Hoopspiration-Balance, Focus, Concentration

Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla hoop yoga poseWOW-Here is a Hoopspirational-worthy video of extreme balance, concentration, dance and beauty! In-joy <3
~Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla


5/18/13, Sat. 10am Hip The Hoopla class theme: Focus.
“Bring A Friend for $10” until the end of May (you and a friend can come for $10 each, save $5 each!)

Hip The Hoopla humorous hoop dance fitness classes at Red Elephant WorkshopClasses held at Red Elephant Workshop in Denver, 244 Sante Fe Drive.

Please call, or e-mail or facebook your RSVP. 303-980-6295, Che@HipTheHoopla.com, www.Faceboook.com/

May 2013 Hip The Hoopla Classes & Performances

May Is HOT with Hip The Hoopla!

MAY 2013 Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule: 5/7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 (NO 5/4-Spin Summit)**Classes Tues. 6:30pm & Sat. 10am.**

Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla fire hooping at The Spin SummitWhoo-Fire-Hoop! Che Rippinger of  Hip The Hoopla fire hooping at The Spin Summit 2013. Amazing professional photography by Don Searle Photography
Tues. 5/7 at 6:30pm Hip The Hoopla class…”Hot New Moves, Part 1″ is the theme!

Upcoming Performances:

♥ Che Performing at Casselmans-Bellies On Fire show
Saturday, May 25, 2013, 8pm-11pm
Casselmans Bar & Venue Denver 2620 Walnut St, Denver, Colorado 80205

♥ Ché Performing at Boulder Creek Festival
Monday May 27, 2013, 1pm on the Dance Stage

**Please RSVP to guarantee your Hip The Hoopla class spot. Private lessons and coaching are available, too.

If you need a custom hand-made professional (hula) hoop, please call or e-mail to order (303-980-6295 & Che@HipTheHoopla.com).

More info on Facebook: www.facebook.com/HipTheHoopla

And visit Things That Glow to see the Hip The Hoopla hoops selection in stock! Things That Glow 918 W 8th Ave, Denver CO 80204, 303-751-GLOW.

Shimmy, Shake And Slide with Hip The Hoopla

♥ Happy Hip Shakin’ Weekend! ♥

Shake your moneymaker with Hip The Hoopla 4/27 at 10am class (Theme: “Shimmy, Shake and Slide”…In honor of the Elevation Belly Dance Festival weekend), at Red Elephant Workshop: 214 Sante Fe Drive, Denver, CO.
Class Schedule ♥   Class information

RSVP your class spot: Che@HipTheHoopla.com or 303-980-6295 or on Facebook.

And come out with us and TRICKSHOT @ Rodzilla’s Roadhouse, 4/26/13, 9pm-1am ♥

NEXT Week is SPIN SUMMIT! Here’s your link to register NOW:

Hip The Hoopla does belly dancing and hoop dancing...Shake Shimmy and Slide

Hip The Hoopla Performing at StarFest

Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla performing at StarFest“Super Trooper Hooper” Ché Ripinger
Hip The Hoopla
Performing at StarFest

Friday, April 19, 2013 at 9pm with Champion for the Denver Digifest Kickoff party.  Ché was also interviewed by FOX31 KDVR.com in Denver and Examiner.com

Stay for the whole StarFest extravaganza or at least check out
Sunday, 4/21 her hubby Bill Owen of Elevated Color will present: “Getting Found In Web Searches” there, from 1-2pm at the Marriott DTC (4900 S. Syracuse St., Denver), Digifest 1 Room.

Click Here for more Digifest Party Info

There is a phone app with the entire fab schedule (including Stan Lee-creator of Spider Man!!) Already met a real Oompa Loompa – Deep Roy at the Press Party 🙂

~Ché Rippinger has been a cartoonist for over 20 years with Touché! Cartoons, as well as the teacher, performer, coach and hoop-maker of Hip The Hoopla-humorous hoop dance fitness. For more info, please call 303-980-6295 or e-mail Che@HipTheHoopla.com.

Improve Your Skills–Take a Workshop!

