Deals And Specials
Minis & Multis 303 Hoop Troupe Jam with Ché – HipTheHoopla
We are hoop jamming at Gabrielle’s Garden this Wednesday 5-7 pm in Denver. Come spin & play with us! Just $5 monthly for 303 Hoop Troupe group.
What: Hoop Jam-focus on “Minis & Multis” led by hoop dance teacher Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla
When: 5-7 pm
Where: Gabrielle’s Garden, 832 Kalamath St., Denver, CO 802o4
This is a community based, organic, pay-what-you-can garden filled with lovely food and people.
Bring: Hoops-and lots of them to share. Some will be available to borrow, but due to the nature of this jam, many will be in use. You can order or pick up hoops in advance from Hip The Hoopla.*
Hip The Hoopla offers humorous hoop dancing classes, private lessons and coaching, for whatever level you are starting at… or want to get to!
Regular Hip The Hoopla classes are Tuesdays 6:30pm & Saturdays, at 10am at Red Elephant Workshop, 244 Sante Fe, Denver, CO 80204.
Most classes have a theme and are much like a mini workshop. Check calendar for details.
*If you are interested in getting hoops: ready made, custom, twins, multis, collapsible convertibles, polypro, HDPE, or PE (black tubing)…please connect with us for a complimentary hoop consultation (by phone or in person).
Contact us: online at,, 303-980-6295 / 303-919-9280 cell,
We’re also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Yelp and Google+
August Hip The Hoopla Classes & News
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
***AUGUST 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 8/2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23 26 & 30 (Sat. 10am & Tues. 6:30pm)***
♥ 30 Day Unlimited Monthly Special: JUST $65! (Save up to $70!! about $7 a class!-purchase ANY day in August–good for 30 days from purchase)*
*(Monthly unlimited Regular price: $75 )
♥ $5 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card (save $55!)
♥ Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $60! (Save $60!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ Welcome New Student Yelp “Check In Deal”-save 20% on first class 🙂
♥ **New Private Coaching Plan**–ask about your personal invite–deep discount for our 2nd wave of attendees–limited 10 available–custom tailored, personalized, in-depth dramatic results!
♥ Order your new personalized custom dance hoop(s)* now. Choose from a variety of options in sizes, tapes, tubing and some are collapsible for travel. We even offer some Colorado-made LED hoops, too!
*A complimentary hoop consultation is included with custom orders. You’ll acquire some invaluable advice gained from years of experience! Ready made hoops are also available at class times, by appointment during the week, and some weekend times, too!
+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, all available–just ask! 🙂
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!
***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
Some past performances at:
South Park Music Festival
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.
♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥
July Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
***JULY 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 7/1, 5, 8, 12, ,15, 19, 22, 26, & 29 (Sat. 10am & Tues. 6:30pm)***
♥ 30 Day Unlimited Monthly Special: JUST $60! (Save up to $75!! about $6 a class!-purchase ANY day in July–good for 30 days from purchase)*
*(Monthly unlimited Regular price: $75 )
♥ $5 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card (class savings $50!)
♥ Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $60! (Save $60!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ **New Private Coaching Plan**–ask about your personal invite–deep discount for 1st attendees–limited 10 available–custom tailored, personalized, in-depth dramatic results!
♥ $$$ OFF the South Park Music Fest! promo code: HipTheHoopla
+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, all available–just ask! 🙂
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!
***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
South Park Music Fest: The first large scale private property 420 festival of it’s kind–Only in Colorado…July 4th weekend-4 day camping passes available… – please use promo code HIPTHEHOOPLA to SAVE $$$ OFF of your ticket!
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
Recent performances at:
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.
♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥
June Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
***JUNE 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 6/3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24 & 28 (Sat. 10am & Tues. 6:30pm)***
♥ Yelp Check-In Deal: $10 for 1st class
♥ $10 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card
♥ Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $50! (Save $70!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ $$$ OFF the South Park Music Fest! promo code: HipTheHoopla
+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, all available–just ask! 🙂
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!
***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
South Park Music Fest: The first large scale private property 420 festival of it’s kind–Only in Colorado…July 4th weekend-4 day camping passes available… – please use promo code HIPTHEHOOPLA to SAVE $$$ OFF of your ticket!
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!
Recent performances at:
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.
♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥
MAY Hip The Hoopla Classes/Hoops/Performances/Specials
Springtime is happy hooping time! It doesn’t matter if you have never picked up a “hula” hoop, want to add some hoop dance skills to your repertoire, or are polishing your chops for performances, or the upcoming festival season. Everyone is welcome at Hip The Hoopla classes and given something fun and challenging to try…all in a comfortable, safe…thoroughly enjoyable atmosphere. Laughter Yoga, dance, flexibility, endurance, plus useful tips and tricks, are just some of the things you can experience in your personal hoop journey amongst friends.
Come try a drop in class or partake in some of the Hip The Hoopla May specials:
MAY 2014 Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule: 5/3, 6, 13,17, 20, 24, 27, & 31 -NO 5/10- Everyone at Spin Summit! (Saturdays 10am & Tuesdays at 6:30pm)
♥ 30 Day Unlimited Monthly Special: JUST $50! (Save up to $85!! about $6 a class!-purchase ANY day in May–good for 30 days from purchase)**
♥ $10 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card.
♥ Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $50! (Save $70!) Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ $50 OFF the Wake and Bake Fest promo code: HipTheHoopla
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
April Hip The Hoopla Schedule and Specials
APRIL 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes:
4/1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26 & 29
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
♥ 30 Day Unlimited Monthly Special: JUST $60! (less than $7 a class!-purchase ANY day in April–good for 30 days from purchase)**
♥ Birthday Month Class Pack Special (save an extra $5 or $10 +PLUS+ the overall savings, too!) :
+$55/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$90/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
♥ Special extension: Personal Hoop Training Sessions in Lakewood-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $50! (Save $70!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ $50 OFF the Wake and Bake Fest! promo code: HipTheHoopla
**(Monthly unlimited Regular price: $75 — good for 30 days from purchase)
+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, etc. RANDOM APRIL SPECIALS WHEN YOU COME TO CLASSES 🙂
♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bacholorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!
***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
Wake and Bake Fest:
The first large scale private property 420 festival of it’s kind–Only in Colorado…July 4th weekend-4 day camping passes available… – please use promo code HIPTHEHOOPLA to SAVE $50.00 OFF of your ticket!
Recent performances at:
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.
♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥
Connect with Hip The Hoopla:
Your Personal Hoop Story/RSVP/Questions/Info 303.980.6295
March Class Schedule & Specials

MARCH Maddness…
2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes:
3/1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25 & 29
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂 ♥ Private Expert Sessions in Lakewood-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $50! (Save $70!)
Blast on your progress. Bring your hoop and dance skills to the next level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ Yelp Check in Deal (mobile app)-intro class $10 for new students!
♥ 2014 Class Packs:
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
(Regular price: $75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase–see Feb. $50 Special above!!)
+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, etc.
♥ RSVP your classes online at
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂
Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop
Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*
Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.
Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!
Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.
RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295
Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!
More info:
Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter
Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂
4 Easy Grab Bag Tips + Tricks To Hoop & Dance Happy
What can help tweak your Hoop/Dance/Movement practice? Here’s a few tips and tricks to add to your mental note’s bag, plus a bonus!
by Ché Rippinger
1. Make Time. Yep-Craft your own clock. Well really carving out a bit of the schedule you currently over-cram with everything else-important and not. Sometimes a whole hour is unrealistic, and a half hour even still may be too much to fit in, too. But 5 minutes is doable for anyone. That’s just, “turn on the music, grab the hoop(s) and have at it for one song.” And for the best in your body…
2. Start very slow…warm up…jam and play…cool down. Sometimes we skip these simple steps, and then our bodies let us know how and why that’s not a good idea. Start simply with an over all wiggle, shimmy, or anything movement-wise, that is gentle getting the blood flowing to all the big body parts. Roll your head and shoulders, sway the rib cage, rock the hips, bend and flex the legs, feet, arms and hands. Start out with smaller motions and then progress to bigger ones, then dial it back down to small again. Simple-Oui?!
3. Keep an area reasonably clear for your dance/hooping/yoga/movement/meditation practice. If you have a dedicated space–or at least one that is easily convertible so you can double-duty the area…you will be more motivated to use it. If you cannot show it to others, or you have to close the door on it, then how much happy inspiration and sweetly calling your name is it doing for you?!
