How to Get Great Layering And Coordination

Want to get a smooth combination of dance flowing WITH your hoop moves?

Here’s what I recommend at my Hip The Hoopla classes: practice and “get” the thing you want, BEFORE you put the hoop on. Each element may be easy…but when you try putting it all TOGETHER, perhaps a different story. It’s the magical practice of layering (I learned from belly dance). Video* Link Example is below.

Here’s the thing: when you try it all together, one thing will come and one–or several–things may go. Focus on getting just one element in moment. Add another in the combo, then another, then one more (try feet, then hoop, then facial expression, etc.) It’s perfectly o.k. to take a hoop move you have on “auto-pilot,” and add your new thing (footwork, arm movements, turns).

The real secret was already given away: Practice. It’s amazing how quickly we can make something look effortless, with a lot of…EFFORT! Most pros put in many hours…drilling, bonking, dropping and laughing in frustration at themselves while learning new material and making it look easy. You’re not alone.

Watch anyone’s progress. You didn’t start out with a coordinated walk out of the womb. You had to get strength to keep your head wobble up, then roll over on your belly, crawl, get some hand-holding help, then try waddling walking on your own, run into a few table corners, fall down, cry and try it again…all before you could think of hitting the dance floor. And what makes you think hoop dance would be easier than that?! LOL. You got this. I know you can!

I’ve watched some pretty remarkable progress advance with these steps:

1.) Decide you want to do it.
2.) Break down the foundational steps and work on each individually.
3.) Put it together.
4.) Practice and DO it.
5.) Enjoy it when you GET it!

And here’s 4 bonus hints to make leaps in progress:

1.) You can also help your progression along with perfectly visualizing what you want to get.
2.) Video is helpful to see what’s going on (what you ARE doing and what you THINK you are doing, may be two different things).
3.) Writing things down, also helps. (I like adding stick figures and directional arrows with my notes–my personal hieroglyphics!).
4.) Get feedback from a real person. If you can get to a class or a private lesson–in person–great! If not, we can help virtually with an online session. We’re just a click away ♥

P.S. Sanity is over-rated. Enjoy the process. When you nail the thing that’s driving you nuts, you will be so overjoyed. Then you’ll forget all about that, and be on to the next self-challenge.

P.S.S. Hooping is a metaphor for life. You’ll find the things you learn “in the circle” apply to the rest of your issues–really. Funny, but true! ♥


Connect with Us! Hip The Hoopla offers humorous hoop dancing classes, private lessons and coaching–both in person, and virtually–for whatever level you are starting at… or want to get to!

Check calendar for Hip The Hoopla class details.

*If you are interested in getting hoops: ready made, custom, twins, multis, collapsible convertibles, polypro, HDPE, or PE (black tubing)…please connect with us for a complimentary hoop consultation (by phone or in person).

Contact us: online at,, 303-980-6295  / 303-919-9280 cell Latest info, updates, tutorials, events and “Hoopspiration” posted regularly on Facebook:

We’re also on Twitter #hipthehoopla, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Yelp and Google+

*Here’s that Video (as promised above) from a practice session working on getting layering and belly dance into my hoop dancing. ~Che’ Rippinger


A Hoopspirational Minute from Evergreen, Colorado

Please enjoy this peaceful gorgeous fall hooping minute from Evergreen Lake House in Colorado.

Ooh…Ahhh! We’re doing “3D Spins & Spheres” for Tuesday’s 6:30pm Hip The Hoopla class.
RSVP’s appreciated or on the MindBody Connect app!

All levels welcome. Drops-ins welcome if space is available.

A Hoopspirational minute from moi 😉
Please click on the video link:
Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla Hooping at Evergreen Lake, Colorado

Che’ Rippinger teaches Hip The Hoopla humorous hoop dance fitness classes, private lessons, coaching, does performances, events and creates custom professional dance hoops for all levels, from beginners to pro.

Contact: 303-980-6295,, and find us on Facebook, Twitter #hipthehoopla, Yelp, YouTube channel, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

♥ Thank you ♥

3 Tips for Beautiful Breaks and Pliant Paddles

Cool Hoop Move Alert!

