Posts Tagged ‘Hula Hooping’
Hip The Hoopla Class Intentions And Themes
What Makes Your Hoop Practice Better?
Did you know we have an “intention” or theme for every Hip The Hoopla class? They make it more fun to incorporate new movements, think differently and enhance your hoop dance enjoyment and creativity. Come check out the secret word of the day, lol ;)~
Class Information and Specials for October:
+Deals+ ROCTOBER is warming your hoop soul during the cool fall days-Come learn great moves, develop your hoop style, practice your flow and meet great people! +October 2-Pack deal: 2 classes, just $20. Bring a friend or use yourself…. First 10 people RSVP’d* for each class get this deal! E-mail or call ASAP 303-980-6295 & visit (*please RSVP 24 + hours in advance).
+Attend all the healthy hooping Hip The Hoopla classes you want in a month for only $50!
That can get classes even more affordable!! (Like paying for 4 and getting the rest FREE!) (good for one month/30 days from date purchased 🙂
+Bring your hoop skills to the next level–Fast! Hip The Hoopla Private Hoop Tutoring $30/hour or $50 for 2 hour block–Private lesson sessions normally $40/hour (in-studio is extra to rent space).
+Plus great $avings on 5 Pack ($50) & 10 Pack ($90) classes, too!
***Hip The Hoopla is available for performances, private lessons, parties, custom hand made hula hoops and other hoop dance accessories. Contact or 303-980-6295.
Olympic Hula Hooping-Rythymic Gymnastics
Hooping in the Olympics!
What is Rhythmic Gymnastics?
Did you know the (hula) hoop is an apparatus in the world Olympic championship games? There’s also ribbons, clubs and balls (and sometimes ropes). These gymnasts may have a different shape and look when you see them perform (tall, long and lean). Their elements are dance, while incorporating various props. Tosses, turns, flexibility and gymnastics are visually transitioned and intertwined with dance. They are judge with a 30 point system, 10 points available in each of three categories: artistry, difficulty and execution. 30 points is a perfect score. Penalty points can be deducted for mistakes, including dropping the prop.
Why is it that you may have never heard of rhythmic gymnastics, or have a hard time finding these performances? The coverage is pretty sparse. The mainstream “artistic” genre of gymnasts get the majority of promotion in the media and commercial play. But the beauty of both divisions cannot be denied.
Rhythmic gymnastics is judged more on their dance skills and choreography merits. And they also have group performances-some with multiple props, representing their country as a team, in addition to individual single prop performances. In Rhythmic gymnastics, the only competition division is for women.
Artistic Gymnastics (what most people see)
For what most people see, there are men’s and women’s categories for different apparatus. Their apparatus’ are not prop-based, though. Women get to compete in the divisions of floor exercise, uneven bars, balance beam and vault. The men get to demonstrate their skills on vault, rings, parallel bars, pommel horse, horizontal bar, and floor exercise. There’s also a third category/division of gymnastics in 2012’s Olympics: Trampoline, with both men and women competing.
Coverage of Rhythmic Gymnastics in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, England
Here’s the schedule and results link for Olympic rhythmic gymnastics in the UK…and their logo is with a HOOP! Also check out the BBC London coverage.
The competitions for qualifying/elimination rounds into final competitions is August 9, 10, 11, and 12 2012.
OLYMPIC RESULTS (Spoiler alert):
Known for their exquisite ballet training, the Russian Federation took the gold (Evgeniya Kanaeva) & silver (Daria Dmitrieva) in individual rhythmic gymnastics, and a very happy Liubou Charkashyna of Belarus finally got to move from her many fourth place standings to earn the bronze and step onto her first podium. In the group finals, Russia, Belarus, and Italy placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd medal rankings.
More videos of rhythmic gymnastics
If you are interested in seeing more rhythmic gymnastics, there are a LOT of videos to enjoy from worldwide performances and competitions on YouTube. One of the iconic figures is Anna Bessonova. You can see the extreme flexibility needed for this kind of hoop dance.
Here’s another one of the many videos out there of rhythmic hoop gymnast Irina Tchachina
And a video of several examples of rhythmic gymnasts (with different props) in action:
Where Can YOU learn to Hoop Dance?
