Posts by Che Rippinger
Strike a Power Pose
Celebrating the divine feminine~Happy International Women’s Day! Let’s all strike a Power Pose of confidence rising. Video link~2 minutes to laugh, smile, and get emotionally stronger:
🌐♀️ #internationalwomensday #powerpose
😆 #laughteryoga #laughteryogaexercise #laughteryogapowerpose
⭕ #hooploveyall from #cherippinger of #hipthehoopla
💫 Special Shout Out to #fabover40hoopcommunity #hoopersunited #idahohoopers #boisehoopers #coloradohoopers #denverhulahoopgroup and my awesome glow guys at #ttglow (Things That Glow)

Acoustic Guitar Hula Hoop Jam

▶️New video release▶️
When you get live acoustic guitar music🎸, you grab a ⭕hula hoop⭕ and jam, of course ‼Che Rippinger of hoop dancing with Bill Owen playing some original guitar music.
Hooper Bowl Jam With Che
Hooper Bowl For Hoop Dance Fans
So for anyone not quite sure of what Hooper Bowl is…It’s where you grab your hoop for the “Super Bowl” and hoop dance to the halftime show…or whenever you want during the big game day. Post your video or photo in the Hooper Bowl Facebook Group or anywhere you want online and hashtag with #hooperbowl Doesn’t matter who you are rooting for. We’re all here to HOOP!
I’ve been participating in Hooper Bowl for several years now. I even started a Facebook group so others had a unified place to gather, post and share their progress…and cheer each other on in their hoop journey.
In past years, I’ve hooped to some great artists, and have had to rewatch the actual halftime show to see the performance spectacular that they put on, and check out the cameo appearances by special guests. This year was a little different! The Weekend performed a musical medley with a red jacket cloned army of backup dancers. I’m not sure what the head bandage message statement has been all about, but the internet memes were plentiful with the bandaged heads looking more like wearing a pair of tighty whities on one’s face.
Dancing in your Underwear??
Hey if someone sings with underwear on their head…and calls it a halftime show, the least I can do is Hoop dance to it! While the game was a bit of a blowout, trying out my new LED Astral Hoops was fun in a small space. And I discovered something that was informative to me (after the fact, of course!): while I can normally hoop in our kitchen just fine with most of my hoop sizes…I’ve been doing it in the other direction. That means that I had side to side dance space. On this round, hooking up a laptop and trying to hardwire with an ethernet cable, I was hooping in the narrow and kept hitting the fridge and feeling very confined.
Isn’t it funny the lessons we learn in retrospect?!
Although The Weekend has some danceable music…I have to say that the Shakira and Jennifer Lopez hip shaking, singing their hearts out, dancing, performance main acts were some of the best in recent years, in my opinion. I guess keeping it different each year with something fresh, is part of the anticipation of the day…like the hype of the Super Bowl television ads, and of course, the actual game.
Hooper Bowl Facebook Group:
For anyone interested in getting one or more Astral Hoops, you can use my discount link code:
And if you want to learn how to hoop…from beginner on up to performing, Hip The Hoopla is your go-to for learning on-body, off-body hoop dancing. All levels welcome.
~Che’ Rippinger, Founder, Chief Hooping Oficer, Professional Hoopsmith (Hoopmaker), Instructor, Perfomer, and Hoop Love Ya’ll Show Host

