Posts by Che Rippinger
1st Annual Hula Hoop Photo Contest
Post a picture of you with your Hip The Hoopla hoop(s) on our page (whether you got it direct, as a gift, or from Things That Glow). Go get your your hoop, and grab a friend or selfie stick…NOW, and get creative, lol 🙂
There are prizes!
(Contest ends Sun. 8/30/15, prizes announced 8/31/15)
1st Place: A $25 Gift Certificate!
2nd Place: A Free Class for you AND a friend!
3rd Place: A Free Class for you!…
The PRIZE list has a big chance of growing with more entries…so your odds of winning are great–because we like winners! Please share this page with a friend–new hoopers/hoop orders welcome to enter ♥
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
FUN Foot Facts: 3 Things To Know About Your Tootises
Health FYI on your Very Underrated Support System:
The Feet!
And it’s Cool Party Conversation, too!
Did you know that your foot has 26 bones?!
And 1/4 of the human body’s bones are in the FEET?!
…AND…There’s 33 joints, plus more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments
…But wait, there’s more: the feet also host an extensive array and mini city of blood vessels, nerves, skin, and soft tissue.
So quit jamming your feet into crappy, uncomfortable shoes (unless you must do it for beauty’s sake and are willing to take the orthopedic consequences of pain and $).
And get into a Hip The Hoopla class where we respect not just your tootsies…but your entire health, happiness and overall wellness!
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and running Hip The Hoopla since 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life, Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Be You-No Matter What Others Say
A Little Advice From The Heart
A hoop friend posted a comment that I don’t think she’s alone in… “Today I experienced feeling not liked because of my free spirit and hooping 🙁 Anyone else ever feel that?”
Luckily, this particular group, we like to share very positive, support, encouragement and helpful feedback.
Here’s my take on it, since I have had similar reactions and feelings. It may be simple, but sometimes the “simple” is the challenging, even though we all know in our hearts what’s the right thing for us to do, if we honor our true selves.
We’re kind of unusual people with our “plastic rings of happiness” (aka our hula hoop). People can have all kinds of reactions, as their own personal stuff come up. Most of us have some things that can trigger something else that can seem irrational or out of place in that moment. When others do this to you, it could be in defensiveness of their vulnerable selves, and they can project their insecurities on to you. It’s hard to realize that they are commenting based on their experiences and realities. It’s also really easy to take what may be their negativity, personally.
For me…I use the hoop as my “happy place,” the sacred self-space where all the bad stuff can stay outside of it, when I’m in it!
The ultimate thing you can do:
Keep being the greatest you that you know how.
Honor yourself in every moment you can. You not only deserve it, it is your personal right and obligation to do so. Commit to your joy, and your own path. Not everyone has to travel the same road in the same way. That’s what makes us unique, interesting, and have a different perspective to help others, too!
Love, light and laughter to everyone who takes the time to read this. 🙂
Please share.
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and running Hip The Hoopla since 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life, Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
World Hoop Day! Celebrate in Colorado
Mark Your calendars for
World Hoop Day Colorado
Saturday, October 3rd, 2015!
We’re gathering in Fort Collins, CO…
For a huge celebration of hooping, complete with our Colorado entry for the World Hoop Day choreography (think organized hoop Flash Mob). There will also be a wide array of flow art workshops, wonderful vendors, entertainment, gifting, fundraising for the WHD cause and a performers showcase.
Click here for event information:
WHD in FoCO, Saturday October 3, 2015
…and our official
Colorado World Hoop Day website!
World Hoop Day Choreography:
We’ll be preparing for the dance in upcoming Hip The Hoopla classes and have some video support, too for our inner circle members.
Saturday, July 25th, 10am please join us for, “World Hoop Day Moves” at Hip The Hoopla* in Denver, Colorado. Getting some practice in and our Bollywood groove on for our big FoCo celebration! *And if you register now online, you get an immediate class discount!