Want to fuel your creativity or jump your skills to a new level?

There are many training options…

1. Take a workshop!

Many instructors travel around. Find them, connect with them and see what their schedule is. If you’re not on it, reach out and offer to help host them in your town. You get so much out of in-person instruction and connect with your fellow friends and peer community.
Recent Example: Vivian Spiral’s “Dancing on The Edge: Wheels, Rolls, Traces and Spirals” held at the Boulder Circus Center in Boulder, Colorado. Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla attends Vivian Spiral Workshop




2. Go to a conference/retreat/camp.

This may be as simple as a one day excursion or a week or more of intense learning. Travel may be involved, unless you’re lucky to have it in your neck of the woods. You may have an excuse to plan a vacation getaway halfway across the globe to expand your horizons. Or even in your own backyard.
Example: The Spin Summit, Colorado Springs, Colorado, May 2-5, 2013. Click here to register! Hip The Hoopla recommends The Spin Summit annual flow conference in Colorado



Hip The Hoopla book classes, coaching and tutorials with Che Rippinger Che@HipTheHoopla.com 303-980-6295


3. Learn Virtually.

From YouTube videos to dvds to personal coaching via Skype, there are many ways to connect with some phenomenal teachers all over the world. Prices range, but spending a little more on personal tutoring can make all the difference in catapulting your know-how.
Examples: www.YouTube/TheSpinSummit and
www.YouTube/ToucheToon and www.YouTube/HipTheHoopla

Whatever your path to learning, the key is to take any steps to get there. You can find what works best for you by trying something and seeing if you like it. Hoop On!!

~Ché Rippinger is the owner, instructor and performer of Hip The Hooplahumorous hoop dance fitness. She offers group and private classes, coaching, thoughtful critiques, performance tips, custom made professional hoops, jewelry and costuming. For more updates and “hoopspiration,” please follow on Facebook www.facebook.com/HipTheHoopla, (and Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn, too!).



Improve Your Business Presence Online + Web Site Advice

Hip The Hoopla's Che Rippinger at Elevated Color -Social Media Marketing and PRIn need of Social Media, Marketing or PR assistance? From increasing your Facebook “likes ” and web site business, to integrating your various marketing strategies with a prioritized time plan…or just getting started with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Yelp, Google, etc…

Here’s a few (Free!) Tips to get your Online Action Plan moving:

Che Rippinger at Elevated Color - Social Media Marketing and PR1.) Consider your business platform and highlight it. Contrary to popular stress-inducing media pressure, you don’t have to be everything to everyone. Pick a niche and promote that. You can see what works and tweak your action list it along the way.

Hip The Hoopla's Che Rippinger at Elevated Color -Social Media Marketing and PR2.) Pick what marketing venues you want to work with and link them. Just because there are a plethora of social media options out there, doesn’t mean you have to have a jump into all of them. Pick one or two to start with, and develop from there. There is a learning curve, plus, know that the time to keep up with the various changes takes energy, too.  Once you are posting content to one or more vehicles, there’s a way to reformat that material or upload it to several sources at one time.

Hip The Hoopla's Che Rippinger - Social Media Marketing and PR3.) Tie everything to your web site and keep your site up to date. Social media is great for instant news, but the majority of people are going to (or should) funnel to your site. Keep your meat and potatoes information on your web site. For instance: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ pages) are most easily found as a direct page on your web site, rather than having to scroll through hundreds of Facebook or Twitter posts.

Want MORE tips specifically tailored to what you are encountering with your business or social media issues?

Please call Ché Rippinger who can consult with you onsite, online or via phone. Ask about our new customer promo specials! 303-919-9280, e-mail Che@HipTheHoopla.com, and visit www.ElevatedColor.com/marketing for more info.

Che Rippinger at Elevated Color - Social Media Marketing and PR Consulting

*Need a great web host that is Eco-Friendly and Economical? This site is wind-powered and hosted by Cherished Solutions.

Please check which web service is right for your needs: https://www.cherishedhosting.com/whmcs/aff.php?aff=008


April-Hop Into Spring and Into a Hoop!