~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
♥ Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Catch the latest hoop news with Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. Check out the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel for the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show, plus tutorials, performances. Also follow HTH on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Laughter Yoga Power Pose
This is just downright fun to do…and especially if you need a confidence boost! In~Joy!
~Che’ Rippinger, Founder, Chief Hooping Oficer, Professional Hoopsmith (Hoopmaker), Instructor, Perfomer, and Hoop Love Ya’ll Show Host
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
♥ Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Catch the latest hoop news with Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. Check out the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel for the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show, plus tutorials, performances. Also follow HTH on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Laughter Yoga CLOCK Exercise
Got a way to laugh “On The Clock?!” Try this Laughter Yoga Clock Exercise for a minute:
Helps destress, detox, breath deeply and have a good excuse to laugh!
In~Joy! Hoop Love Ya’ll!
~ Che’ Rippinger, Founder of Hip The Hoopla
Certified Laughter Yoga Leader
Please “Thumbs Up” and Subscribe to my channel. And check out more fun Laughter Yoga Exercises:
In ONE minute you can learn this easy Laughter Yoga Clock Exercise so you can quickly Boost your Immune System with a Destressing, Detoxing Oxygenating Breathing technique. So if you want to boost your mood, try this…and increase your happiness!
Power Tip: You can try this throughout your daily routine for a positive boost, because it works as a great way to stretch, greet the day, AND get your brain cells engaged. Join Certified Laughter Yoga Leader with Che’ Rippinger of and let’s start laughing! Live Well. Laugh More.
#LaughterYogaExercise #laughteryogaclock #hipthehoopla
Clock Laughter Yoga Exercise Video Content (Chapters):
:00 Introduction. :07 Canine Company-cute dog cameo
:12 “CLOCK” Laughter Yoga Exercise – breathing and movement technique. :16 Breath in/Inhale moving arms clockwise.
:19 At 12 O’clock Top, Exhale and laugh all the way down.
:26 Repeat Rotation Inhaling Up and in and Exhale Laughing Out and Down. :28 Last Clock Breath.
:44 Concluding the Laughter Yoga Exercise with a Hand Clap “Very Good, Very Good, Yay!” Repeat 2 times. *
Sharing Health, Humor and hula hooping information and tutorials in a fun, entertaining, and personable way.
♥ For more positive ways to move and get motivated, check out the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show with Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla, bringing you happy Health, Humor and hula Hooping hints and hacks that you can try…and Share, today!
♦Please ✔SUBSCRIBE ( notifications ON)🔔, Hit the “LIKE” BUTTON 👍, AND SHARE🌟 ( ) Sharing is caring💞! Thank you so much 🤗 ~Che’, Founder of Hip The Hoopla ♥
@hipthehoopla on Instagram & Twitter
• MORE Laughter Yoga Exercises:
• Wake Up And Sun Shine stretch sessions:
• Watch the #stepupandshine series playlist on YouTube:
• Hoop Love Ya’ll Show FULL Playlist on YouTube:
• Hoop Tutorials you might enjoy learning from: • Hoop Performances:
• Hoop Jam Sessions:
• The Matador Hoop Tutorial: Have someone who needs a smile, hug or some positive energy? Sharing is caring 💞. ***Share this video:
♥ Thank you for watching ♥
~Che’ Rippinger, Founder, Chief Hooping Oficer, Professional Hoopsmith (Hoopmaker), Instructor, Perfomer, and Hoop Love Ya’ll Show Host
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
♥ Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Catch the latest hoop news with Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. Check out the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel for the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show, plus tutorials, performances. Also follow HTH on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
“Finger Twist” Hoop Trick Tutorial
Brand new short “Finger Twist” off-body hoop trick tutorial! 💞Thank you for watching, hitting “Thumbs Up” and Subscribing to my channel for more great videos.
#hooptutorial #hooptricks #learntohoop #howtohoop #learnhooping
Video Link To Share:
~Che’ Rippinger, Founder, Chief Hooping Oficer, Professional Hoopsmith (Hoopmaker), Instructor, Perfomer, and Hoop Love Ya’ll Show Host
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
♥ Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Catch the latest hoop news with Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. Check out the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel for the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show, plus tutorials, performances. Also follow HTH on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Side Break Wrap Hoop Combo Tutorial
Want an aerobically challenging hula hoop combination? This “SIDE WRAP TWIST” combines waist hooping, and directional side pinch breaks, with a flowing arm wrap (that is also a part of a fun Laughter Yoga exercise!). This will get your heart rate up and brain cells churning too!
Check out the Laughter Yoga Side Twist Wrap (as part of this combo):
And for a tutorial filled with great on-body hooping tips and tricks:
Hoop Love Ya’ll with Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla
Sharing Health, Humor and hula hooping information and tutorials in a fun, entertaining, and personable way.
♥Hoop Love Ya’ll Show with Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla, bringing you happy Health, Humor and hula Hooping hints and hacks that you can try…and Share, today! #hooploveyall #LaughterYoga
Please ▶️Subscribe to this channel, turn “Notifications On”🔔 and hit the 👍”Thumbs Up”~Thank you for watching! ♥
@hipthehoopla on Instagram & Twitter
🌐Please 💞share💞 this video:
Thank you for watching ‼
Happy Hooping ⭕‼⭕
Che’ Rippinger, Founder of

