Posts by Che Rippinger
How to Host a Gathering in 2020
It’s 2020. All bets are off. But you still want to celebrate. Here’s some ideas how you can be part of the 20 countries and over 500 hoopers participating Worldwide goal:
1.) If you are game, you could create a small gathering of Circus and creative friends who are itching to get outside in a park.
DIY it as a little potluck and you’ve got yourself a little party. If you do, please post it on the World Hoop Day Facebook group…before to gather excitement, and after with some pictures. We are all just doing ths best we can! I just had a handful of people last year, coming from a very large flow community in Colorado-I just did a baby version of our big event. Whatever works for you. Be part of the 20 Countries with over 500 Hooers worldwide goal‼
2.) Host a virtual event. Some people are really making this online connecting stuff really work! Gather their skills and get together. The internet this year is helping us reach out to more new colleagues, friends and flomies, who we didn’t know before.
3.) Do your own thing. Hey, if you want to participate but don’t quite know others to gather with or just want to keep it simple, celebrate in your own way. And do the World Hoop Day Dance, dress up just for fun, get some pics, shoot a video, and throw yourself a World Hoop Day dance party!!

Total Hoop GLEE

⭕*TOTAL HOOP GLEE*⭕ That feeling you get from hooping…For me, it’s my students amazing me with their Happiness. Success, & total Hoop JOY! Hard to describe how thankful I am for each & every person I’ve been blessed to help in all the ways I can. The transforms are like watching butterflies blossom. I am blown away, & humbled.
#gratitudeatalltitude #awesomeattraction #thankyou #hooptribe #hoopspiration
💞 #hooploveyall from #cherippinger of #hipthehoopla
♥ Enjoy this Hoopspiration and…Grab your FREE ⭕️Hoop Dance💃mini course right now: That’s going to show you How to 😁get Happy, 🌱get healthy, and ⭕️get hooping…for FREE!!
○ Are you in our Hoop Loop? Get in our Whirled News inner circle (email with free gift!) for exclusive member specials, early announcements and fun tips and tricks for hooping and a happy healthy humorous life.
♦ Want to have your own personal coach on the go? Join the Happy Hooping Habit for classes that fit your unique schedule, energy levels and body needs. Adaptive Hooping is included for those days when you need some extra love and understanding.
What Hooping Means To Me

For me hooping is healing, hope, humor, health and happiness. When I first got into hooping in 2008, my mom was sick with terminal cancer (misdiagnosed for 1 1/2 years). I had to run, and then close, our family business Southwest giftshop, by myself.
There were some days that all I could do was sit inside my hoop cross legged in the floor. It was my safe space, even if just for a few moments, when I said, “For just right now, All the bad stuff has to stay out there (outside of my hoop).”
After a year of library DVDs and just hooping on my own, I started going to hoop workshops by a lot of big name hoopers who came through Colorado to the Boulder Circus Center.
I continued to grow and develop as a hooper, and people kept asking, “Where do you teach?” I started my teaching and hoop making biz Hip The Hoopla in 2011, a year after my mom died. I’ve been trying to help people get happy and healthy with hooping ever since.
For many years I’ve helped out with Colorado World Hoop Day event, and even stepped up to take over creating the official dance.
This is my 4th year creating the original song and choreography. Plus…getting the word out for more hooping in the world to help bring peace, foster friendships, get people up physically active, and get hoops into the hands of kids in need, worldwide.
My mission is to help others. And, even though this is my marriage anniversary month (8 years now!), World Hoop Day is only a month away (Saturday October 3rd)‼
For more info on learning how to hoop or to volunteer to help in any way you can for World Hoop Day, please contact Che’.
Also please keep up with Hoop News and Activities at:
World Hoop Day 2020 Official Dance Challenge

