Posts Tagged ‘Hoop class’
JULY-Hip The Hoopla Classes & Specials
**Hip the Hoopla – Humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes**
“Inspiring you on the inside, so you can shine on the outside.”
*Tuesdays 6:30pm & Saturdays 10am + Private sessions + Specials!
Please “Like” Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for up to date class info, specials, jam postings, videos, and HTH news:
July HTH classes: 3, 7, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31–
*NO 7/10 HTH Class–we’ll be at Red Rocks for Che’s Hooping Bachelorette party-you’re invited!
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~July Specials~
~Attend all the healthy hooping Hip The Hoopla classes you want in a month for only $50! That can get classes even more affordable!! (Like paying for some and getting the rest FREE!) (good for one month/30 days from date purchased 🙂
~July Hoop Tutoring $30/hour or $50 for 2 hour block–Private sessions normally $40/hour (in-studio is extra to rent space).
~July~special surprises (good ones 😉 at each class!
Denver A-List–Please VOTE asap!
PLEASE vote for either Red Elephant Workshop (where HTH classes are)
OR Hip The Hoopla (we’re in the same category-you can only choose one)
June Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule & Specials
**Hip the Hoopla – Humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes**
“Inspiring you on the inside, so you can shine on the outside.”
*Tuesdays 6:30pm & Saturdays 10am + Private sessions + Specials!
* June Class Dates: June 2, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 30 (Wkdy+Wknd)*
*Please “Like” Hip The Hoopla on facebook for up to date class info, specials, jam postings, videos, and HTH news:
*Note NO HTH class Tues. 6/4, 6:30pm–HIP THE HOOPLA will be supporting the “The SPIN SUMMIT” Colorado Flow/Hoop Retreat–and you are invited! Special ticket info:
*Also NO 6/26 HTH Class–supporting the visiting Ninja Hoops 2 day workshop in Denver
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~June Summer Sassy Splashy Special~
~Attend all the healthy hooping Hip The Hoopla classes you want in a month for only $44! That can get classes even more affordable!! (Like paying for some and getting the rest FREE!) (good for one month from date purchased 🙂
~June Bring a Buddy Better Body Deal~
Buy one class get 2nd half off–use for you just you for two classes or a bring a buddy to one class-$18/2 classes -save $6! 🙂
~June Hoop Tutoring $30/hour or $50 for 2 hour block–Private sessions normally $40/hour (in-studio is extra to rent space).
Denver A-List–Please VOTE asap!
PLEASE vote for either Red Elephant Workshop (where HTH classes are)
OR Hip The Hoopla (we’re in the same category-you can only choose one)
“The Hooping Life” Movie Premiere in Denver! Saturday May 5th 10am-3pm
(**note: Hip The Hoopla will be supporting this major Denver Event…No Sat. 5/5 10am class )
We’ve waited two years to see this in Denver, Colorado…and here it is!!!
– w/ Original Music by Basement Jaxx
Presented by The Denver Art & Flow Community ♥ Holly Hoops …
Plus vending from Hip The Hoopla and others–Great show specials and surprises!
Come enjoy your love of hooping, or learn about how to do it…and spend your Cinco De Mayo & Kentucky Derby day celebrating with us!! We will be hoop jamming, too!
Click here for Saturday’s Event details
Vendors: 10 a.m.
Performances: 12 noon
Movie Premiere: 1:30 p.m.
Tickets are $15 in advance, and $20 at the door.
$10 tickets available for those with little ones who want to stop by and join the hoop jam, check out the vendors, meet the performers and see the performances.
(Movie is for 16+ only please)
((Ticket Sales and Details will be posted shortly :))
You’ve been waiting and it’s finally here in DENVER!!!! Yep, The Hooping Life premiere will be held at the cozy Oriental Theater in the Highlands. What lays before you is a beautiful Saturday Morning and Afternoon filled with vendors, incredible performances, live VJ and Artist, Raffles/Door Prizes, Food & Drink, Workshops and the opportunity to connect with fellow artists, hoopers and your community.
~*~Very Special Live Performances!