Other World Hoop Day 2015 classes in Denver, Colorado include:
Tuesday, August 18, 6:30pm
Saturday, September 12, 10am
Tuesday, September 29, 6:30pm (with guest instructor Ashley Shelton!) for discount pre-registration for classes.
We will also have a Free Workshop on Saturday, October 3rd in Fort Collins, Colorado before we shoot what we hope to be the largest attended World Hoop Day event video–World Hoop Day Colorado 3rd Annual Celebration. (Plus other great workshops, DJ, raffle, performer’s showcase, food, great shopping and of course our fundraising efforts to get hoops to kids worldwide for peace, health and happiness!)
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Sign up now for our special e-mails member list.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Attitude Is EVERYTHING! 3 Tips to Pop Your Best Prop: YOU!
Ever see a boring drag queen? Heck no, Honey! Know why? Because “Attitude Is EVERYTHING!”
There’s something really awesome about dancing with flow props: we get to hide behind the moving distraction of an object. It can be mesmerizing. But even the best attention-capturing pretty moves are rather limp noodles of lifeless effort, unless you put your personality and individual stamp on it. How you ask?
3 Quick and Easy Tips
to Boost Your Awesome Attitude,
Increase Your Stage Presence, & De-Stress:
1. When you mess up, make it look like you MEANT to do that! This is one of my favorite “tricks.” Own it. The good news: If you drop the prop, the people watching may just realize how challenging this stuff is, and how much practice it takes to make something look easy and effortless. Ha! If they only knew!
2. Smiles make everything brighter and lighter. Understandably not every piece of music or dance requires a plastered on fake smile, but it sure beats squishing up your visage into what I call my husband’s guitar solo, “Constipation Face.” And I am not immune to this foible–I find myself having to make a conscious effort to stop my own “Muppet Face” (strangely wrapping my lips over my teeth with a concentrated knit brow look like a Jim Henson puppet). Luckily, I weened myself off of “Michael Jordan Face” quite a while back (that’s the one with the tongue hanging out in utter focused “in-the-zone” movement).
3. Have some “mess-up” recovery moves practiced. If you know some pick up tricks when you drop your hoop, or something unplanned happens, it really helps with those awkward, “Oh-Crap-Now-What” moments.
***Bonus Tip #4*** “Fake it, til you make it.” I remember the fear of dropping my hoop during a performance. Well it happened…in front of all of my peers while under the big lights. In my mind it was a slow-motion catastrophe that seemed to last for an eternally long minute. When I looked back at the video, it was a mere split second of real time. And somehow, I kept spinning and swooped my hoop up and got right back into the dance. It didn’t feel very smooth like that from the stage, but I faked it, and apparently, it worked! (See Video below.)
In another scenario, I was in a big variety show and was just as surprised as the rest of the audience, when a professional belly dance friend’s top came undone on stage. Without missing a beat, she gracefully grabbed her goodies before all popped out, and whisked herself off stage. Before we knew it, she danced back on stage and finished beautifully–with her quickly-fixed top, back in tact. After the last beat, she did a playful self boob-grab, hit a double “thumbs-up” sign, winked and curtsied. Now that’s how you do attitude right!
Like this article? Please share and follow Hip The Hoopla on social media and spread the hoop love.
Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla at the Hooping Life Film Premiere
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Sign up now for our special e-mails member list.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Buy A Hoop Now In Denver
Want a retail location that’s open 6 days a week to go get a great professional* hula hoop?
Check out Things That Glow in Denver, Colorado. They have a variety of hoops including: practice, performance, minis & twins, collapsible for travel and LED light up hoops, too! Many are wrapped with tapes that reflect & refract light and some have tapes that glow in the dark or under black light. Most of the specialty wrapped hoops are one of a kind original patterns–which means you can have your own one-of-a-kind piece of customized art!