~Che’ Rippinger, Founder, Chief Hooping Oficer, Professional Hoopsmith (Hoopmaker), Instructor, Perfomer, and Hoop Love Ya’ll Show Host
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
♥ Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Catch the latest hoop news with Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. Check out the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel for the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show, plus tutorials, performances. Also follow HTH on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
FAKING IT Laughter Yoga Exercise
“FAKE IT” Laughter Yoga Exercise-Destress/Detox/Oxygenate & Energize
Let’s “FAKE IT”…pretend Laughter can make for a great Laughter Yoga Exercise so you can quickly and easily Destress, Detox, Oxygenate & Energize!
Even if you only have a few minutes, this Laughter Yoga exercise can boost your oxygen level, and increase your happiness.
PowerTip: You can try this thoroughout your daily routine for a positive boost, because it works as a great way to stretch, greet the day, AND get your brain cells engaged. Join Certified Laughter Yoga Leader with Che’ Rippinger of and let’s start laughing!
Live Well. Laugh More.
#LaughterYogaExercise #fakeit #hipthehoopla
*Sharing Health, Humor and hula hooping information and tutorials in a fun, entertaining, and personable way.
♥ For more positive ways to move and get motivated, check out the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show with Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla, bringing you happy Health, Humor and hula Hooping hints and hacks that you can try…and Share, today!
♦Please ✔SUBSCRIBE ( notifications ON)🔔, Hit the “LIKE” BUTTON 👍, AND SHARE🌟 ( ) Sharing is caring💞! Thank you so much 🤗
~Che’, Founder of Hip The Hoopla
@hipthehoopla on Instagram & Twitter
• MORE Laughter Yoga Exercises:
• Wake Up And Sun Shine stretch sessions:
• Watch the #stepupandshine series playlist on YouTube:
• Hoop Love Ya’ll Show FULL Playlist on YouTube:
• Hoop Tutorials you might enjoy learning from:
• Hoop Performances:
• Hoop Jam Sessions:
• The Matador Hoop Tutorial:
Have someone who needs a smile, hug or some positive energy? Sharing is caring 💞.
Share this video: , Hit the “LIKE” BUTTON 👍, AND SHARE🌟 ( )
♥ Thank you for watching ♥

~Che’ Rippinger, Founder, Chief Hooping Oficer, Professional Hoopsmith (Hoopmaker), Instructor, Perfomer, and Hoop Love Ya’ll Show Host
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
♥ Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Catch the latest hoop news with Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. Check out the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel for the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show, plus tutorials, performances. Also follow HTH on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
What Hoop Should I Get?
How do I pick a hula hoop? What size hoop should I get? What kind of hoop should I get? Where can I get a hula hoop that is right for me and my needs? Or what hoop to get as a gift for someone else?
So you want to hula hoop but don’t know where to start. O.K…let’s talk hoops! Here’s some hoop information for total beginners, to help you figure out what hoop is right for you.
1.) My first recommendation is to invest in a Good Quality Professionally Made Hoop (like the custom hand crafted hoops by Hip The Hoopla!) — if you want the Best Success, and want to stick with it. You can just buy an inexpensive toy store hoop, but they are made for kids who can destroy them quickly, with really cheap tubing, and can break very easily. They are also usually too light, and small for most adults to use, especially if you want to do waist hooping and core fitness.

