4 Simply Excellent Hoop/Dance/aka Life Tricks

Hip The Hoopla-Che Rippinger“You want me to move WHAT…While…Hooping??!”

Some things in hooping, dance & life…are just a mental hurdle. Hip The Hoopla offers 4 positive easy tips here to help in whatever you are trying to get through. Remember, hooping is just a metaphor for life. In-Joy!

1.) Visualize.

Most people grab the hoop and go. Sometimes when you take a few minutes to visualize yourself doing a particular thing beautifully, your body will actually engage successfully, much more quickly. FYI: the brain drops the same chemicals in the body, whether you are visualizing OR physically doing the activity.

2.) Set your hoop down.

Yep. Simplify it down to one basic activity. Just get the movement you are trying to achieve…WITHOUT your hoop. It may seem like you are underachieving at your over-achiever “I can do this faster” status, but give it a try, and watch your results miraculously improve.

3.) The secret trick to “Layering”

…is realizing that success is getting One Thing. Understand that “layering” is the result of getting many “one things,” individually and excellently, and then putting them all together. Give yourself permission to just get one thing, even when something else comes in and also goes out on that try. Eventually you will get them all going, all together, and successfully, with…


Yep. The more you do something, guess what…THE BETTER YOU GET. Amazingly simple, but true. Ya didn’t walk out of your momma’s womb, doing the Saturday Night Fever dance, did you?? Heck, you couldn’t even turn over on your belly, or walk on your own. After some hand-holding and probably bumping into a few table corners with your head, and falling down, you sorta got to walking. And just a few years later… look at you now!

~Ché Rippinger is a certified hoop instructor and certified Laughter Yoga leader, with a dance background including belly dance, teaching with Hip The Hoopla (She’s also the  cartoonist of Touche’! Cartoons and relationship humor writer/columnist of Dating And Hand Grenades, too).
If you want to know more about classes, special deals, hooping, health, happiness, hoops, private lessons, coaching, or performances, please contact Che@HipTheHoopla.com & 303-980-6295. Also, please find even more “Hoopspiration” when you “like” www.facebook.com/HipTheHoopla and please bookmark www.HipTheHoopla.com

♥ Thank You. Blessings in your success ♥