Posts by Che Rippinger
Real Changes in 4 Steps
You may perhaps be either pro or anti New Year Resolutions. This year, I’m taking a gentler approach: I’m incorporating 4 lovely steps I’m renaming “tenants” or “Shifts.” Plus I’m throwing in 2 more bonus steps, also. My basic plan that is changing my perspective this year: “Shifting with My Why.”
Some of us have made the same or similar resolution list over and over. Maybe with some success, and maybe nothing happened. What if instead of a “Do or Don’t” mentality, we simply “Shifted?” We’d move more smoothly into gear and our transition could be more gradual.
In my Hip The Hoopla classes, coaching, and mentoring, I sometimes refer to it as, “Baby Steps.” Kathy Freston, author of Quantum Wellness, brilliantly calls it “Leaning In.” You can call it “toe-dipping,” or whatever the heck you like. Right now, I personally resonate with “Shifting.”
Why is my list this year, both very, and subtly different? I’ve chosen less weighty goals for some of my plan. But the real key is that for the things that I still want to work on accomplishing…I need a better strategy. So I’m building off of my success strategies of the past, and adding a new one.
Over the years, I’ve decided to drink more water, get toxic chemicals out of my house, eat more simple homemade basic healthy foods, go vegetarian, meditate, do yoga, read more, and the list goes on. The “on” part refers to works yet to have more significant progress. (Ooops, I know, that’s guilt creeping in, lol.)
Which brings me to Tennent #1 for this year:
Be Gentler on Myself
I am great at “guilting myself out,” more for what I haven’t yet accomplished, or thought I didn’t achieve “well enough.” Time to move past that. Funny how a little life seasoning will bring about this wisdom.
That brings me to Tennant #2:
Celebrate My Wins
I am literally doing a silly happy dance. A rocking business friend of mine, Rita Goodroe calls hers, “The One Minute Dance Party.” Even if I don’t physically get up to dance, laugh, or hoop, I want to at least acknowledge myself for both my big and little wins.
I used to think cleaning my office was the big accomplishment. Now I know that clearing a simple well-used drawer, to reflect easy of use and the tools I genuinely need, is just as valid to my happiness and productivity. A little work done, that is in alignment and moving me towards my goals, is Movement. And success, begets more success. I didn’t make that principle up, but like sure does attract like.
Tennant #3:
Progress, Not Perfection.
This one is a doozy! I think it is human nature to stall completion until a project is deemed “Just Right.” The problem here though, is that many of us stay in that perpetual tweaking stage of un-done, rather than move over to the threshold of “good enough” and a completion. Making excuses of why something is not done, eventually wears so thin that “This is still not done,” is the overall message. Sometimes this step of making “progress” gets messy and frustrating because there may be one step forward and 2 or more steps back, on the way to that hopeful eventual achievement.
In japanese, they have a word “Kaizen,” which means “Never-ending improvement.” This is helpful for me so I don’t nestle into a “comfortable rut” and stay in that zone for my time on this planet.
My new Tennent #4 that I’m adding more into my Shifts List this year:
Understanding and having a really significant WHY.
Sure I want to declutter and clear out things that no longer suit me or my current lifestyle. But my WHY is really powerful: to create a space to do the things I really WANT to do. When I have space to do what I want, I can literally breathe easier. I have more joy making progress on my goals. I can live with a space that’s clogged energetically, or I can open it up to it’s magnificent new purpose. My life is enhanced, and those around me benefit greatly too–more enjoyment, peace, prosperity, joy and overall harmony.
It’s pretty cool looking at a new year with hope, backed by action.
Oh, and my Bonus Step/Tennant A, (that I have actually been doing for several years now):
Utilize the Soft or Running Start
For me, this is taking a running start at the new year–before it starts! In this space, I am messing with my goals and trying them out when no one is looking–in December. I don’t make any grand announcements at all. I just make a mental list of some testers and start trying them out. This is like January for the rest of the world. What happens during January and a new list for a lot of people, is some inevitible tripping points. Many throw in the towel here and quit, instead of reupping and moving along anyway. (See Tennent # 3 of Progress Not Perfection.)
Also another bonus step/Tennant B that I need to remember, too:
Keep Your Sense of Humor
You see, I wanted to make a simple list, and it got long, pretty quickly. So I am laughing at myself already. But I still like a challenge and there seem to be 12 months to accomplish a little change for the better, in each one. Wish me luck! I’ll need a little of that, and a little kicking myself in the katookus. Plus the help of some accountability buddies, will do wonders for my personal and professional progress. Blessings to you in your own journey. May it be not only successful, but also, a lot of fun!