We’re doing a September Hoop Dance Challenge…learning the official Dance for World Hoop Day.!
Join us in the for “daily do it prompts.”
YouTube Video Playlist:
Places to tune in:
World Hoop Day Dance Challenge Schedule:
DAY 1-6 Learn and Do, DAY 6 Review
Day 7 Q & A: Freestyle Dance Intro, First Verse choreography
DAY 8-11 Learn and Do with Review plus Q & A Chorus choreography
Day 12 Full Dance Choreography Live Training
Day 13 Learn 2nd Verse choreography with review
Day 14 Optional Special Surprise!! Learn International Choreography Collaboration End counts + review
BONUSES: *“Performer’s Preparation: Quick Guide”
**“Video/Camera Tips & Tricks”
***Be sure to check out the World Hoop Day Choreography Video after the full training, for a quick review of the whole dance.
Welcome to the World Hoop Day Celebration and 2020 Dance Challenge! We are learning a dance choreography that can be done in groups, duets, or solo. Bite sized pieces will be in doable daily chunks that can be done in 5-10 minutes. (More if you want to practice to nail it!) Follow along and learn new hula hoop moves, add dance style, or increase your own personal challenge level. Please add your own pizzazz, smile, sense of fun, and love of your hoop.
***NOTE***: This dance is for ALL levels, ages, genders, body and hoop sizes. Please have fun, Smile LOTS, warm up so you can stay safe in your body, hydrate, and help spread the hoop love by sharing and teaching others to welcome them to the hoop circle. ♥Thank you♥
#worldhoopdaydance #worldhoopday2020 #whd2020
♥ Daily Challenge Playlist:
♥ Download the original Rock Star Produced SONG at:
♥ Please Subscribe and hit “Notifications ON” for new videos for World Hoop Day, Hoop Tutorials and more!
Is Hooping Right For Me?
I want to feel better. I want to move. I want to laugh. Is Hooping for me??
Big Hoop Vs. Small Hoop…Size Matters!
Does Size Matter. Why YES it is. Especially when picking a hula hoop!

So I got the arm hoop down…only right side so far. I had to stop. My hoop is too big and was hurting. So I think I need a smaller size.
I definitely don’t want to stop.
Yep I definitely like to have what I loosely call On-body hoops (generally speaking a little bigger ad/or heavier), and Off-body hoops (usually a little smaller and/or lighter). That being said, you Can interchange the size/weight of the hoop, just know that the moves might move slower with the bigger hoop or faster with the smaller hoop. Also with a heavier hooping the moves on stronger body parts, like your may be easier to get and execute. If you are instead rotating the hoop on your hand, arm, foot, etc. you may want to use a smaller lighter hoop so you don’t have to strain as much to use it. It also helps prevent more bruising and injury.
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
♥ Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Catch the latest hoop news with Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. Check out the Hip The Hoopla YouTube channel for the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show, plus tutorials, performances. Also follow HTH on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
New Mountain Hoop Class In Person, And Online!
Want to Hula Hoop, dance, laugh, learn and meet some neighbors? I’m hosting a “naturally socially distancing” Hoop Dance Class up off of Clear Creek. 10 am MST on Thursdays. ALL LEVELS Welcome! Hoops provided, bring your own, or get a new beautiful custom crafted professional hoop. So far we’ve had a total Laugh-Fest this month testing this location out!
•Like the idea, but want to stay home? I am getting us together to participate online, too! Trying some new tech up here, so bear with me to get it going.
•Classes are $10 for now (I used to charge $15 for many years). If you really want to learn and cost, or something else is an issue, please let me know. We can chat opportunities to help each other out–mountain style.
•Wear comfy clothing. Bring water. Shoes are a good idea, especially on the gravel. You can be in the shade or the sun. If you’re bringing (or dragging for their own good) a hoop buddy, Please carpool or join UTV forces, and Please get directions in advance.
•Class is about an hour-ish (sometimes we’re just having so much fun, it bubbles over).
•RSVP’s are greatly appreciated. You can pay in variety of ways-cash, credit/debit card, online, in person, Square, Venmo, Paypal, Vagaro, blah, blah, blah.
•303.919.9280 cell call or text. (Our CenturyLink 208 # is still out). Facebook Messenger works well. Email is ok but please message me to go search for your e-mail, please.
PLEASE NOTE : This is a positive, happy, healthy, community atmosphere/class. Neighbors are all encouraged to play and be nice–not hard to do with a hula hoop!!!
P.S. if you want to see my style of teaching…check out my Monday night Hoop Love Ya’ll Show recordings on YouTube (health, humor and hula hooping)
I’m Hip The Hoopla (hipthehoopla) on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc).
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Please follow Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp,and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Baby Got Back
How I learned to love having a plump bootie, and pump up my guns (my call to my arms)!

A new friend made a hooping video progress post and did what a lot of us do…we put ourselves down a little, we say some derogatory things about the situation, or make excuses, and basically say all the faults we can think of, before someone else can throw them back on us.
Here was my response, “You’ve gotta give yourself WAY more credit! It takes a lot of dedication to stick to something–anything. Doing what you can, wherever, and however you can, makes you more creative and awesome. And posting a video takes way more guts than most people think! So kudos for all of that. P.S. I’m loving that have fallen in love with a body part that you didn’t like much before.”
When I wasn’t fond of my body (like really low thoughts), I decided to pick out ONE thing that I actually liked. One thing–something…anything. What I managed to come up with was my shoulders. Yep. Because it’s not a part most people think either “Wow” or “Ewwwww.”
Eventually…I even started to like my arms, because I had a goal. I wanted “Angela Bassett” arms. Back when she was prepping for her Tina Turner roll in, “What’s Love Got To Do With It,” she had this buff definition that I was so in awe of.

