Mountain Hooping Video

Mountain and Jeep Hooping Video

Jeep rock climbing break: A little Rocky Mountain hula hooping up near Rainbow Falls in the Pikes Peak National Forest with Che’ Rippinger, Founder of Hip The Hoopla. Hoop Love Ya’ll! In~Joy!



***Catch the Hoop Love Ya’ll Show featuring Health, Humor and Hooping LIVE (and recorded, too) on Monday nights at 6:30pm MST on YouTube and Facebook.

Want more awesomeness? Sign up for our Whirled News Happy Circle e-mail and get your very own 10 motivational ways to make changes workbook.

Hip The Hoopla Fall/Winter Workshops

Hip The Hoopla is Back On for the rest of 2017! There are only 12 spaces available each workshop (Tues. at 6:30pm), so please contact us immediately to book your spot!
*If you register for the series, you get: Class Notes, a Video Summary, plus extra comraderie and goodies in our private “Inner Circle” Facebook group.

Here’s the full schedule:

“Rocktober Hooping” Workshop Series:
3 Tuesdays: October 10, 17, & 24, 2017, 6:30pm at Namaste Studio, 701 Garrison, Lakewood, Colorado, 80215.
On and off body hooping. Wonderful for beginners, plus those brushing up and expanding your hoop dance toolbox. We’ll cover many foundational moves along with many cool variations, all while incorporating more dance with your hoop tricks. All levels welcome and we’ll have bonus challenges for everyone, no matter where you are in your hoop journey.
Tuesday, October 10: “Creative Core Hooping”
Tuesday, October 17: “A Call To Awesome Arms”
Tuesday October 24: “Leggolicious Hooping”

“Thanks To Hooping” Workshop Series:
4 Tuesdays: November 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2017, 6:30pm at Namaste Studio, 701 Garrison, Lakewood, Colorado, 80215.
More expansion with on and off body hooping. Great for intermediate hoopers. We’ll be continuing to expand your hoop dance capabilities, dance style and choreography. ALL levels are welcome and we’ll have fun and doable hoop moves for everyone, no matter where you are in your hooping education. You’ll be encouraged to consider performing for our little December 16 Holiday Hoopla. Yes, YOU can do this, and you won’t be alone ♥


“Performers Prep” Workshop Series:
2 Evenings: Wednesday December 6* and Tuesday December 12, 2017, 6:30pm at Namaste Studio, 701 Garrison, Lakewood, Colorado, 80215.
You got it, we’re getting ready to perform, and learning pro tips and extra polishing tricks. So whether you’ve never performed before, or are a seasoned artist, we’ll be prepping to give it a go! You’ll get personal attention to showcase what you do best, learning some of the important details for a great personal growth experience, and putting that all into action by doing it with others in a safe, warm, small, and encouraging environment.
*December 5 is rescheduled to December 6 due to a travel change.

Holiday Hoopla

Potluck party and intimate show gathering): Saturday, December 16, 2017 6-9pm, at Namaste Studio, 701 Garrison, Lakewood, Colorado, 80215.

You are also welcome to book private sessions, coaching, group events, workshops, performances, etc. Please call Che’ at 303-919-9280 for more info. Please NO sales calls, spamming, or adding my # to lists.

Hip The Hoopla Personalized Fitness Program Personal Investment:
♥”Rocktober Hooping” Workshop Series:
Roctober Hooping 3 Workshops Earlybird Special (RSVP by 10/9/17): $60 for Series (save up to $30)
Individual drop in workshops (if spaces are available) $25 in advance, $30 at the door

♥”Thanks To Hooping” Workshop Series:
Thanks To Hooping 4 Workshops Earlybird Special (RSVP and paid by 11/6/17): $80 for Series (save up to $40)
Individual drop in workshops (if spaces are available) $25 in advance, $30 at the door

♥”Performers Prep” Workshop Series:
Performers Prep 2 Workshops Earlybird Special (RSVP and paid by 12/1/17): $40 for Series (save up to $20)
Individual drop in workshops (if spaces are available) $25 in advance, $30 at the door

If you have any credit remaining from a previous unused purchase, please let us know so we can help you apply it to the new schedule.

****************♥ ♥ ♥*****************
Hip The Hoopla Workshop series are fun-filled, jam-packed dance classes with Laughter Yoga, belly dance, on-body core hooping and off-body hoop dance movements. Classes have a variety of themes and focus.
You’ll laugh, learn, stretch, grow and get your grove on, all with positive personal encouragement and step-by-step bite-sized technique teaching.

ALL LEVELS ARE WELCOME! Everyone will have instruction to help develop and challenge themselves with technique and lots of humor.

Classes have limited spaces available, so please do go online at or personally connect with Che’ Rippinger to get your pre-registration discount and guarantee your class spot!

