends who are a joy to be around, you naturally want to spend more time with them (especially over constant “crisis mode” doom people). Conversely, you can BE that person others like to hang out with. More bringing up the “good” stuff in life, or seeing the positive points in any situation, will help you do this for yourself too, so you don’t always have to rely on others.
Whatever works for you to get happy, try it. Even one great session of prolonged laughter could melt away stress and reduce damaging hormones like excessive cortisol. The other happiness upsides: it can be totally free and no fancy equipment is needed. People may just think you got plastic surgery from all that smiling, especially if a positive attitude and brighter life outlook ensues!
*Check out the movie “Happy” on more info on the positive effects of happiness and the vagus nerve response.
~Ché Rippinger runs Hip The Hoopla, teaching humorous hoop dance with Laughter Yoga, dance-adapted yoga and belly dance. She’s taught, trained, and choreographed in a variety of dance styles for well over 20 years. She teaches group classes, private instruction, consults, performs and also creates custom professional hoops. She is available for consultation on hooping, healing and happiness improvement with positivity, encouragement (and a little butt-kicking) to help you live your happiest and healthiest life. Please visit to register for class and get further info on all Hip The Hoopla has to offer! Great “Hoopspiration,” videos and information is also available at (please “like”), and via e-mail and phone 303-980-6295.
March Class Schedule & Specials

MARCH Maddness…
2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes:
3/1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25 & 29
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂 ♥ Private Expert Sessions in Lakewood-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $50! (Save $70!)
Blast on your progress. Bring your hoop and dance skills to the next level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ Yelp Check in Deal (mobile app)-intro class $10 for new students!
♥ 2014 Class Packs:
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
(Regular price: $75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase–see Feb. $50 Special above!!)
+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, etc.
♥ RSVP your classes online at
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
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…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