Posts by Che Rippinger
3 Reasons To Video Yourself with Camera Tips and Tricks
Here’s 3 reasons to video yourself, plus a video full of Camera Tips and Tricks to help you ease in, and do it.
Getting on camera can be hard at first, but like anything: with practice, it gets more familiar, more comfortable, and yes…EASIER!!!
3 Reasons why you should video yourself:
1.) See your progress over time. When you can’t see instant gratification in the moment, these are snapshots to document your improvement.
2.) See what you can improve on. Don’t let your inner critic have a party, at the expense of your psyche. There are always things we can realistically notice and tweak ever so slightly to see the changes we want.
3.) Catch yourself doing RIGHT a.k.a Cool Things you didn’t even know you were doing, before you got to capture some of your own personal magic.
▶️Watch this video for great tricks to get on video:
🌟Learn more about how to Build Your Confidence through Hooping and Performance Course:
📩Join our Inner Circle Email and get a FREE GIFT:
💫⭕Join the Happy Hooping Habit monthly membership⭕💫 to get happy, healthy and hula Hooping with a library of On Demand classes, a supportive community, and group coaching:
Try a Guided Hoop Flow
*NEW* LIVE guided 1 hour movement meditation hula hoop jam session to try. Grab your ⭕ hoop ⭕ for gentle relaxed guided hoop flow (no teaching).
#flowsession #hoopdance #relaxationtechniques #meditation #movementtherapy
Free Hoop Class
Free ⭕class⭕! Learn To Hoop at Art Circle Library-Crossville, TN Thursday, May 25th at 10 am. Please call library to RSVP your spot 931-484-6790.
All levels welcome. There will be hoops to use, or you can bring what you have. (I make awesome custom hand crafted pro dance hoops, too!)

15 Second Video Demo/Info:
👍 Video and please ▶️Subscribe to channel for tutorials and great tips. Thank you ⭕👍😁
Can’t make, or missed this class?
Come learn online with
Join the Happy Hooping Habit monthly membership for greater success with with on Demand classes, support, camaraderie, community and coaching…and the Best Deal!
Foot Hooping: How to Hula Hoop On Your Foot!
Learn how to hula hoop ON YOUR FOOT (or Feet!) with 10 ESSENTIAL “Foot Hooping” tips, tricks techniques to help you successfully “Foot Hoop” fast, with Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla. Experience the super fun and healthy benefits of hooping and happy living — visit http://www.HipTheHoopla. com — for classes, performances & custom hoops!
Ready to Hoop? You can join The Happy Hoop Habit *now*… and get the full “Intro To Foot Hooping Class” included!
Even if you’re not hoop ready quite Yet, get our Inner Circle E-mail with tutorials and Free Gift:

10 Essential Tips To Hoop On Feet Successfully:
- ♥ Start the hoop rotating on your hand.
- ♥ Slide pointed foot up the arm (keep foot and arm connected TOGETHER as ONE rotation point!), into the hoop, and slide the hand out.
- ♥ Go Barefoot! 🙂 Better grip!
- ♥ Use a mat to protect your spine and joints.
- ♥ Hoop on the instep of your foot (toe hooping is harder to control, and keep on the foot).
- ♥ You can do a hoop “break”–sending the hoop in the opposite direction by tapping the non-hooping foot on the outside of the hoop–quickly and gently.
- ♥ Watch your FACE! The hoop will be coming down unexpectedly while you are mastering this new trick. A Smaller, LIGHTER Hoop is recommended for this reason! FYI: Smaller and lighter will rotate faster, but hurts less when it bonks you!
- ♥ The hoop will also be flying off of your foot when starting…probably a Lot…move breakables and keep practicing! 🙂
- ♥ When the hoop slides down the ankle, slide other foot in and up and catch hoop back on the instep of either of your feet .
- ♥ You can move the foot hooping leg to angles by flexing your foot (Flexing acts as a “foot break”…when you point the foot it will release the hoop–so you can catch it, toss it, or transition into other moves!
For more information on hooping, hoop dance, custom professional hoops, group classes, private lessons, coaching, or to book for performances and events, please visit Hip The Hoopla is all about increasing your health and happiness through hooping and humor. If this resonates with you, please give us a call! #foothooping #howtofoothoop #foothooptricks
Video Highlights:
0:00 How to Get “Foot Hooping” Tips and Tricks Introduction
0:09 How to Start the Hoop Rotation to Put on Foot
0:20 The Mermaid/Water Movement Technique
0:40 How to get the Foot into the Rotating Hoop
0:49 How to do a Foot Break to Change Rotation Direction
1:00 Practice Time / Hoop Flying Warning
1:09 Importance of Rhythm and Consistent Timing
1:20 How to Switch Feet /Get Hoop Rotating on Both Feet Technique
1:42 Do Socks Help Foot Hooping? IMPORTANT FOOT HOOPING TIP
2:20 Foot Hooping Is A Great Ab Workout!
2:27 How to Turn While Foot Hooping
2:53 Foot Hooping Recovery Technique for Hoop Coming Down from toe to ankle
3:18 How to Start Foot Hooping with Kick Up Position Technique (Hoop hook, with push/pull movement) 4:18 Fab Over 40 Hoop Group
4:26 Love to Connect and Learn More? Visit to learn from Master Dance Instructor Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla
– Enjoy Hooping & Welcome To The Circle ♥ O ♥
♥ SHARE This Video: “Fabulous EASY Foot Hooping Tips and Tricks”
• Standing Foot/Leg Hooping Tutorial:
• Hoop Tutorials you might enjoy learning from:
• Hoop Performances:
• Hoop Jam Sessions:
• Laughter Yoga Exercises:
• The “WRAP WINDER COMBO” hoop dance combo using snake arms:
• Learn How To Hoop/Best Waist Hooping Techniques:
• The Corkscrew Combo Tutorial:
• Hoop Love Ya’ll Show FULL Playlist on YouTube:
♥ Check out the latest blog posts:
♥ Please *SUBSCRIBE* to this channel, turn “Notifications On” and hit the “Thumbs Up” on this video! ♥ Thank you for watching! ~Che’
♥ @hipthehoopla on Instagram & Twitter Join in our “Inner Circle” and get “Whirled News” e-mail plus a free gift:

Join Now:
Join The Happy Hoop Habit *now*… and get the full “Intro To Foot Hooping Class” included!
Get Our E-mail and Free Gift:
Favorite Hula Hoop Tip
One of my *Favorite*
⭕hula hoop⭕ tips EVER! …From one of the best hula hoop dancers in the world!
#hooptip #hulahooping #hulahoops #hulahoopvideo #hooptutorial
#learntohoop #howtohulahoop #hoopdance
⭕💞 #hooploveyall from #cherippinger of #hipthehoopla 💞⭕
✔🌟Get 10 Ways To Get and Stay Motivated:
⭕Get into the Happy Hooping Habit⭕
How To Get Great Breaks
Want GREAT BREAKS*?! New 45 Minute Hula Hoop Workshop with building blocks techniques, plus great tips and tricks to go from grip breaks, to open hand and pinch breaks, fake shoulder hooping, learn how dancers “spot”, and even try barrel turns and angle hooping! All levels welcome ⭕
⭕ (As a single workshop)
💫⭕Included in the Happy Hooping Habit monthly membership:
*HINT: Twisting really helps to get the timing and stop the wobble/drop.
ALSO HELPFUL: Starting with a rock technique, and graduating to toss technique (I teach those to get them much faster and easier!).

