May 2013 Hip The Hoopla Classes & Performances
May Is HOT with Hip The Hoopla!
MAY 2013 Hip The Hoopla Class Schedule: 5/7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 (NO 5/4-Spin Summit)**Classes Tues. 6:30pm & Sat. 10am.**

Tues. 5/7 at 6:30pm Hip The Hoopla class…”Hot New Moves, Part 1″ is the theme!
Upcoming Performances:
♥ Che Performing at Casselmans-Bellies On Fire show
Saturday, May 25, 2013, 8pm-11pm
Casselmans Bar & Venue Denver 2620 Walnut St, Denver, Colorado 80205
♥ Ché Performing at Boulder Creek Festival
Monday May 27, 2013, 1pm on the Dance Stage
**Please RSVP to guarantee your Hip The Hoopla class spot. Private lessons and coaching are available, too.
If you need a custom hand-made professional (hula) hoop, please call or e-mail to order (303-980-6295 &
More info on Facebook:
And visit Things That Glow to see the Hip The Hoopla hoops selection in stock! Things That Glow 918 W 8th Ave, Denver CO 80204, 303-751-GLOW.