How to Host a Gathering in 2020
It’s 2020. All bets are off. But you still want to celebrate. Here’s some ideas how you can be part of the 20 countries and over 500 hoopers participating Worldwide goal:
1.) If you are game, you could create a small gathering of Circus and creative friends who are itching to get outside in a park.
DIY it as a little potluck and you’ve got yourself a little party. If you do, please post it on the World Hoop Day Facebook group…before to gather excitement, and after with some pictures. We are all just doing ths best we can! I just had a handful of people last year, coming from a very large flow community in Colorado-I just did a baby version of our big event. Whatever works for you. Be part of the 20 Countries with over 500 Hooers worldwide goal‼
2.) Host a virtual event. Some people are really making this online connecting stuff really work! Gather their skills and get together. The internet this year is helping us reach out to more new colleagues, friends and flomies, who we didn’t know before.
3.) Do your own thing. Hey, if you want to participate but don’t quite know others to gather with or just want to keep it simple, celebrate in your own way. And do the World Hoop Day Dance, dress up just for fun, get some pics, shoot a video, and throw yourself a World Hoop Day dance party!!