Hop to some Spring Hooping with Ché Rippinger and Hip The Hoopla.

Rejuvenate your inner child…who really wants to dance, play and giggle a lot more! Taught with positive, happy encouragement, you’ll be hooping so much easier than you ever thought. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, there are always creative techniques to increase your skills and accelerate your happiness and health. Laughter & dance-adapted yoga are included with a sprinkling of belly dance, and both on and off-body hooping. Classes are Tuesdays at 6:30pm and Saturdays at 10am~RSVP’s are highly encouraged to guarantee your spot. Private lessons and coaching sessions are available. Discounted 5 & 10 class packs are still available, or you can drop in for $15.You are welcome to bring your own hoop(s) or borrow one at class. You can even order your own custom hand-crafted (with love) pro hoop. In-Joy your Hoopy Spring!
Here’s April’s specials:

Also, here is a recent video for some Hip The Hoopla “Hoopspiration”…


For More information, please call 303-980-6295, e-mail Che@HipTheHoopla.com and visit (and Like) us on facebook www.facebook.com/HipTheHoopla

Hip The Hoopla March Madness

Hip The Hoopla Ides of March Poem by Che Rippinger Instructor, Coach, PerformerHappy Ides of March & St. Patrick’s Day!
Blessings~Ché of Hip The Hoopla

Class theme Saturday 3/16 at 10am “Twist”
Info: http://www.facebook.com/events/419603358134654/

Super Cool Things To Do In Denver

Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla- Fun Interesting Things To Do In DenverDenver Has Hooping, Belly Dance, Aerial, Flow, Fire, Circus, Burlesque and More!

Did you know the WOW factor that is our Denver Mile High city (all 5280 feet) hosts all kinds of unique performing and learning feasts? We have a huge community of Hoop dancers, belly dancers, aerialists, flow artists, fire performers, circus presentations and a bustling burlesque community, too!

You don’t have to wait for Cirque du Soleil to set up the big tents for big bucks, either (though they always do a phenomenal show).

Here’s a few unique Denver Area Location Finds, which should be on your radar, even/especially if it’s off the beaten path:

Lannie’s Clock Tower Cabaret (in the heart of downtown Denver downstairs in the infamous Clock Tower Building)–with Naughty Pierre and some luscious shows including burlesque, aerial, comedy, jazz and even drag queens!

Boulder Circus Center (Boulder, Colorado)-flow artistry in the form of shows, classes and more. It’s a two-story building in Boulder built by jugglers and fostered and supported by a huge community of creative people.

The Fusion Factory (Denver, Colorado)-Incredible artwork, artists, shows, parties, and festivals. Home to the Denver Costume Collective and artist potluck nights. Fire spinning, lights, dj’s, original art, body painting, preparation for Burning Man and Apogea (Colorado’s version of Burning Man) are just some of the things you can find at this corner building in Denver warehouse district.

The Mercury Cafe (Denver, Colorado)-an eclectic mix of live music, dance lessons, performances, poetry readings, film screenings–not to mention a sustainable restauant and bar that supports local, fresh healthy delicious organic food with a unique bohemian, elegant artistic atmosphere.

And for some Mind Blowing Events that are eclectic, artistic…and so very far from boring:

Elevation (Golden, Colorado)-an annual experience that brings together amazing belly dance, music, costumes, workshops, shopping and more eyeliner, bindi’s, bellies, glitter, leather, tassels and tribal costumes, than is probably legal.

Spin Summit (Colorado Springs, Colorado)-an annual flow community gathering of international & national & Colorado instructors, performers, healers, creatives & vendors which include such genres as hoop dancing, fire dancing, poi spinning, contact juggling, staff, flow wand and many other things you’ve probably never heard of!

Colorado Raindance Festival (Georgetown, Colorado)-a new Rocky Mountain fundraising festival held at Shadow Mountain Ranch in the historical mountain community of Georgetown (where the infamous Sonic Bloom Festival is held).

Sample, Enjoy and Share these… you just might set off an avalanche of interesting!

~Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla is a hoop, belly, sword and fire dancer. She teaches, performs and coaches, plus creates lovely custom hoops in the Historic Sante Fe Arts District, at Red Elephant Workshop in Denver, Colorado. Connect with her via e-mail Che@HipTheHoopla.com or phone 303-919-9280 to schedule your next bout of creativity! Also follow Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for healthy happy tips, hoopspiration, class news & flow jams.
Ché Rippinger is also the Social Media Marketing & P.R. Consultant for Elevated Color, an industry leader, well-known Fine Art prints shop, color management and G7 Certification Expert, in Denver.



March 2013 Hip The Hoopla – Classes, Specials & Hoop News

Hip The Hoopla humorous hoop dance fitness classes, performances, hoops, private lessons and coachingMARCH 2013
Hip The Hoopla Classes:
3/2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26 & 30

**Classes Tuesdays at 6:30pm & Saturdays at 10am + private session times available**
GET LUCKY– Year/New Self!! Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Merch, Gift Certificates, etc.
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at www.HipTheHoopla.com ♥ and www.facebook.com/HipTheHoopla (please “like” 🙂

March Specials

++One prize drawing in every class in March!
+++One March Student will win a hoop!
++++ **HOOP LOVE UNLIMITED!** 30 days for YOU $75-Unlimited classes ($135 value-save $60! Good for 30 days from purchase date-starting any date in February)
+Personal coaching sessions available (phone or in person!)
…RSVP your classes AND order your custom hoops now! ♥

♥ 2013 Personal Hooping Inspiration Challenge ♥

Submit YOUR story!

How is hooping inspiring you to be better?? It could be laughter,weight, happiness, health improvement…what ever your personal WIN is. Tell us in one quick paragraph…send it in now for your chance to be featured and INSPIRE OTHERS as our “Motivational Mover of the Month”. One winner monthly will a special Hip The Hoopla gift! 

Class Prices:
Drop in prices are $15 — Save big with your class packs, now!! +Class Pack Cards: great $Savings 5 Pack ($50) & 10 Pack ($90) classes, too! Hip Shakin’ Deal: 30 day-unlimited classes $75 (Save $45-$60!)

+PRIVATE Hoop Sessions: Bring your hoop skills to the next level–Fast! Hip The Hoopla Private Hoop Tutoring $40/hour or $60 for 2 hour block ($20 off/regularly $80)–(Please add $5/hour for in-studio rental fee (regularly $10).

+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!


~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂

Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop

Cost: $15 Per class
OR…save lots & buy a Fun Pack….
$50/5 class card (=$10/class, Save $25!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
$90/10 class card (=$9/class!, Save $60!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
$75 UNLIMITED Month- 30 day unlimited classes (Save $45-$60!) (good for 30 days from purchases date)
10 minute personal coaching session~only $10 (phone or in person)

Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.

Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!

Please RSVP your class spot. 24-hour courtesy cancellation required. $5 cancellation fee…goes to charity 🙂 It’s on the good karma honor system.

RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: Che@HipTheHoopla.com 303.980.6295

Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties!

NEW: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!

More info: www.HipTheHoopla.com

Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos. http://www.facebook.com/HipTheHoopla
Also find us on Yelp! http://www.yelp.com/biz/hip-the-hoopla-denver
…and LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/company/hip-the-hoopla
…and YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/ToucheToon
…and Pinterest http://pinterest.com/hipthehoopla/
…and Twitter http://twitter.com/hipthehoopla

Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂

We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2013 is Going to ROCK!!!

♥ Plan NOW to attend Spin Summit 2013–May 2-5-Colorado’s Main Spin/Flow arts conference retreat with classes, performances and a chance to hang with some of the greatest hoopers (including yourself!) in the world ♥ http://www.facebook.com/events/443256059080522 (Please tell them that Che’ of Hip The Hoopla referred you when you register for any or all of the event ~Thanks! 🙂 ♥

♥ March 2013 Hip The Hoopla ♥ http://www.facebook.com/events/419603358134654/
