Deals And Specials
Hoop Entreprenur Tips & Business Advice
How To Start a Hoop Business (Tips, Tricks & Advice)
…or Get ANY Business Going With A Better Plan & Successful Media Efforts
A new hooper wanted to know about making hoops & making money off of it. Here’s Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla’s advice how much they cost to make & tips for your business growth:
Cost is over the map $$$…depending on the materials you use, where you order from, and in what quantity (Then you need to calculate what you’ll charge based on what the market allows + your quality & experience). You’ll have to do the leg work and crunch your own numbers on these to figure out what works best for you. Making hoops, much like hooping, take some time & practice to learn & get right/aka better!
And here’s 3 more Hoop Entrepreneur tips…
1) Check out or your local hardware stores.
2) YouTube has lots of instructional videos.
3.) Groups (online and in person) are a good place to ask questions…Do make sure you contribute there, too!
Most of us in business have spent a great deal of time, energy, and money to learn what we do professionally. Please connect with Hip The Hoopla or Elevated Color now for your own private consultations, consulting and coaching on how to:
- Get your business started
- Promote your business
- Get Social Media Marketing & PR training, advice and your own personalize action plan
- Get Ongoing Coaching & Motivation for continued success
- Figure out how to do it all with a customized strategy
- …or anything else that might help you get your small business…bigger! We have lots of resources for you!
~Blessings in your Growth & Success from Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla ♥
You can reach Che’ by e-mail ~ phone 303-980-6295 ~ or on Facebook (please “like” and hit “notifications on” for more useful info & hoopspiration)
Also contact Elevated Color — for printing, color management, SEO, & Social Media Marketing & PR, printing paper and supplies…and more at E-mail Bill Owen at or call 720-872-6278
Also get specials, information, discounts, etc when you “like” & turn notifications “on” at Elevated Color on Facebook
Hip The Hoopla KICK START – Hoops/Classes/Contest/Coaching

Happy Healthy Humorous 2013!
+INSPIRE Your New Year!!
30 days for $75-Unlimited classes ($135 value)+4 weekly 10 minute personal coaching sessions ($30 value) (phone or in person!) (Save $90–55%OFF!!)++
+++January Hoop Special
…RSVP your classes/custom hoops now!
2013 Personal Hooping Contest Challenge:
How is hooping inspiring you to be better?? It could be weight, happiness, health improvement…what ever your personal WIN is. Write one paragraph and be featured as our “Motivational Mover of the Month.” One winner monthly will win a $50 gift certificate!
Other News:
+PRIVATE Hoop Sessions: Bring your hoop skills to the next level–Fast! Hip The Hoopla Private Hoop Tutoring $40/hour or $60 for 2 hour block ($20 off/regularly $80)–(Please add $5/hour studio rental fee (regularly $10).
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
##########General Hip The Hoopla Class Information#########
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…save lots & buy a Fun Pack….
$50/5 class card (=$10/class) (good for 3 months from purchase)
$90/10 class card (=$9/class!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
OR your BEST Deal(s)—See Monthly Specials above!
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot. 24-hour courtesy cancellation required. $5 cancellation fee…goes to charity 🙂 It’s on the good karma honor system.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties!
NEW: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2013 is Going to ROCK!!!
December Holiday Hip The Hoopla: Classes, Gifts & Specials
Happy Hoopin’ Holly Days! Remember Hip The Hoopla Gift Certificates make Great Gifts & no one has to dust them! Hoops- Classes-Merchandise…and the smiles are free!
December Hip The Hoopla Classes:
12/1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 29 (–NO class on Christmas 12/25–) **Classes Tues. 6:30pm & Sat. 10am at Red Elephant Workshop, 244 Sante Fe Drive (2nd & Sante Fe) in Denver, Colorado, USA. Drop in’s are welcome, but an RSVP guarantees your class spot 🙂 E-mail or call 303-980-6295. You can also find us on Facebook for up to the moment class schedule info, motivation, performances, jams, etc.:
So Happy to Announce our GREAT Hip The Hoopla December Deals which run though 12/31/12.