There are many tips I’ve learned and come up with through the years regarding the elegant, and sometimes flashy breaking and paddling hoop dance movements. We’ll be going over some in Hip The Hoopla classes. In the meantime…

Here are 3 Quick Tips to help you get your breaks and paddles working smoothly:

1. Try using a lighter hoop. You are going to need to bounce it off of body parts your arms or legs. A lighter hoops will cause less bruising while you learn how to flow with, instead of whacking the hoop (which will work initially, but will hurt–so don’t do that!) You can try smaller and/or lighter, such as HDPE or polypro. You are allowed–not like you needed permission(!)–to have several different hoops for a variety of hooping purposes. (Just connect with us, and Hip The Hoopla can get you custom hoops to meet your needs, desires and goals!)

2. Breaks like a little give like a rubber band. If you stop a moving object (like the hoop) with a solid object (your hand/arm/leg), you can easily get a wonky return path. Instead, absorb a little bit of that movement energy in the direction that the hoop is going by gently twisting in that direction, before sending the break action back in the other direction.

3. Paddles are like a tiny stall. There will be a bit of mid air suspension, so the key is to maintain the same hoop travel speed, as you paddle (making steady contact on the hoop for about 1/4 of a rotation). When you vary your hoop rotation timing, instead of keeping it steady and rhythmic, even by a split second, the hoop path can develop wobble. (Which is another cool–but different– move if you can control it! Check out Brecken Rivera’s brilliant techniques for this).

****And of course the 4th “Trick” to developing these hoop techniques is to practice. A lot.****

Remember: Life is not always about the tricks, but also the flow!
♥ In-Joy! ♥

Here’s some Hoopspirational tutorials you may enjoy! Please like and Check out more tips, tricks and humor at :

Click here to see the Post with helpful video tutorials shared by Hip The Hoopla.

Hip The Hoopla offers humorous hoop dancing classes, private lessons and coaching, for whatever level you are starting at… or want to get to!

Regular Hip The Hoopla classes are Tuesdays 6:30pm & Saturdays, at 10am at Red Elephant Workshop, 244 Sante Fe, Denver, CO 80204.
Most classes have a theme and are much like a mini workshop. Check calendar for details.

*If you are interested in getting hoops: ready made, custom, twins, multis, collapsible convertibles, polypro, HDPE, or PE (black tubing)…please connect with us for a complimentary hoop consultation (by phone or in person).

Contact us: online at,, 303-980-6295  / 303-919-9280 cell,

We’re also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Yelp and Google+

YouTube vs. Personal Training

Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla humorous hoop dance fitness classes, hoops, performancesI received a call for a young “very advanced” hooper who might want some instruction, “if” it fit her high level of talent. I found myself vulnerably defending my skill level as advanced enough to teach this person–who, from the description, might possibly know everything from YouTube. (Link for my video proof-trying a completely new combination of sword and hoop dance below.)

If we have YouTube, then WHY would we want to pay to train with Live people, on an on-going basis??

1.) The top teachers, instructors, dance companies and various experts who just I have studied dance (30++ years) and many other fields with, have literally, thousands of years of training and experience–combined. And surprisingly, some of of them are not even on YouTube. (What?!)

2.) Next, ALL of the tremendously talented dancers I know–ESPECIALLY my teachers, keep learning, taking workshops, master classes, training, studying (plus reading, watching, observing), etc. I see them there, so I know!

Masaaki Imai wrote about the Japanese way of “Kaizen,” or continuous improvement that is known worldwide in business. A lot of time, money and energy is funneled into whatever expertise we chose to focus on, as we continue to grow, develop and learn new styles, techniques, methodologies and earn certifications. I see belly dance extraordinaire Rachel Brice (and many other brilliant luminary talents out there) at the top of her game–training with others. She has something new to bring to the table every time we come to her workshops. Each time I study with someone, I also get different things out of it, as I am at a new point in my journey as well, on any given day. Take yoga and you will quickly and mindfully “get” this concept. Teachers have teachers. Coaches have coaches. Mentors have mentors.

We all learn from others. Along the way we develop our own styles and ways of doing things that are completely unique to us. You can see me personally in someone’s beginner class (of anything), and I will STILL get something out of it. I call it a “golden nugget,” a good bit of info that I can add to my repertoire of knowledge. It could be an innovative technique of teaching, a warm up stretch, or a way of explaining something so easily, or in a different way than I do, that totally clicks. There are many “Ah-Ha!” moments in all of our paths. And the really cool thing is they can come from completely unrelated fields, and connect with us, too!

