Why can’t I keep this Hoop UP?

Learn to Hoop Dance With Hip The Hoopla If your hoop is falling down to the ground every time you try to waist hoop, it may be the size and weight of your hoop. Try these tips..https://hipthehoopla.com/?p=3338

Question: Why can’t I keep this Hoop UP?

Answer: If your hoop is falling down to the ground every time you try to waist hoop, it may have to do with the size and weight of your hoop. If you are trying to keep a hoop up on your waist (“waist hooping”) with a small, light, cheap toy (or kid’s size) hoop…definitely try a larger, slightly heavier* hoop.

• Having a good Hoop Size for You is one aspect of keeping a hoop up.
• Learning good hooping technique, will greatly help.
• Of course Practice, will get you much better at keeping the hoop up. Lots of practice. Keep at it!

*P.S. Do not use a “weighted” hoop! Here’s why:
• It will probably be too much weight, and more than you need to successfully hoop, when you learn GOOD basic Technique.
• Weighted hoops can more easily cause bruising, especially if you use it for more time than you are used to (which, when you start, is ANY amount of time!).
• You can outgrow it quickly when you get better!

Try these PRO Tips:
• Get an ADULT size hoop.
Get advice for the size you need based on your GOALS.
Not every size hoop is right for every body.
• You can do different things with different Size* hoops.
• A larger heavier hoop is more ideal for beginners to start with when learning how to hoop on on your waist.
Smaller, lighter hoops can be great for off-body movements.
• A hybrid hoop may be a happy medium to accomplish both On-Body hooping AND Off-Body hooping.
*SIZE is based on YOUR individual needs and skill level. The better you get with your technique, you may prefer moving to smaller lighter hoops.
Larger, heavier hoops rotate slower, and are thus usually easier for beginners to have success with learning how to hoop.
Small, light hoops move Faster–which is great when you practice and advance your techniques.

If you want to know where you can get hoops custom made, especially for your needs… that will really help you reach your fitness and hooping goals, Hip The Hoopla is a great place to go, for pro advice and recommendations on sizing, tubing, tapes. Order/Pick up locally in Crossville, TN, or connect online for your own hoop consultation. Connect: http://www.HipTheHoopla.com    


If you want to know…
Question: What size hoop is right for me? (Answer…)
Question: Can I use a kid’s hoop? (Answer…)
Question: Why can’t I keep this hoop up? (Answer…)
Question: Where Can I get a GOOD hoop? (Answer…)

P.S. Hip The Hoopla can help you:
•Get the right hoop.
•Learn how to use a hoop.
•Have fun DANCING with your hula hoop.

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Learn to Hoop Dance With Hip The Hoopla If your hoop is falling down to the ground every time you try to waist hoop, it may be the size and weight of your hoop. Try these tips..https://hipthehoopla.com/?p=3338