4/21/12 Earth Day Deal
Hip The Hoopla Class Special
Earth Day Weekend
Earth Day may be Sunday, but we’re celebrating it Hip The Hoopla style on Saturday 4/21 at 10am! Part of “April’s Birthday Surprises Month”…25% off class AND free local seeds and organic herbs! Tree-huggers, hoopers, dancers & newbies all welcome!
April-Birthday Month-long Celebration!
April Class Dates & Times (B-day class 4/3 :)-
April 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, (Tues. 6:30pm + Sat. 10am)
~APRIL-Birthday Celebration Month:
One person from each April class wins a half price buddy pass for their next class! And other surprises, too! (It’s Che’s birthday on April 3 and we’re celebrating ALL month!)
Also you can’t beat the Limited time available…
NEW Monthly special: Attend all the Hip The Hoopla classes you want for only $44! That can get classes down to under $5 each!! (Like paying for almost 4 classes and getting the rest FREE!) (good for one month from date purchased)
“Get Lucky” with Hip The Hoopla’s March Drawing Denver Hoop Classes & Specials!
March Class Dates & Times:
March 3, 6, 10, 13, 20, 24, 27, 31 (Tues. 6:30pm + Sat. 10am)
(NO CLASS Sat. 3/17–I will be in Denver’s 50th Annual St.Patrick’s Day Parade–come out to see us hoop & “spin”)
~MARCH is “Get Lucky Month”
Each class attendance=1 contest entry; bring a guest and you get a bonus entry and they get one too! 🙂
All class attendees are in the running to win:
1st prize: A hand-crafted Hip The Hoopla hoop ($60+ value, really…priceless 😉
2nd prize: One month of unlimited Hip The Hoopla classes @ Red Elephant ($108 value)
3rd prize: One free class ($12 value)
NEW Monthly special:
Attend all the Hip The Hoopla classes you want for only $44! That can get classes down to under $5 each!! (good for one month from date purchased)
Unlimited Hip The Hoopla Classes: 1 month-$44!
NEW Monthly special*:
Attend all the Hip The Hoopla classes you want for only $44 (up to a $108 value–$64 or 60% off)! That can get classes down to under $5 each!!
*Act now…offer is only for a limited time 🙂
**Good for one month from date purchased.
***Redeemable at Red Elephant Workshop.
Valentine’s Special!
Hip The Hoopla February Classes/Deals: Tuesdays 6:30pm + Saturdays 10am
Happy Hoop Love Loyalty Month–
Hip The Hoopla February Class Dates & Times:
February 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 (+ Tues. 6:30pm + Sat. 10am)
~FEBRUARY Hoop Love Loyalty Deal:
ALL Returning Hip The Hoopla students–We LOVE Your Loyalty! $2 off any February class!* (no limit 🙂
~PLUS…new students & guests get a $2 credit for their next class!
(*If you’ve already purchased a class package, you’ll get a $2 credit at each Feb. class attended, to use for future classes or a custom hoop order!).
Class Location Change Sat. 1/28/12
Hip The Hoopla hoops the park Sat. 1/28/12: 10am-Class, 11am-jam/practice
This is a special outdoor workshop/class lead by Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla, with some belly dance and hoop choreography for a new Hip The Hoopla performance troupe. A jam session will be following. Suggested $5-10 (or more ;)~ donations are welcome & appreciated, Funds will go to the advancement of this new hoop troupe 🙂 (Regular class price in the studio is $12)
Goal of Hip The Hoopla’s hoop troupe: Infuse hoop, belly dance, laughter & positive energy to a professional performance group of dancers. Adults of all levels welcome.
Please bring your own hoops, and extras, if you have them to share. Some hoops will be available to use if you don’t have one.
Definitely bring a yoga mat, towel or blanket–I do not have extras of these. Also bring water for yourself, and healthy munchies for energy. Layers will be key as it may start out a bit sunny and cool. I personally use small gloves with rubber grip that I like to use for outdoor hooping. You bring/wear/do whatever works best for you 🙂
Che’ Rippinger, Chief Hooping Officer of Hip The Hoopla