3.) Another major point of continual training, is that we do NOT know everything there is to know. No one is a perfect dancer, or perfect anything for that matter. One reason is that “perfect” is a moving target. There can also be extreme variations on what constitutes perfection, depending on who you talk to.

When I trained in martial arts, around the 3 month mark I was feeling a little bit cocky about my skills. When I earned my first black belt, I learned, as any humbled black belt achiever does, we are on the mere precipice of the enormous learning cliff out there! Centuries, cultures, styles–it would be impossible for one human to take the vastness of it all in. Every teacher doesn’t know everything, nor does every student. Hence why we share knowledge, and very often, learn from each other.

Also, even with any expert in whatever field, as the football saying goes, “On any given Sunday…” Meaning that anything can happen, even when you think you know exactly how it will go. Hoopers drop the hoop. Dancers stumble. Pro football athletes mess up their plays. Martial artists can be defeated. Business people can botch a presentation. Donald Trump can go bankrupt, more than once, and still be extremely successful, respected, and very very rich.

4.) Why train with others, instead of in our own little “Box ‘o Comfort?” Learning is Multidimensional. YouTube is a great resource and entertaining rabbit hole of (mostly free) information. It is also an internet “taste” of what many offer professionally. And though there are a multitude of dynamic educational tutorial videos available at your fingertips, is not a real face to face person, with personal two-way dialog communication and feedback, pin-pointing everything you personally want. Plus people absorb and pick up on things can be in so many ways: kinesthetic, auditory, visual, experiential, etc. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” learning, especially when trying to grasp different skills. Each of us can even bounce between styles, depending on the circumstances.

I personally took one hoop class and got hooked. For a year, I practiced on my own and watched some dvds and videos. Then, I went to a workshop with Jonathan Baxter of Hoop Path–and met other real people in the community! That’s when I got serious on my hoop journey. And as with other interests I’ve pursued, I became a sponge for great stuff from every possible source I could afford with time and money.

To be clear: That doesn’t mean that everything I am is from something else. But I combine bits and pieces of my extensive path and experience, molding them into and with my own very unique approach and style. Because I offer what I do, people come to me to help them reach their goals. I listen and do my best to tailor what they want and need, with what I have and bring.  This leads to one of the last reasons to work and train with others…

5.) By supporting others, we all help that field (whatever it is!) grow and develop overall. Since we all have bills to pay (shocking, I know!), our professional lives provide our service/product for income, which helps us continue our expertise, with honor and dignity. I understand that when I register for a workshop or take a class, I help that person get to do what they do best. Without enough warm bodies in the room to complete a minimum to keep them afloat, things get cancelled. As a result, their lives, and ours, are at a loss.

…And on one last, very important bonus note: I take classes with other people, because I want to energetically create a flowing cycle where others in turn, come out and support my classes and professional path. I know I have helped many achieve new avenues of happiness, health and breakthroughs in learning. It’s not for the money that I continue with my Hip The Hoopla business (though I really like being in financial integrity to pay my bills and honor my commitments as best as possible).  The main reason I continue this passionate, and sometimes very challenging work, is because it makes my heart tremendously happy–knowing that I can help others laugh, learn and always…always try something new!

P.S. To that young lady, and everyone else…If I can’t personally help you, I’ll bet I know of, or can get you in touch with someone who can!
♥ Where ever you are on your path, I wish you love, light and educational goodness ♥

~Che’ Rippinger is the business owner, instructor, performer, hoop maker, motivational life & business coach, personal trainer, speaker and CHO (Chief Hooping Officer) of Hip The Hoopla in Denver, Colorado, USA. She is a trained hooper, dancer, belly dancer, fire spinner, 4th degree black belt martial artist (Jeet Kune Do), Laughter Yoga Leader, professionally published magazine cartoonist & national newspaper columnist, social media marketing consultant, jewelry & costume maker. And although she holds degrees, certifications, training, and various honors…there is always room to get personally and professionally better each day!
Book something now with Che’ of Hip The Hoopla. Best way: Call 303-980-6295/303-919-9280 cell, email or visit
She’s also on many social media platforms: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Yelp, etc.
☻Do It! Connect–You could be very happy you did ♥

Link for my video proof-trying a completely new combination of sword and hoop dance on World Hoop Day 2014, as promised:

New Silly Hoopspirational Video!