I’d love to hear from you. What are your goals, personal ways to accomplish them, and what are your stumbling blocks and eventual successes? Any short cuts or tips you can share to help me and others? Please let me know on my page, call, text, snail or e-mail.
Hoop Love, Ya’ll!
~Che Rippinger, Founder of Hip The Hoopla
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list: Hip The Hoopla Circle E-mail
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube(with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp,and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
New Hoop Trick Combo
“Hand Spin Back Hand Pass Combo” Video Tutorial
Happy New Year! To help celebrate here’s a new hula hoop trick combo of two moves…we’re calling it the “Hand Spin Back Hand Pass Combo.” This is a 1 minute video tutorial with Che’ Rippinger, Hoop Dance Master Teacher at Hip The Hoopla.
♥ Hoop Love, Ya’ll! ♥
from Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla
Join us for in person group classes in Denver/Lakewood, Colorado, USA and also online for classes, private coaching and classes. Humorously Hooping you to great Health.
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list: Hip The Hoopla Circle E-mail
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp,and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Holiday Deals with Hip The Hoopla
Hooping For the Holidays
Hooping For the Holidays? Enjoy peace in the hoop instead of battling crowds, with no-pressure fun holiday deals to make your day, and someone else’s. #SHOPSMALL
Small Business Saturday Deal (Available 11/25/16-12/1/16):
Use the code SBS10 to take $10 off any class pack (5 or 10 classes), package (Fit Finesse, Polished Performer, Elite), or pro hoop over $50, (online, in person in Lakewood, or on MindBody).
After you are done with the hectic malls and big box stores, come #SHOPSMALL with us on #smallbusinesssaturday
Free Facebook Live Hip The Hoopla Class recording available
Check it out!
As a little reward for Liking us on Facebook, here’s a FREE Facebook Live Class that you can watch and do! The class theme is “Hooping Indoors/Hooping in Small Spaces” and is 43 minutes of Hip The Hoopla fun! In-Joy ♥ Click here to watch now!
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list: Hip The Hoopla Circle E-mail
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp,and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Three Great Tips From The Hoop
If you think things are a little hard when learning something, whether it’s hula hooping, work, or general life, remember these three great tips from the hoop.
1.) “When you drop your hoop, act like you meant to do that!” It’s your reaction to what happens that determines the results around it. We all drop the hoop, a ball, a work project, whatever.
2.) In addition, it’s helpful to remember: “If you aren’t dropping your hoop, you aren’t trying anything new!”
3.) It takes practice and repetition to get it right. If you put in the work, it starts working!
The hoop is a metaphor for life that we can learn a lot from, if you get in tune and pay attention, you can adapt and apply those lessons to the rest of your life…really! I hope you put into play immediately these three highly useful tips from my flow world of hooping, plus teaching many years of hula hooping, dance, happiness & wellness. May the hoop be with you!
Hoop Love, Ya’ll!
~Ché Rippinger, Founder, Hip The Hoopla
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list: Hip The Hoopla Circle E-mail
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Hula Hoop Hand Grips for Interesting Hoop Dance Variations
Here’s a short tutorial video on several hoop hand grip positions with Hip The Hoopla’s Che’ Rippinger. Note: I use the names of these grips as Emma Kenna teaches–because I love the accuracy in her fun descriptions, and she is a total enjoyable hoot–plus I love to credit the original source!
Check out more humor & hula hoop info at
Hoop Love, Ya’ll! ~Che’ Rippinger, Founder of Hip The Hoopla
♥ Please hit “Thumbs up” & subscribe for more free tutorials and info. We also have an e-mail list you can subscribe to for news, schedule and hooping info. Thank you for watching! ♥
(E-mail signup link: )
Hand Grip Variations Video Tutorial Link
There aren’t any prerequisite moves that you need to have accomplished first for these hand grips. Just know that they do flow together with each half turn, and can be used interchangeably in your hoop dance flow session. It’s good to know these on both hands, and going in both directions on each hand–so your possibilities for combining them and creating variations on new moves and dance combinations, is endless!