Arms were an easy enough thing at that time in my youth that I could do something about. At that time, I was very into martial arts (training and eventually earning my 4th degree black belt in Jeet Kune Do). I started doing push-ups, because that was a great way to help achieve upper body strength. And there were lots of people around me able to do them. We had fun with the endless creative varieties and constantly challenged each other. Low and behold, I liked my arms.
Eventually, as I started to rethink old negative thoughts, I started liking more parts of my body. With some effort…I even got to be proud of my tooshie.
When I was in high school, I was called “Big Butt” by a close family member. It humiliated me and made me feel awful, ashamed and vulnerable at the body part I just naturally had. One day, I had it as my frustration level hit the roof. I turned around and barked, “Where do you think I got this from?!” That shut them up for good, at least on that one. (Nowadays, the term “body-shaming” is a well-known thing. It wasn’t back then.)

Later, in college, there was a famous rap a song titled, “Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix-A-Lot. He exalted the desire to have some “junk in the trunk” with lines like, “I like big butts and I cannot lie” and “Shake that healthy butt!” So those of us with a derriere, did. Ever since then, I’ve been proud to have the backside I was blessed with. It’s part of my shape. And more importantly, it’s a part of me.
As I’ve matured in life, I’ve come to terms with many of the things I used to consider “flaws.” Do I love everything about myself? No. Could I improve on some things? Most definitely. Can I cut myself a little slack on my expectations of myself in more moments? Sure.
Bottom line (hahahaha, pun intended!)…life is a journey of growth and learning. Throw that in with a little self kindness and acceptance. Mix in a little love. And for extra brilliant measure, add some gratitude…because the very thing you think is aweful…someone else might actually either desire, or would trade places with you in a heartbeat to have that as a problem to deal with.
More recently, there was an online business summit where one guest speaker challenged the main guy to do 25 push-ups every day for 14 days. A whole bunch of people in the group took up that same challenge for themselves. I thought, what the heck…I used to be a push-up badass (yeah, I’m on a roll here!). So I tried pounding out those 25 easy push-ups. Woah. I could barely eke out 10. But, I knew, I’d already built up from nothing to something once before, so let’s do this!
Almost everyday, for several months now, I’ve been trying to meet, or somehow improve in the technique of my now ever-increasing goal. At this writing I’m up to 50 fairly decent push-ups. The last ones aren’t as strong or pretty as the first, or as great in form…but I’m improving that with time, practice, and actually doing the darn things! I remember that I could do 100 back in the day. Yeah, I’d like to crack that lofty number one more time. Plus it’s great training for getting Handstands! Another longtime goal of mine.
Angela Bassett arms, here I come! Again.
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Please follow Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp,and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Egyptian Shoulder Dip Laughter Yoga Exercise
Here’s a belly dance inspired (remember the Bangles song, “Walk Like An Egyptian?!”) Laughter Yoga exercise that a fun quick way to get in some laughter, deep breathing and a little home arm exercise–or anywhere you want to take a little “happy break!” Live Well. Laugh More.
#LaughterYogaExercise #waystolaugh #funwaystoexerciseathome
*Sharing Health, Humor and hula hooping information and tutorials in a fun, entertaining, and personable way.
♥ For more positive ways to move and get motivated, check out the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show with Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla, bringing you happy Health, Humor and hula Hooping hints and hacks that you can try…and Share, today!
♦Please ✔SUBSCRIBE ( notifications ON)🔔, Hit the “LIKE” BUTTON 👍, AND SHARE🌟
( )!
Sharing is caring💞! Thank you so much 🤗
~Che’, Founder of Hip The Hoopla
@hipthehoopla on Instagram & Twitter
• Laughter Yoga Exercises:
• Wake Up And Sun Shine stretch sessions:
• Watch the #stepupandshine series playlist on YouTube:
• Hoop Love Ya’ll Show FULL Playlist on YouTube:
• Hoop Tutorials you might enjoy learning from:
• Hoop Performances:
• Hoop Jam Sessions:
• The Matador Hoop Tutorial:
Have someone who needs a smile, hug or some positive energy? Sharing is caring 💞. Share this video:
♥ Thank you for watching ♥
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Please follow Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp,and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Clap And Press Laughter Yoga Exercise
Want a way to boost your energy, happiness and stress-reducing endorphins, in just 2 minutes? Try this short Laughter Yoga Exercise right now to inject a smile in your day. It’s one of many fun ways to get moving and ways to exercise at home, office or even on the go!
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Please follow Hip The Hoopla on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp,and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-919-9280, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)