Wacky Hoopspirational stuff!

Please click the link below to see my new video–a wacky practice session. Thanks!
~Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla


Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla gets really silly, sassy & goofy to Gogol Bordello-cracking myself up!
Watch til the end…some great hoop drops and video fail, which might amuse you.          ♥  ♥

Humorous hoop dance fitness classes –positive, encouraging and SO much fun– for all levels from beginner to pro…with Laughter Yoga & belly dance. Plus private lessons, coaching, performing, events, and awesome custom hand-crafted/made with love professional hoops!

Please “like” & follow us…
♥   ♥
Plus we’re on Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google +, Yelp, etc.

♥ Thanks for watching and keeping any commentary positive ♦ ♥
Blessings ♥

Book now! Connect with us:


Bodacious Babes of Summer 20th Annual Party

For more Happy Thoughts Info and Positive Inspiration visit www.HipTheHoopla.comSUNDAY, August 24, 2014***
2:00pm – 6:00-ish pm

The Double Heart Ranch in Lakewood, CO
Online invite/info:

***Please note B.B.S. Date & Time –as we’ll see our Broncos play Saturday
~~~WOW! Celebrating 20 YEARS of Annual Bodacious Summer Parties!!!~~~

This year’s Theme: * * * Throwback/Retro Sunday * * *
♥ Our second big married party ♥ Che’ Rippinger & Bill Owen! ♥ Come see our wedding arbor & newly revamped gardens! AND our kitchen redo!

Get creative with our “Throwback/Retro Sunday” theme…pick a decade and represent! Costume/party wear, music, food, beverages, photos, and of course things that glow and/or burn (and don’t need a medicated cream for ;)~ Of course…LED toys, props, hoops, poi, fire/fuel/safety equipment & musical instruments, are all welcome!

WHO: All the cool creatives, CAI folks, artists, musicians, friends, family, neighbors, flow/spinners, dancers and celebrators of all things love are welcome!

PROVIDED: Some Fab (vegetarian) food + a house cocktail. We’ll have as much local, organic and from the garden fresh goodies as possible!
Plus…some seeds, plants and bulbs to give, trade and exchange ♥

BRING:-Your lively selves, friends, conversations, drink/munchies to share, (we’ll have a grill firing up!) and any creativity you embody (spinning props-regular, led or fire, plus musical instruments, etc.!)
And if you want… bring plants, seeds, bulbs, garden stuff to share, trade/exchange.

WHERE: The Double Heart Ranch
(LOL-if ya know us, you know the place!)
Lakewood, CO

CONTACT: 303.980.6295 RSVP/Info
720-933-4413 Bill’s Cell,

WHEN: SUNDAY, August 24, 2012, 2pm-6ish+

Che’ Rippinger, Hip The Hoopla-hula hoop dance fitness classes
“Inspiring you on the inside, so you can shine on the outside.” (also on Yelp, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc ;)~
Hoop & Belly Dancer/Performer/Instructor:
Touché! Cartoons: | Relationship Humor Writer:

FYI: Ché teaches Hip The Hoopla-humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes Sat. 10am & Thur. 6:30pm at Red Elephant Workshop (2nd & Sante Fe in Denver, CO) Join us Saturday morning for hoop class and show off your moves at the Bodacious Babes party!

And visit Bill at Elevated Color for printing, color management & more: 747 Sheridan, Unit 8C, Denver, CO 80214, 720-872-6278 and web site:

Have a happy, humorous, hooping great day!

Minis & Multis 303 Hoop Troupe Jam with Ché – HipTheHoopla

Hip The Hoopla offers positive humorous hula hoop dance classes, private lessons, events and hoops, too!We are hoop jamming at Gabrielle’s Garden this Wednesday 5-7 pm in Denver. Come spin & play with us! Just $5 monthly for 303 Hoop Troupe group.

What: Hoop Jam-focus on “Minis & Multis” led by hoop dance teacher Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla
When: 5-7 pm
Where: Gabrielle’s Garden, 832 Kalamath St., Denver, CO 802o4
This is a community based, organic, pay-what-you-can garden filled with lovely food and people.
Hoops-and lots of them to share. Some will be available to borrow, but due to the nature of this jam, many will be in use. You can order or pick up hoops in advance from Hip The Hoopla.*

Hip The Hoopla offers humorous hoop dancing classes, private lessons and coaching, for whatever level you are starting at… or want to get to!

Regular Hip The Hoopla classes are Tuesdays 6:30pm & Saturdays, at 10am at Red Elephant Workshop, 244 Sante Fe, Denver, CO 80204.
Most classes have a theme and are much like a mini workshop. Check calendar for details.

*If you are interested in getting hoops: ready made, custom, twins, multis, collapsible convertibles, polypro, HDPE, or PE (black tubing)…please connect with us for a complimentary hoop consultation (by phone or in person).

Contact us: online at,, 303-980-6295  / 303-919-9280 cell,

We’re also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Yelp and Google+

August Hip The Hoopla Classes & News

Hip The Hoopla humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes, lessons, custom pro hoops, Denver, Colorado♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
***AUGUST 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 8/2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23 26 & 30 (Sat. 10am & Tues. 6:30pm)***
30 Day Unlimited Monthly Special: JUST $65! (Save up to $70!! about $7 a class!-purchase ANY day in August–good for 30 days from purchase)*
*(Monthly unlimited Regular price: $75 )
$5 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card (save $55!)
Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $60! (Save $60!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
Welcome New Student Yelp “Check In Deal”-save 20% on first class 🙂
**New Private Coaching Plan**–ask about your personal invite–deep discount for our 2nd wave of attendees–limited 10 available–custom tailored, personalized, in-depth dramatic results!
Order your new personalized custom dance hoop(s)* now. Choose from a variety of options in sizes, tapes, tubing and some are collapsible for travel. We even offer some Colorado-made LED hoops, too!
*A complimentary hoop consultation is included with custom orders. You’ll acquire some invaluable advice gained from years of experience! Ready made hoops are also available at class times, by appointment during the week, and some weekend times, too!

+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, all available–just ask!  🙂

♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!

♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥

+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!


~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂

Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop

Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*

Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.

Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!

Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.

RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295

Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!

More info:

Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter

Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂

We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!♥

***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!

Some past performances at:
South Park Music Festival
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.

♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥

July Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule

Hip The Hoopla-Humorous hula hoop dance fitness classes, private lessons, custom professional hoops, events & performances
♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
***JULY 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 7/1, 5, 8, 12, ,15, 19, 22, 26, & 29 (Sat. 10am & Tues. 6:30pm)***
30 Day Unlimited Monthly Special: JUST $60! (Save up to $75!! about $6 a class!-purchase ANY day in July–good for 30 days from purchase)*
*(Monthly unlimited Regular price: $75 )
$5 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card (class savings $50!)
Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $60! (Save $60!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
**New Private Coaching Plan**–ask about your personal invite–deep discount for 1st attendees–limited 10 available–custom tailored, personalized, in-depth dramatic results!
♥ $$$ OFF the South Park Music Fest! promo code: HipTheHoopla

+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, all available–just ask!  🙂
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!

♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥

+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!


~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂

Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop

Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*

Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.

Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!

Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.

RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295

Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!

More info:

Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter

Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂

We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!♥

***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
South Park Music Fest: The first large scale private property 420 festival of it’s kind–Only in Colorado…July 4th weekend-4 day camping passes available… – please use promo code HIPTHEHOOPLA to SAVE $$$ OFF of your ticket!

♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!

Recent performances at:
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.

♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥

June Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule

Hip The Hoopla - Humorous Hula Hoop Dance Fitness Classes, Hoops, Performances & Private Coaching

♥ More Hip The Hoopla info at ♥ and (please “like” 🙂
***JUNE 2014 Hip The Hoopla Classes: 6/3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24 & 28 (Sat. 10am & Tues. 6:30pm)***
♥ Yelp Check-In Deal: $10 for 1st class
♥ $10 off a custom professional hoop with 10 class card
♥ Private Hoop Training Sessions (in Lakewood)-1 1/2 hours for ONLY $50! (Save $70!)
Blast on your progress and goals. Bring your hoop and dance skills to your next best level-Fast-with Hip The Hoopla…Personalized Attention!
♥ $$$ OFF the South Park Music Fest! promo code: HipTheHoopla

+Custom Hoops, Classes, Private lessons, Coaching, Performing, Accessories, Gift Certificates, all available–just ask!  🙂
♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!

♥ Please RSVP your classes online at or use the MindBody Connect mobile app to guarantee your class space. Drop-in’s welcome with space available.
Contact us for your own hand-crafted custom hoop, too! ♥

+Hip The Hoopla GIFT CERTIFICATES Available for classes, class packs, custom made hoops, private lessons, Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams, and more!


