Posts Tagged ‘Travel Hoop’
How To Open And Close A Travel Hula Hoop
Are you traveling with a collapsible hoop? You need to know this! Here’s how to properly and SAFELY open and close a travel hula hoop. This is very important! AND Depending on the type of hoop you have you may have to open it differently.

Figure 8 /Infinity Hoop – so named because this is the shape ot goes into before it gets folded up.
Push Button Connector Hoop – this coils in to collapse. Some hoops may not be able to double coil in but may only go 1 1/2 times in and you can either tape, tie, velcro, or bungee to hold a smaller shape.
Friction Fit Hoop – connects like a push button hoop but the tubing and connector fits snugly without a push button.
⭕ ONLY uncoil or collapse a hoop in room temperature! Failure to do so may crack or break hoop, and or stress or break connectors.
⭕ Do not leave hoop in collapsed position.
⭕ For best care, do not leave hoop in hot or cold places (like a car)! Plastic tubing can become brittle, crack and break in cold, or warp and melt in heat. Tapes will also have better longevity and good performance, plus continue looking Good with careful care with room temperatures and hooping on smooth surfaces.