**Please Note: Hip The Hoopla drop in class prices will be $15 starting January 2013–so save BIG with your class packs, now!!
December Deals:
+2 Classes for $20 Bucks (You or bring a friend) all must be used by 12/31/12. RSVP your space(s) now!
+Buy One Custom Hand Made Hip The Hoopla hoop, get one for 1/2 Price! Please allow 1 week per hoop if you are planning for gifts.
…Production time may vary according to Santa’s elves* filling anxious hooper’s wish lists. (*Hoops not actually outsourced to the North Pole…so you save on shipping, lol.)
+$50 Unlimited Pass. Attend all the healthy hooping Hip The Hoopla classes you want in a month for only $50!
That can get classes even more affordable!! (Like paying for 4 and getting the rest FREE!) (good for one month/30 days from date purchased 🙂
+PRIVATE Holiday Hoop Sessions (Through Dec. 31): Bring your hoop skills to the next level–Fast! Hip The Hoopla Private Hoop Tutoring $30/hour ($10 off–regularly $40) or $50 for 2 hour block ($30 off/regularly $80)–Private lesson sessions normally $40/hour (Please add $5/hour studio rental fee (regularly $10).
+Class Pack Cards: great $ Savings 5 Pack ($50) & 10 Pack ($90) classes, too!
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available in any amount good for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
Come get your jingle hoop on and spin off those holiday calories and stress waves…You’ll feel sooooooo much more Fa La La La La and way less Bah Humbug!
You can also find, like and follow Hip The Hoopla on *Facebook, *Yelp, *Twitter (@hipthehoopla), *Pinterest, *LinkedIn, *YouTube, *Google, *YourHub, *
Hip The Hoopla-humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes with Laughter Yoga, belly dance & more www.HipThe,, 303-980-6295.
Hip The Hoopla How-To: Mr. Happy Hoop Mascot
Hi from my Hip The Hoopla
Happy Hoop guy.
Maybe he’ll see you at class on Saturday, 12/1 at 10am in Denver (click her for Great December specials), or at our ESTATE SALE: Personal Estate & Store closing Sale-Lakewood, Colorado…2 years since my mom’s passing & I am still moving, donating & selling mom’s, grandparents, great aunt, and my stuff, plus I still have Southwestern store stock left. Furniture, household items, holiday gifts, jewelry, clothes, some vintage and antiques, too! Please contact me if you are looking for something, I may have it Making a clear home for happy marriage & paying bills. Thanks. Blessings
Che’ of Hip The Hoopla
How to make your own Happy Hoop Mascot:
- Get one favorite stuffed animal.
- Cut a piece of aquarium tubing to the size you want for your mascot’s hoop.
- Connect the ends of the tubing with electrical tape.
- Finish wrapping the hoop with any color of vinyl electrical tape and/or any decorative tape or touches you want to add.
- Stickers and shiny things are fun!
- Tack stitch the hoop to your stuffed animal in whatever position you like. Voila! Only one more step…
- Place on dashboard or anywhere else your mascot can bring smiles. In-Joy!
Contact to RSVP your own Hip The Hoopla class space now!
You can also find, like and follow Hip The Hoopla on *Facebook, *Yelp, *Twitter (@hipthehoopla), *Pinterest, *LinkedIn, *YouTube, *Google, *YourHub, *
Hip The Hoopla-humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes with Laughter Yoga, belly dance & more www.HipThe,, 303-980-6295.
Hoop Dog Humor
Dumb Hoop Joke:
What did my doggie Boca say to the hoop?
… “Run!!”
Ba ha ha, fa la la
Shake your Tofurky tail feather off in Denver, Colorado at Hip The Hoopla’s humorous hoop dance fitness classes Tuesdays at 6:30pm and Saturdays at 10am.
2 for $20 classes
(You or bring a friend) holiday special starts now (useable until 12/31)!
Looking for great gift ideas for the holidays?
Hoops, gift cards, classes, stocking stuffers & more!
Contact to RSVP your class space now!