#learntohoop #howtohulahoop #hoopbreaks #learnhooping #hooplessons with #cherippinger of #hipthehoopla
World Hoop Day Dance 2022
Learn the official World Hoop Day dance choreography from this video tutorial
😁 Celebrate World Hoop Day 2022 and beyond by giving hula hoops to kids of all ages, teaching and sharing our love of hoop dance all around the globe!
Q: What Is World Hoop Day? A: World Hoop Day is a non profit annual celebration that helps get hoops into the hands of kids in need of all ages, all over the world to share hula hoop dance, happy physical activity, positive mental and emotional benefits, a global community community of support and world peace.
Q: When is the World Hoop Day Celebration? A: Happy World Hoop Day every day (and scheduled officially the 1st Saturday in October).
Q: Where is the World Hoop Day Celebration? A: ANYWHERE in the World you can celebrate on your own, attend a gathering or host your own event!
Q: How can I Connect with other hoopers and learn more about hoop dance? A: Join us on Facebook at
Learn Hooping for any level, ability age, size, gender:
🌐⭕The Official World Hoop Day Dance 2022
▶️ Check the World Hoop Day Playlist for Free Training and Workshops for WHD 2022 ▶️🌐⭕ World Hoop Day Playlist (FULL):
🎶🌐⭕World Hoop Day Dance 2022 original song download link :
#worldhoopdaydance2022 #worldhoopday2022 #worldhoopday #worldhoopdayusa
#hooptuts #hooptutorials #hoopdancetutorial #hoopchoreography #hoopdance
Celebrating 10 Years Together
On a personal note…just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary…💞 Love, music and hooping! ▶️

10 Years Together
Splits With Doggie

Splits with my cone head doggie. And some actual splits tips in this quick tutorial video:
Hoop Wrap Dance Combo
NEW ⭕HOOP WRAP COMBO*⭕ :15 second VIDEO: Subscribe, Comment and 👍. 💞In~Joy😁
Shhh … It’s a quiet slinky, sultry, small space ⭕Hula Hoop Combo you can learn* utilizing some creative Wrap moves, dance transitions, and movement technique.💃 This dance combination is demonstrated with a small hoop, in a small space. This combo can also be performed with various other hoop sizes.
With a larger/heavier hoop, go through the movement sequence slower.👍
#hoopcombo #hoopdance #hoopdancetutorial #hoopwrap
💫⭕ You can rewatch this video on a continual loop to learn and practice at your own best pace.
💞 Hoop Love Ya’ll ⭕
🌟Please 👍comment positviely👍 below how you are incorporating hoop dance (or other activity that brings you joy) into your daily health practice*.
😁Subscribe✔–thank you💞
In-Joy❣ ⭕ ~ Che’ Rippinger
*Want to learn ⭕hooping?
Join the 💫”Happy Hooping Habit” 💫 to build your hoop skills, dance, creativity and confidence with humorous and supportive Hip The Hoopla instructor Che’ Rippinger at http://
#vortex #hulahooping #shorts #gripvortex #hooptricks #hulahoop #hooping #hooptricks #hoop #hoopdance
0:00 Hula hoop dance wrap combo demonstration
0:07 Wrap Dance Combo Review & Repeat
0:14 ▶️Learn with Che
Enjoy even more Health, Humor and hula hooping information and tutorials in a fun, entertaining, and personable way…
♥ For more positive ways to move and get motivated, check out the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show with Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla, bringing you happy Health, Humor and hula Hooping hints and hacks that you can try…and Share, today!
♦Please ✔✔✔*Subscribe* to this channel, turn “Notifications On” and hit the 👍”Thumbs Up”
~Thank you for watching! 💞
@hipthehoopla on Instagram & Twitter
• Hoop Tutorials you might enjoy learning from:
• Laughter Yoga Exercises:
• Wake Up And Sun Shine stretch sessions:
• Watch the #stepupandshine series playlist on YouTube:
• Hoop Love Ya’ll Show FULL Playlist on YouTube:
• Hoop Performances:
• Hoop Jam Sessions:
• The Matador Hoop Tutorial:
• Learn How To Hoop/Best Waist Hooping Techniques:
Have someone who needs a smile, hug or some positive energy? Sharing is caring.
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♥ Thank you for watching! ♥