4. Just Dance! Sometimes we are so hyper-focused on getting whatever new trick or move, that we don’t connect them very well, or infuse our love of hooping and dance with our own personal style. It doesn’t matter what your background is…whatever– bring it to the table! Dance it out! If you are alone, who cares what you look like. And if you are with others…whatever you think is goofy, may appear fabulous and inspirational for someone else (it happens All the time!).
Ha! #5…A Bonus Tip:
5. Connect with people! Online and in-person groups, classes, and jams will join you with others experiencing similar issues, questions, and advice and is great for sharing your little progress points.
As always, go forth and hoop, dance and laugh yourself happy!
Come experience a “Grab Bag ‘O Goodies” with us! Tuesdays at 6:30pm and Saturdays at 10am with Hip The Hoopla at Red Elephant Workshop in Denver, Colorado (244 Sante Fe Drive, 80223 in the Arts District) . RSVP your date with laughter now using the MindBody mobile app or please visit Check out the great deals, specials, hoopspiration, and information available at your fingertips.
Thank you~See you soon!
~Ché Rippinger is the CHO (Chief Hooping Officer) of Hip The Hoopla humorous dance fitness classes, coaching, custom hoops and performances. She works with a variety of people from beginner to pros on learning and improving their hooping and dance with Laughter Yoga, dance-adapted yoga, belly dance and a whole lot of positivity, encouragement, and great tips! Connect with her by phone, e-mail, web site or social media. 303-980-6295,,
Also please find and follow Hip The Hoopla online with: Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Yelp, Search Local and Google +
February 2014 Class Schedule & deals-Hip The Hoopla
Love to have fun, laugh and enjoy yourself? You might like Hip The Hoopla…combining humor & hooping…some Laugher Yoga, a little belly dance, and some intriguing class themes. Come join us Tuesdays at 6:30pm & Saturdays at 10am.
RSVP’s encouraged…please visit or the MindBody phone app. Bring friends–it’s a blast!
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
FEBRUARY 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 2/1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22 & 25
♥ February 2 classes for $25 (Save $5)
♥ ***$50 February Monthly Unlimited*** (good for 30 days from purchase. Can purchase ANY day in February–Save $70!!)
♥ Yelp Check in Deal (mobile app)-intro class $10 for new students!
♥ Private Sessions -2 hours for $100 in studio (Save $20), Or 2 hour offsite $80 (save $20-contact for details)– Get a jump start on your progress. Bring your hoop skills to the next level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla Personalized Attention!
♥ 2014 Class Packs:
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
(Regular price: $75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase–see Feb. $50 Special above!!)
+CELEBRATE!! Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, etc.
♥ RSVP your classes online at or call 303-980-6295, e-mail
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥
+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!
Mini Hoop Magic With Big Impact-Hip The Hoopla Workshop
Workshop Reminder:
“Mini Hoop Magic With Big Impact”
THIS Sat. 1/18/14, 9-11am at Red Elephant Workshop in Denver $35. 5 more great dance classes too–part of Workshop Sampler Weekend – New Ideas for Your Toolbox ! Space limited-get your ticket(s) now.
**NOTE: This will be in place of regular 10am Hip The Hoopla class.**
For more info, please contact Hip The Hoopla:
Call 303-980-6295 ~or~ 303-919-9280 cell
Workshop Classes event details on Facebook:
2014 Winter Hafla Gala Show at The D-Note Sat. 1/18, 6:30pm:
Thank you!
Workshop Description:
9:00am – 11:00am = Ché -“Mini Hoop Magic with Big Impact”
How can “spinning” things in small spaces expand your range of motion, dance combo variety, and body/mind neural connections? Mini hoops can greatly enhance your dance flow practice with similarities to fans, poi, cane, candles and other dance props. We’ll focus on “off-body” hooping and layer with dance. Planes, levels, directions, angles, shapes, patterns, terminology, will be covered. All abilities welcome-bring hoops, humor and positive attitude!
Practice hoops available at workshop or order in advance through Ché.
This workshop is limited to 15 people due to space and hoops.
Ché Rippinger runs Hip The Hoopla, humorous hoop dance & fitness with Laughter Yoga, dance-adapted yoga and belly dance providing group classes, private sessions, performing and custom hoops. Che’ has motivated and taught people from all walks of life for 20+ years in dance, hooping, martial arts and cartooning. She encourages adults to increase their health and happiness through hooping and dance to de-stress, learn, and grow with contagious positivity.