You can also find, like and follow Hip The Hoopla on *Facebook, *Yelp, *Twitter (@hipthehoopla), *Pinterest, *LinkedIn, *YouTube, *Google, *YourHub, *
Hip The Hoopla-humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes with Laughter Yoga, belly dance & more www.HipThe,, 303-980-6295.
De-Stress The Holidays…Hoop!
Breathe, Laugh, Hoop:
3 Ways Hoop Dance Helps You Enjoy the Holidays More + 3 Simple Steps Using Sound Variety
When life is getting a little chaotic, I find inner peace in the hoop. Why?
Hooping can be meditative.
The consistent rhythm of hooping is a relaxing beat that you can loose yourself in. This hoop flow can help thoughts of anxiety melt into peace. Try relaxing or instrumental music to. Drumming or a metronome will help keep a steady, zone-worthy beat, also.
Hooping can be massaging.
Did you know that as the hoop wraps around your body, various acupressure points are being touched? It’s great for blood flow and digestion. Try humming and feel that vibration with your hoop practice, for added internal benefit.
Hoop movement is a mental release.
As you move through time and space with your hoop dance, your muscles can stretch, engage, relax and release. When you move your body expressively, especially happily, and with laughter, you release endorphins–happy hormones that override the stress hormones like cortisol. Put on your favorite music for your jam time, or try a new era of tunes for a mental leap. (When you try experiencing new things that may be unfamiliar, you create new connections and neurological pathways in your brain.)
There is no age limit to hooping. Anyone who has the urge for fun and would like to piggy-back that on to great health, should give it a whirl!
~Che’ Rippinger, Hip The Hoopla instructor/performer
~Thank You…please enjoy the blessings of the season~no matter what or how you celebrate <3 Peace…Love…Joy…Laughter-share them with others~
Che’ Rippinger runs Hip The Hoopla-hula hoop dance fitness in Denver, Colorado. She offers classes for all ages and skill levels with laughter yoga, belly dance and dance-adapted yoga. Beginners welcome 🙂 Private hoop dance lessons and booking for performances and events are available.
Please check out the latest class schedules and specials offered at our facebook page:
Silly Hula Hoop Bag
Hip The Hoopla shared a link.
For more smiles and joyous silliness, please check out Hip The Hoopla classes for November
November Hip The Hoopla Schedule And Specials
Hip The Hoopla News and Notes
- Thanks Hip The Hoopla Students…Very Special Guest Instructor Tues. 11/6 & Tues. 11/13–World renound hoop instructor/performer Danielle Odette.
**November Hip The Hoopla classes: 11/3, 6, (NO 11/10), 13, 17, 20, 24 & 27; Classes Tues. 6:30pm & Sat. 10am.
- ++++November Deals: +$50 Unlimited Pass. +Attend all the healthy hooping Hip The Hoopla classes you want in a month for only $50!
That can get classes even more affordable!! (Like paying for 4 and getting the rest FREE!) (good for one month/30 days from date purchased 🙂
+Saturday 11/24 Special THANK YOU Thanksgiving Weekend Special:
Bring a hoop buddy for 1/2 price for 10am class (& You get a gift!), or book a private session for 1/2 price ($20/hour)! Please RSVP appointment time 11/23-11/25). (…Don’t you wish the weekend calories were 1/2 off, too?!)
+Private Holiday Hoop Sessions (Through Dec. 31): Bring your hoop skills to the next level–Fast! Hip The Hoopla Private Hoop Tutoring $30/hour ($10 off–regularly $40), or $50 for 2 hour block($30 off/regularly $80)–Private lesson sessions normally $40/hour (Please add $5/hr studio rental fee (regularly $10).
+Class Pack Cards: great $Savings 5 Pack ($50) & 10 Pack ($90) classes, too!
+Hip The Hoopla Gift Certificates Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, and more!
**For Danielle’s classes: $12 regular drop in price OR if you have a punch card or other prepaid special, please add $5 per session (2 opportunities to train with Danielle Odette-Originator of Spin Summit).