If you want your OWN great flexibility, grace, coordination & dance style with hooping…try Hip The Hoopla class Tues. 7/31 at 6:30pm.
Classes are offered in Denver, Colorado, USA on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm and Saturday mornings at 10am, plus private lessons. Coming soon: online lessons available worldwide! Please contact for more info.
Lots of links and info also available at
You can also find, like and follow Hip The Hoopla on Yelp, Twitter (@hipthehoopla), LinkedIn, YouTube, Google, YourHub and
Travel with Hula Hoop(s)
Here’s some advice on traveling with hula hoops:
I travel with a 32″ collapsible attached to my purse with me everywhere. 1st time through the airport I brought cheap mini hoops that could connect into a larger hoop, in case TSA took them. No questions were asked. Then I traveled with my own custom made 32″ collapsible attached to my carry on rolling bag. I had the TSA woman run up to me shouting, Mam, mam! And then she giggled like a little girl asking what it was and I explained it was a hula hoop. It was priceless!
I can store in overhead or under my seat. A cover may protect hoops better, in case they are shoved in and wedged with other baggage in overhead compartments. Hip The Hoopla can make unique stylized coverings for you along with custom hula hoops to your size and needs. And we make big hoop covers for non-collapsible and multiple hoops, too. Please e-mail us at for sizes, price and shipment.
(Also saw a great little bag on Etsy from Sarah Maccarelli Jordan
P.S. Check with your airline about their fees. They seem to be charging quite a lot these days and it may be easier to ship UPS or USPS and save yourself the travel hassle. (Though I find having a hoop in an airport makes waiting shorter-because then you won’t have time, lol—and it amuses and entertains others :)~
Why Hip The Hoopla? A Love and a Business
What motivates us to do what we do?
Maybe a lot of people may dream of having their own business. Most people wouldn’t do it if they knew how much work it was going to take to make it successful.
For me personally, I love being able to bring health & happiness the world through hooping with heart & humor. It’s my mission. My students from all walks of life are phenomenal individuals ♥
Thank you all for your blessings, support & positivity!
~Ché, Instructor, Performer, and Chief Hooping Officer (CHO) of Hip The Hoopla
FYI: Denver Hip The Hoopla hula hoop dance fitness classes:
This week’s theme: twists & turns Tues. 6:30pm & Sat. 10am. 🙂 More Hip The Hoopla class info: Check out the July direct discounts & specials, too! Group and private classes with great deals.
In-joy the inspirational hoop video ( a short tutorial) of the week from Finland.
Bride Hooping! Plus Sat. 7/14 HTH Class & Performance
Ha–my hilarious hoop pic–from my Red Rocks Bachelorette party!
Hip The Hoopla CLASS:
Saturday 7/14: Hip The Hoopla class @ 10am:
Hooping afterwards with rock band Trickshot at the One Gathering benefit 11:15 am in Denver:
FYI: Che’ does Bachelorette Parties–bringing hoops, laughter, lessons and a heck of a unique fun time!
…Also Wedding and Event Performances, too!
Please contact for more info.
JULY-Hip The Hoopla Classes & Specials
**Hip the Hoopla – Humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes**
“Inspiring you on the inside, so you can shine on the outside.”
*Tuesdays 6:30pm & Saturdays 10am + Private sessions + Specials!
Please “Like” Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for up to date class info, specials, jam postings, videos, and HTH news:
July HTH classes: 3, 7, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31–
*NO 7/10 HTH Class–we’ll be at Red Rocks for Che’s Hooping Bachelorette party-you’re invited!
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~July Specials~
~Attend all the healthy hooping Hip The Hoopla classes you want in a month for only $50! That can get classes even more affordable!! (Like paying for some and getting the rest FREE!) (good for one month/30 days from date purchased 🙂
~July Hoop Tutoring $30/hour or $50 for 2 hour block–Private sessions normally $40/hour (in-studio is extra to rent space).
~July~special surprises (good ones 😉 at each class!
Denver A-List–Please VOTE asap!
PLEASE vote for either Red Elephant Workshop (where HTH classes are)
OR Hip The Hoopla (we’re in the same category-you can only choose one)