2.) My second professional bit of hoop advice is do not use a “weighted” hoop. Here’s why…
• 1st reason: You don’t actually need that added weight to get a great workout. With a good instruction (learn how to hoop with Hip The Hoopla), practicing particular moves, or just jamming to your favorite tunes, a non-weighted/regular pro dance hoop will have you hooping longer.
• The next reason that I’d recommend you don’t use a “sport”/weighted hoop can cause injury/bruising. When you are first learning, you will be improving your technique, increasing your stamina and developing great foundation for your hoop dance skills, with dedicated practice. If you are bruised or super sore the next day…you might not pick up your hoop, the next day, or the next day after that! You wouldn’t walk into a gym, and just start power weight lifting hundreds of pounds, without building up some strength and stamina with lower weights first, right?!
• Lastly, weighted hoops are extremely limiting, if you want to progress and grow in your hoop dance journey. This is simply because they are too heavy and cumbersome to maneuver easily and without extra strain on your body.
Are you still feeling a little hoop confused? That’s o.k. I’m here to help you be Goldilocks and find something that is “just right”…For You, and what your hoop goals are.
In case you are interested, I do a hoop consultation* (by phone, video chat, or in person) and even might have a special introductory private lesson special (if you ask), to your help build your hoop knowledge and make a smart purchase decision.
*Why would I give you my hard-earned insider professional knowledge? I want to get you on the right track. I didn’t have anyone to sit down with me and give me a bunch of good advice, based on what I actually wanted or needed!
I had to figure it all out for myself.
It’s taken many years of time (since 2008) and considerable expense, to learn what I know.
I can help you SHORTCUT the hoop decision and hoop buying process–so you can feel empowered, knowledgeable, and get the most bang for your buck!
FYI: Hooping is not cookie cutter. It’s not “one size fits all…and some, better than others.” When you get information from me, you’ll quickly understand and appreciate why your path is unique, and what you may want to select to get started. You’ll also learn what may be different options as you learn and grow.
So, just when you thought weight, or where to get a good professionally made hoop from a reputable hoop maker was all you needed to know…
There are other considerations as well. The type of tubing matters greatly: in weight, durability and the way your hoop performs. Some of the main types of tubing are: 1.) PE tubing 2.) HDPE and 3.) Polypro
Now then…Even if you thought all of your choices were already exhausted…
But WAIT, There’s More!!!
You have taped versus naked (non-taped) hoops, AND the vast varieties of tapes and what the reasons, plus pros and cons of each are. That’s a whole ‘nother rabbit hole of “wow, grippy, pretty, shiny, sparkly, patterned, UV, glow in the dark, exponential possibilities.
Finding what’s right for you may take some time and research, to make a good decision to get something that you are hopefully are going to love and use for many years to come.
My philosophy is to give you really solid information, based on my many years of professional experience. Yes, I would love it if you buy from me. But really I want you as a happy client, (and positive recommendation) for life. I want to see you grow and develop…and stick with it, if you find hooping as addictive, enjoyable, and as full of variety, as I do.
As I mentioned earlier, hooping is a journey, and it is very personal. It’s based on your unique experiences, what you are going through, what your goals are, and your own personality and style. Some people use hooping as a form of meditation. For some it’s about fitness or losing weight. For others, it’s a way out of depression, or method to destress and detox.
Whatever hooping is for you, that’s what your hoop choice can represent.
Oh, an one more thing…there’s no rule that you can only have ONE hoop! (Insert Happy Dance Here.) You can have different sizes weights, tapes, travel capabilities, colors, and even multis for “multi hooping”…using more than one hoop at the same time. Your experience level may help shape your choices at the beginning. But then you’ll find yourself grabbing different hoops, depending on your mood or what you want to work on that day.
I wish you many blessings and hope our circles unite at some point (maybe even right now if you book a hoop consultation with me). Happy Hooping!
~Che’ Rippinger, Founder, Chief Hooping Officer, Professional Hoopsmith (Hoopmaker), Instructor, Perfomer, and Hoop Love Ya’ll Show Host
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
♥ Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Catch the latest hoop news with Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. Check out the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel for the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show, plus tutorials, performances. Also follow HTH on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Camera Tips and Tricks
No matter if you just want to capture video for personal use or you want to go viral, here’s some helpful camera tips and tricks to be successful. Join Hip The Hoopla Founder Che Rippinger for information to get you camera ready. Check out more course learning.
For more how to videos please visit the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel and make sure to subscribe and get notifications for new videos, too!

~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
♥ Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Catch the latest hoop news with Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. Check out the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel for the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show, plus tutorials, performances. Also follow HTH on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)