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $12 Per class
OR…save lots & buy a Fun Pack….
$50/5 class card (=$10/class) (good for 3 months from purchase)
$90/10 class card (=$9/class!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
OR your BEST Deal(s)—See Monthly Specials above!Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Hip The Hoopla is also available for performances, special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties!
Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot. 24-hour courtesy cancellation required. $5 cancellation fee…goes to charity 🙂 It’s on the good karma honor system.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
Giving Thanks-“Microwave Minutes”
Happily Hooping Through the Holidays
Fall may be a time when things go dormant outside, but inside Hip The Hoopla classes, it’s all warm, hoopy and giggly! Thank goodness for hooping…it can save your sanity over the holidays when your schedule gets overwhelmed with activity.
I like to call this doable tip: “Microwave Minutes”–when you put something in the microwave (if you use one) and 1.) Get in your hoop for the same amount of time…or 2.) Laugh for that entire time…or 3.) Sit and meditate on your gratitude list! Try it. Those minutes add up, and the de-stressing benefits multiply. November is a special time to appreciate all we have, all we are and all we do to improve ourselves inside and outside on a daily basis. Every bit counts and YOU are worth it!
Hoop, Laugh, Love…InJoy!
~Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla
Thanks Hip The Hoopla Students…
Very Special Guest Instructor Tues. 11/6 & Tues. 11/13–World renowned hoop instructor/performer Danielle Odette.**
November Hip The Hoopla classes: 11/3, 6, (NO 11/10), 13, 17, 20, 24 & 27; Classes Tues. 6:30pm & Sat. 10am.
November Deals: +$50 Unlimited Pass. +Attend all the healthy hooping Hip The Hoopla classes you want in a month for only $50!
That can get classes even more affordable!! (Like paying for 4 and getting the rest FREE!) (good for one month/30 days from date purchased 🙂
+Saturday 11/24 Special THANK YOU Thanksgiving Weekend Special: Bring a hoop buddy for 1/2 price for 10am class (& You get a gift!), or book a private session for 1/2 price ($20/hour)! Please RSVP appointment time 11/23-11/25). (…Don’t you wish the weekend calories were 1/2 off, too?!)
+Private Hoop Sessions: Bring your hoop skills to the next level–Fast! Hip The Hoopla Private Hoop Tutoring $30/hour or $50 for 2 hour block–Private lesson sessions normally $40/hour (in-studio is extra to rent space).
+Class Pack Cards: great $Savings 5 Pack ($50) & 10 Pack ($90) classes, too!
**For Danielle’s classes: $12 regular drop in price OR if you have a punch card or other prepaid special, please add $5 per session (2 opportunities to train with Danielle Odette-Originator of Spin Summit).
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $12 Per class
OR…save lots & buy a Fun Pack….
$50/5 class card (=$10/class) (good for 3 months from purchase)
$90/10 class card (=$9/class!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
OR your BEST Deal(s)—See Monthly Specials above!
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Hip The Hoopla is also available for performances, special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties!
Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot. 24-hour courtesy cancellation required. $5 cancellation fee…goes to charity 🙂 It’s on the good karma honor system.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
Laughter Yoga and Breathing Well
Happy Health Tip:
Did you know you could be laughing your way healthy? Hearty big laughter dramatically increases the air and oxygen level into your lungs, and radiates out to all the body’s cells. Disease does not survive thrive in well-oxygenated cells. Most people breathe shallowly, regularly taking in only 25% of their lung capacity. Laughter Yoga is one of the ways to increase that.
You can learn more Laughter Yoga information, health benefits and fun exercises at a Hip The Hoopla humorous hoop dance class. All skill & smile levels welcome 🙂 A little belly dance is included, too!
Click for October Class Info/Deals/Specials
Laughter Yoga Book Information
Note: I do not earn profits from Dr. Kataria’s book-I happily encourage you to learn more for your own personal peace & joy~Che’ Rippinger
Hip The Hoopla-humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes with Laughter Yoga, www.HipThe,, 303-980-6295.