Two local companies supply these ever-changing hoops. Hip The Hoopla creates the decorative hoops and Colorado Hula Hoops makes the LED selections. Most of the LED hoops come “naked,” meaning “no tape.” If you are interested in having your LED hoop wrapped with some gaffer’s tape to make it more “grippy,” or want a gorgeous translucent tape wrap that will make your hoop shine night AND day…Hip The Hoopla can help you out.
Hip The Hoopla is well-known for custom hoops and a complimentary hoop consultation is included with all of their hoops, no matter where you buy one!
And if you want to learn how to hoop, learn new hoop dance methods and tricks, or prepare for an upcoming performance, Hip The Hoopla offers local group classes, private lessons, and online coaching. Please contact us now for more information. We’ll have you happily hooping quickly with glee, joy and childlike fun!
Hooping is not only great exercise and fabulous for your brain, Hoop Dance beats down stress and depression, and can be an excellent way to recover from injury and emotional down times. Come find out for yourself what all the Hoopla is about!
*Note: Professional hula hoops are made from better quality materials and far exceed the performance and ease of use much more than toy or “sport/weighted” hoops available at box retail stores.
Things That Glow
948 W 8th Ave, Denver, CO 80204
(303) 751-4569
Store Hours:
Monday 11:00 am — 6:00 pm
Tuesday 11:00 am — 6:00 pm
Wednesday 11:00 am — 6:00 pm
Thursday 11:00 am — 6:00 pm
Friday 11:00 am — 8:00 pm
Saturday 11:00 am — 8:00 pm
Sunday Closed
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Sign up now for our e-mails.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Yelp. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Circle The Drain…up, Up, UP!
Most people “circle the drain” with negative thoughts where one leads to another until you are in a downward spiral of funk. You can turn reverse it in the other direction. Many call it the law of attraction. Put your attention and focus on one positive thing, no matter how little, and then feel the joy. This will encourage the next positive thought, and so on, until you have stirred and magnetized with your focus, a better perspective and place of “action & happen.” Have fun being a vortex of good! “up, Up, UP!”
We highly encourage and practice a variety of positive techniques, tricks and tips with Hip The Hoopla. Come join us in a variety of formats: group classes, private sessions, premium packages and working together virtually. We’d love to help you step up to the best you can be in each moment. Welcome to your opportunity you’ve been given to breathe and be great!
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Sign up now for our e-mails.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Yelp. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Hoopie Award for a Top Tutorial–Like Winning An Oscar!
- Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla’s “Corkscrew Hoop Dance Combination” video is one of the top 25 tutorials of the year!
It’s like winning an Academy Award in the worldwide hooping community!
Holy Cow, I won a Hoopie Award from!
“Corkscrew Hoop Dance Combination” is one of the Top 25 Video Tutorials of 2014 (out of thousands!).
Thank you to everyone who nominated and voted! This is a big honor and I am very grateful and appreciative.
The 2014 Hoopie Awards complete list: feature of my video:
My “Award-Winning” Video:
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Sign up now for our e-mails.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Yelp. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Celebrating World Laughter Day with Hoops & Laughter Yoga
So thrilled to be celebrating World Laughter Day on Sunday, May 3rd at The Spin Summit in Colorado Springs with what else…a chance to get your laugh on with Laughter Yoga! I look forward to getting you giggling!
~with hoop love Ché Rippinger ♥ Hip The Hoopla
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Sign up now for our e-mails.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Yelp. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295 or e-mail
Guest Instructor and Spin Summit This week
News You Can Use
Please join us for two special Hip The Hoopla classes this week Tues. 6:30pm & Sat. 10am) with Guest Instructor Extraordinaire Felicia Heyn. She’ll be doing Q&A, Injury Prevention, and Mastery Move Tweaks.
Pre-registration discount: or MindBody Connect app.
*ALL Levels Welcome*
And come visit us down at The Spin Summit April 30-May 3 (day passes, camping, weekend, shows, and an array of flow, fire & fabulous world wide instructors!) (Hip The Hoopla Laughter Yoga celebration on Sunday 5/3)
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Sign up now for our e-mails.
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Yelp.