Please warm up and cool down (head to toe!) to keep your body safe and hooping longer, hydrate, and take it sloooow! Make sure you have a nice dance posture: stand tall, shoulders back, chest and head lifted, abdominal wall in, pelvis tucked under, and a slight bend in the knees. Dancer/Boxer feet–keep your weight shifted forward on the balls of your feet, rather than resting back on your heels–easier for nimble movement. Try everything *without* the hoop first. Next, just hold the hoop and do the moves. Then get your fancier hoop moves in while coordinating with some basic stepping or fancy footwork dance combinations. Bring all you have to the table–your personal style, experience and sass! Stay positive and give yourself lots of credit for any and all progress! Keep a hoop notebook and take a couple of moments to write down tips and tricks that are helpful for you. Then review them right then and there, and a few minutes the next day…etc. You’ll be amazed at your progress! Please post how you are doing. Grab a buddy and stay accountable to another. And Please Share! Thanks So Much for watching! Subscribe to this channel here, and our informative hoop circle news via e-mai ( )l, and check out more great hoop, health and happiness info at
~With Hoop ♥ ~Che’
@hipthehoopla on Instagram and Twitter
on MindBody, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc!
Link for this video tutorial to share:
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list: Hip The Hoopla Circle E-mail
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Quick Video Hula Hoop Tutorial Trick: Inverted Scorpion Pass
Quick Tutorial-Inverted Scorpion Pass Hula Hoop Trick with Che of Hip The Hoopla
Want to know how to make a Scorpion Pass (an already ooh-ahh hula hoop trick) look even more awesome? Try adding a flexibility maneuver to it! If you practice yoga or have trained in dance, you may already know how to get an inverted standing split stretch. If you are not familiar with the safety and technique of those, please do that first! Or take out that extra element, and just practice the scorpion pass.
Having the Scorpion foot pass already accessible in your hooping tricks tool box, is very helpful.
Remember some key points in the Scorpion pass:
1. Keep your hoop hooked on a flexed foot as you drop it on to your foot from a hand pass, circle the extended leg (with flexed foot) around to the back.
2. Be ready to grab the flying hoop as you point the toe with the hoop on it.
3. With that hoop release, the hoop should transfer your hoop from foot to opposite hand.
4. Practice will help your coordination and timing of this move to pass and catch the hoop.
Hope you enjoy this and practice. If you are interested in private or group lessons, custom hula hoops, humor & health info, please connect with us at
Many Blessings to You ♥ Hoop Love, Ya’ll!
~Che’ Rippinger, Founder of Hip The Hoopla
Colorado World Hoop Day is Saturday October 1, 2016 in Fort Collins, CO
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list: Hip The Hoopla Circle E-mail
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Hip The Hoopla August Class & Events Schedule & Video
August is Hot, Hot, Hot for Hip The Hoopla!
Enjoy a new tutorial video (below), come out and support our HTH events schedule plus Hooping in the 2016 Olympics!

Hip The Hoopla Group Classes (all levels welcome)
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm at our new Namaste Studio home at 701 Garrison Street, Lakewood, Colorado 80215. Pre-registration, class pack, and private package discounts available at and the Mindbody
August 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, (NO Class on the 25) and 30th.
September 1, 6, (NO Class on the 8th), 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 and 29th.

World Hoop Record Attempt with Natural Grocers
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Ice Cream Social Event 4-6pm MST
Actual Record Breaking attempt: 4:45 MST (time converter for your time zone)
Where: Any and all Natural Grocers/Vitamin Cottage store near you!
Store Locations List:
Event Link for more info:
22nd Annual Bodacious Babes of Summer Party
at the Double Heart Ranch
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Event link for more info:

Free Hip The Hoopla Class Events at Athleta store in Park Meadows Mall
Limited spacing available. Please call store to RSVP your space and Be there 🙂
♦ Saturday, August 6, 2016, 8:30am-9:30am – ADULT AEROBIC hoop dance class
♦ ***Cancelled***Saturday, August 27, 2016 8:30am-9:30am – KIDS hoop dance class-Sorry They have a huge inventory order coming in!
Double Bills acoustic rock duo performances
Yes Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla is out wrapping hoops for sale AND performing with hoops, too! One of the Double Bills is Bill Owen, married of course to Hip The Hoopla’s Chief Hooping Officer, Che’.
Double Bills website calendar:
And Facebook page for more info:
Trickshot power trio performances
Colorado State Fair, Pueblo, Colorado–Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 6pm at the AFW Amphitheater.
Hubby Bill is not just in one great band…there’s more! And Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla will be out performing with her hoops, there, too! (And wrapping hoops for sale, if possible)
Their website calendar:
And Facebook page for more info:
New Hip The Hoopla Tutorial Video
Quick hooping tip from Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla on how your hoop likes “The Perpendicular.”

