Posts Tagged ‘classes’
April-Birthday Month-long Celebration!
April Class Dates & Times (B-day class 4/3 :)-
April 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, (Tues. 6:30pm + Sat. 10am)
~APRIL-Birthday Celebration Month:
One person from each April class wins a half price buddy pass for their next class! And other surprises, too! (It’s Che’s birthday on April 3 and we’re celebrating ALL month!)
Also you can’t beat the Limited time available…
NEW Monthly special: Attend all the Hip The Hoopla classes you want for only $44! That can get classes down to under $5 each!! (Like paying for almost 4 classes and getting the rest FREE!) (good for one month from date purchased)
“Get Lucky” with Hip The Hoopla’s March Drawing Denver Hoop Classes & Specials!
March Class Dates & Times:
March 3, 6, 10, 13, 20, 24, 27, 31 (Tues. 6:30pm + Sat. 10am)
(NO CLASS Sat. 3/17–I will be in Denver’s 50th Annual St.Patrick’s Day Parade–come out to see us hoop & “spin”)
~MARCH is “Get Lucky Month”
Each class attendance=1 contest entry; bring a guest and you get a bonus entry and they get one too!
All class attendees are in the running to win:
1st prize: A hand-crafted Hip The Hoopla hoop ($60+ value, really…priceless 
2nd prize: One month of unlimited Hip The Hoopla classes @ Red Elephant ($108 value)
3rd prize: One free class ($12 value)
NEW Monthly special:
Attend all the Hip The Hoopla classes you want for only $44! That can get classes down to under $5 each!! (good for one month from date purchased)
Unlimited Hip The Hoopla Classes: 1 month-$44!
NEW Monthly special*:
Attend all the Hip The Hoopla classes you want for only $44 (up to a $108 value–$64 or 60% off)! That can get classes down to under $5 each!!
*Act now…offer is only for a limited time
**Good for one month from date purchased.
***Redeemable at Red Elephant Workshop.
Leap (Year) Hip The Hoopla Class!
Tues. 2/28, 6:30pm-Happy Leap Year special class
“Leaps” (aka “jump-throughs”–safety first, pretty second
Please rsvp now: or call. (Last day for Feb. “loyalty” special -$2 off or $2 credit!) …thank you all!
Beginners welcome + we’ll throw some intermediate+ moves in, too! Bring your notebooks
New Monthly Special!
NEW Monthly special:
Attend all the Hip The Hoopla classes you want for only $44*!
That can get classes down to under $5 each!!
*Good for one month from date purchased.
…Happy Hooping!
Valentine’s Special!
Hip The Hoopla February Classes/Deals: Tuesdays 6:30pm + Saturdays 10am
Happy Hoop Love Loyalty Month–
Hip The Hoopla February Class Dates & Times:
February 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 (+ Tues. 6:30pm + Sat. 10am)
~FEBRUARY Hoop Love Loyalty Deal:
ALL Returning Hip The Hoopla students–We LOVE Your Loyalty! $2 off any February class!* (no limit
~PLUS…new students & guests get a $2 credit for their next class!
(*If you’ve already purchased a class package, you’ll get a $2 credit at each Feb. class attended, to use for future classes or a custom hoop order!).
Class Location Change Sat. 1/28/12
Hip The Hoopla hoops the park Sat. 1/28/12: 10am-Class, 11am-jam/practice
This is a special outdoor workshop/class lead by Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla, with some belly dance and hoop choreography for a new Hip The Hoopla performance troupe. A jam session will be following. Suggested $5-10 (or more ;)~ donations are welcome & appreciated, Funds will go to the advancement of this new hoop troupe
(Regular class price in the studio is $12)
Goal of Hip The Hoopla’s hoop troupe: Infuse hoop, belly dance, laughter & positive energy to a professional performance group of dancers. Adults of all levels welcome.
Please bring your own hoops, and extras, if you have them to share. Some hoops will be available to use if you don’t have one.
Definitely bring a yoga mat, towel or blanket–I do not have extras of these. Also bring water for yourself, and healthy munchies for energy. Layers will be key as it may start out a bit sunny and cool. I personally use small gloves with rubber grip that I like to use for outdoor hooping. You bring/wear/do whatever works best for you
Che’ Rippinger, Chief Hooping Officer of Hip The Hoopla
January 2012-Happy New Year Specials/Deals/LS Voucher info
Happy Hooping New Year’s January Class Dates & Specials*: 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 31
(Please Note: there is NO Hip The Hoopla class on Sat. 1/28-because there’s a belly dance workshop at that time 
January is “Hoop a Buddy for 1/2 Month!”
*ALL January: Buy 1, bring a friend for 1/2 price! +one person in every class in January gets a surprise!
January Deals & Gift Specials (more!):
Start your 2012 new year right…All you can hoop in January-Reg. price $60…sale 50 bucks! (That’s under $6 a class!!-Includes all regularly scheduled January 2012 HTH classes)
ALL of January: Buy 1 class spot, bring a friend for 1/2 price! …And, one person in every class in January gets a surprise!
STILL Have a LIVING SOCIAL Voucher? The redemption date of 12/23 was extended to 12/31/11 by -Many classes filled fast, but I had several on waiting lists that were not in class due to RSVP no shows–Please respect your spot and others & cancellation policy!! December was very busy
***LS VOUCHERS (slight changes): I personally extended the 2 class redemption date which many took advantage of. For any hoopaholic straggling procrastinators…I am extending your LS voucher even more, so you can apply HALF of your purchase amount ($6 of the $12) towards a credit use for a regularly priced: custom hoop, private lesson, gift certificate or ONE class (if you’ve already redeemed one, then please apply 1/2 of that-$3- to anything)-and ALL MUST BE REDEEMED BY January 31, 2012. Even though I need to clear the 2011 books, I’m trying to extend the voucher to accommodate everyone as best as possible–in order to try Hip The Hoopla, and please tell others of your positive experience!
P.S. Please call me if there is an extreme reason to extend your voucher, credit, or if it is my error that you could not make an RSVP.
-Thanks from the management (aka Che’)
**Hip the Hoopla – Humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes**
“Inspiring you on the inside, so you can shine on the outside.”~Che’
12/12/11 Class Updates, Specials & Info
Check out for current info
3 Hip The Hoopla Specials:
1)Get a Gift Certificate for One Professional Hoop + 2 Hip The Hoopla Classesor only $50! You save 20% ($14)
2)December 24 (Sat.) & December 31 (Sat.) Buy 1, bring a friend free! Or get your class 1/2 price! Plus a free gift!
3)Start your 2012 new year right…All you can hoop in January-Reg. price $60…sale 50 bucks! (Includes all regularly scheduled HTH classes)