~~~Hip the Hoopla Class LOCATION: *Red Elephant Workshop*
244 Sante Fe Drive, Denver CO 80223 (Between 2nd & 3rd on Sante Fe Drive– free on-street parking 🙂

Please allow a few extra minutes to park, sign in, and prepare to hoop

Cost: $15 Per class
OR…Save BIG with a Class Pack….
+$60/5 class card (=$12/class, Save $15!) (good for 3 months from purchase)
+$100/10 class card (=$10/class!, Save $50!!) (good for 6 months from purchase)
+$75 Monthly unlimited (good for 30 days from purchase)
*Private Lessons/Sessions Available $60/hour-includes studio rental*

Please contact for other special offers & group discounts.

Class prep-Bring/Do/Wear: ~Water ~yoga mat ~stretchy snug clothing-the hoop loves sticking to skin & stays up better! A notebook & pen are really handy to remember key moves, hints & tricks. Bring your own hoop, purchase one at class, or borrow one provided at class. FYI: you can order YOUR OWN cool custom color/personally sized hoops for your hooping style and needs–Even collapsible hoops for easy carry & traveling!

Please RSVP your class spot at
Please Note: A 24-hour courtesy cancellation required for the limited space class spot. You will be charged if within 24 hours of class.

RSVP/Questions/Info/Contact: 303.980.6295

Hip The Hoopla is available for PERFORMING–special events, private/semi-private personally focused lessons & motivational meetings (way easier than walking on hot coals)… Plus bridal and bachelorette parties! And try out: Hip The Hoopla Hoop-O-Grams–better than a singing telegram–in person or virtual, and way more fun!

More info:

Please “Like,” visit often & recommend Hip The Hoopla on Facebook for schedule, updates, news and cool videos.
Also find us on Yelp!
…and LinkedIn
…and YouTube
…and another YouTube channel with Hip The Hoopla
…and Pinterest
…and Twitter

Recommendations & testimonials are very appreciated. ~Thank You 🙂

We appreciate your interaction and connectivity!
♥ ♥ ♥
2014 is such a great year to Get Your Hoop On!!!♥

***♥ Upcoming PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE! ♥***
South Park Music Fest: The first large scale private property 420 festival of it’s kind–Only in Colorado…July 4th weekend-4 day camping passes available… – please use promo code HIPTHEHOOPLA to SAVE $$$ OFF of your ticket!

♥ Check online calendar for performances, classes and hoop jams!

Recent performances at:
The D-Note 2014 Winter Hafla Show
Live LiveWell Colorado Fitness Performance Event
Mercury Cafe Denver
With Blue Soul at Boulder Beer Company
Boulder IPA Festival with blues band Blue Soul and The Goonies
One Gathering with rock band Trickshot
Bellies on Fire! Show at Casseleman’s
Boulder Creek Festival after the Boulder Boulder
Lanie’s Clock Tower Cabaret’s “Mythic Summer Circus” with Bella Diva Dance.

♥ Your Personal Hooping Story Invitation ♥
How has hooping inspiring you to be a better person?? It could be laughter, weight, happiness, personal development, health improvement…what ever YOUR personal WIN(s) is (are). Tell us in one easy to type up/ text paragraph.
Please send it in now for your chance to be featured, celebrated and help INSPIRE OTHERS.
♥ ***”Your Personal Hoop Story” Participants will receive a special Hip The Hoopla gift and a discount for classes or hoops! ♥