Posts Tagged ‘hoop isolation’
Hula Hoop Isolation Success Drill
Want to make the hardest part of a great hula hoop Isolation move EASIER? Try this hoop isolation hand drill to master the “Rainbow Over The Top” (half) of the isolation hoop trick. Make sure to practice on BOTH sides (left and right). This is my favorite way to finally master clean isolations. Have fun with this! ******************************************************************
Try this wrist flexibility, dexterity and timing exercise if you…
•Work on a computer
•Play a musical instrument
•Play sports
•Do crafts
•Lift anything throughout your day
•Use your hands and wrists in any way
Wrist Benefits:
•Prevent injury
•Warm up wrists before movement
•Help wrist range of motion
•Improve coordination
•Increase flexibility
•Improve movement stamina and endurance
•Build strength
Who knew “hula hooping” had so many useful benefits in other areas of your regularly active life?!
P.S. This is also a GREAT drill for getting your hoop isolation movement clean and smooth…especially in the tough part (the top half of the rotation).
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How can you drill for more beautiful Isolations?