Hooping in the 2016 Rio Olympics
Check out the previous article with schedule, USA team members (only second time to ever qualify for the Olympics team competition), team routine sneak peak video, and our hoop communitite’s favorite talented viral video hooper, Rachael Lust’s Olympics commercial for Germany. 2016 Olympic Hooping Schedule Article
Colorado World Hoop Day is Saturday October 1, 2016 in Fort Collins, CO
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list: Hip The Hoopla Circle E-mail
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Olympic Hooping in Rio 2016 Rhythmic Gymnastics
Hoop Dance in the Olympics
You can see Olympic “hula hooping” under the category of “Rhythmic Gymnastics.” Add more dance, flair and a flow prop like the hoop (also ball, ribbon, & clubs) to the tumbling, flexibility and strength of “artistic” gymnastics. Then take away the various apparatus (balance beam, uneven bars, vault) and compiled it all in a floor routine (with one gymnast or other team mates performing all at once)–and well, you’d have this hybrid sport worthy of the 5 famous Olympic rings.
Want to see some extreme flexibility? This is definitely your “pull up a chair and be awe-inspired” time. These gals train on an average 6-8 hours every day (sorry, no boys category just yet).
Representing the
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Here’s a sneak peak at our team in action.
Here’s the Rhythmic Gymnastics schedule so you can set your dvr and absorb every ounce of NBC/Universal/Comcast television coverage. (They may Live-stream more online/or via the app–check your local listings). All competition held at the Rio Olympic Arena in Rio de Jenaro in Brazil. Air times* below are listed in MST (Mountain Standard Time)
*Make SURE you check your own local listings! Event schedules do get shifted around and so do the times they are presented. (I already found some time differences with our local cable provider. Viewer TIP Update: Use your mobile device to Live Stream–I was only able to live-stream with the NBC app, because apparently the two companies are in contract disputes, leaving the computer version “not available due to location restrictions or authorization failures.”)
(click here for time zone conversion).
Rhythmic gymnasticsWomen’s individual all-around
Rotation One Fri, Aug 19, 7:20 AM (MST)
Rotation Two Fri, Aug 19, 8:50 AM (MST)
Rotation Three Fri, Aug 19, 11:50 AM (MST)
Rotation Four Fri, Aug 19, 1:20 PM (MST)
Rotation One Sat, Aug 20, 12:20 PM (MST)
Rotation Two Sat, Aug 20, 12:53 PM (MST)
Rotation Three Sat, Aug 20, 1:26 PM (MST)
Rotation Four Sat, Aug 20, 1:26 PM (MST)
Women’s Team All-Around
All Rotations Sat, Aug 20, 7:00 AM (MST)
Rotation One Sun, Aug 21, 8:00 AM (MST)
Rotation Two Sun, Aug 21, 8:50 AM (MST)
Plus Medal Ceremony following the competition
For more information, please check out this previous article on Olympic hooping.
And for another bit of HOOPING Awesomeness: World respected American hooper, Rachael Lust (of Ohio, USA) in the German commercial promoting the Olympics, of course…but as we all know…hooping in Rio!!! In-Joy! ♥ ☻
~Che’ Rippinger is Hip The Hoopla‘s CHO (Chief Hooping Officer)/Owner/Founder and head humorist, with heart. She’s been hula hooping since 2008 and founded Hip The Hoopla in 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom dance hula hoops. A dancer most of her life (30+years), Che’ has also been a humor writer/columnist, illustrator and cartoonist for The Denver Post and her Touché! Cartoons have been featured in PLAYGIRL Magazine.
Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Please sign up now for our special e-mails member list: Hip The Hoopla Circle E-mail
Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Instagram. To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)
Hip The Hoopla is on the Move!
We are proud to announce that Hip The Hoopla is on the move to Namasté Studio at 701 Garrison St. in Lakewood, Colorado.
Group classes will begin 7/19/16 and will run on Tuesdays at 6:30pm and Wednesdays at 7pm–FOR JULY 2016 ONLY. Please check our schedule and pre-register online at or on the MindBody mobile app to get a discount ($15 in advance or $20 at the door–class packs & value packages are available).
Starting in August 2016, classes will continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm at Namaste Studio. Please signup now and join us ♥
Questions? For fastest contact, please Call 303-980-6295 or connect with us on Facebook, or (Or you can email
- Oh Snap! Attitude Is Everything by Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla
- Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla’s “Corkscrew Hoop Dance Combination” video is one of the top 25 tutorials of the year! It’s like winning an Academy Award in the worldwide hooping community!
- Get a pro dance (hula) Hoop with Hip the Hoopla!