BRING: Please bring a yoga mat and a bottle of water to stay hydrated. Plus your positive energy and dance spirit (we’ll help you find that if you don’t have it yet!).

TO WEAR: Comfortable clothing is recommended (the hoops love skin, and non-slick materials to stick to better to stay up and in orbit). Bare feet, socks or non-street dance shoes are appropriate for the dance floor surface.

HOOPS: You are welcome to buy a hoop at class, use one of the class hoops or bring your own! Custom orders are available and come with a complimentary hoop consultation. Hip The Hoopla custom hand crafted pro hoops are also available at Things That Glow,

Questions/Info: Please call or text Che’ Rippinger at 303-919-9280 or message me on Facebook (personal or
(e-mails may have a bit more delay:

Please register online now at
or on the Vagaro mobile app ~Thank You ~

♥ ***Hip The Hoopla also offers other classes (please check our calendar), online classes, private coaching and events, too!***

♥  Sign up for our “In The Circle” whirled news  ♥

Hooping Idol 7 Voting for Goth Week

It’s “Goth Week,” aka Week 2 of Hooping Idol 7 and your votes are needed please. Since viewer votes count for 60%, please cast your ballot for Che Rippinger.

Voting Directions:

Click the voting page link, scroll way down on the page (after the videos~Che Rippinger is #14) until you come to the list of names with check boxes and select “Che Rippinger.” Make sure you put in the year so the site knows you are a human voting, and click “Submit.” That should take you to a thank you page.

Thank you for taking the time to vote, share, and send your positive energy. I’m very honored to be in this and to have made it through the first cut. I’m hoping to improve even more and show it in the next round.

~Hoop Love, Ya’ll! ~Che Rippinger, founder of Hip The Hoopla humorous hula hoop dance instruction, performances, professional hoopsmith and Humor/Health/Wellness coach.

Please vote here until 3pm PST on Wednesday, 4/26/17.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Humorous Hula Hoop Video Interlude

A minute of humor & hooping by Che’ Rippinger, founder of Hip The Hoopla. This little flow demo has laughter, goofy facial expression, belly dance, flexibility and silliness, all incorporated with the hula hoop dance. Please like (thumbs up), share this, subscribe to this channel and visit for more info and #Hoopspiration ♥

HELPFUL HOOP DANCE TIPS: Please warm up and cool down (head to toe!) to keep your body safe and hooping longer, hydrate, and take it sloooow! Make sure you have a nice dance posture: stand tall, shoulders back, chest and head lifted, abdominal wall in, pelvis tucked under and a slight bend in the knees. Dancer/Boxer feet–keep your weight shifted forward on the balls of your feet rather than resting back on your heels–easier for nimble movement. Try everything *without* the hoop first. Next, just hold the hoop and do the moves. Then get your fancier hoop moves in while coordinating with some basic stepping or fancy footwork dance combinations. Bring all you have to the table–your personal style, experience and sass! Stay positive and give yourself lots of credit for any and all progress! Keep a hoop notebook and take a couple of moments to write down tips and tricks that are helpful for you. Then review them right then and there, and a few minutes the next day…etc. You’ll be amazed at your progress! Please post how you are doing. Grab a buddy and stay accountable to another. And Please Share! Thanks So Much for watching! Subscribe to this channel here and our informative hoop circle news via e-mail at

~With Hoop ♥ ~Che’
@hipthehoopla on Instagram and Twitter
on MindBody, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc!

Special shout outs to our fabulous Facebook hoop groups (come join us!):
Denver Hula Hoop Group, Hoopers United, Colorado Hoopers, Colorado World Hoop Day, and all of our other great flow groups and communities–locally, statewide, nationally and internationally!!!

Please help support Stronghold Society~Live Life!


Attitude Is EVERYTHING! 3 Tips to Pop Your Best Prop: YOU!

If you want to know where you can get pro hoops custom made, especially for your needs... that will really help you reach your fitness and hooping goals, Hip The Hoopla is a great place to go, for pro advice and recommendations on sizing, tubing, tapes. Order/Pick up locally in Crossville, TN, or connect online for your own hoop consultation. Connect:  
Hip The Hoopla - Che Rippinger

Oh Snap — Attitude Is Everything! (by Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla)

Ever see a boring drag queen? Heck no, Honey! Know why? Because “Attitude Is EVERYTHING!”

There’s something really awesome about dancing with flow props: we get to hide behind the moving distraction of an object. It can be mesmerizing. But even the best attention-capturing pretty moves are rather limp noodles of lifeless effort, unless you put your personality and individual stamp on it. How you ask?

3 Quick and Easy Tips

to Boost Your Awesome Attitude,

Increase Your Stage Presence, & De-Stress:

1. When you mess up, make it look like you MEANT to do that! This is one of my favorite “tricks.” Own it. The good news: If you drop the prop, the people watching may just realize how challenging this stuff is, and how much practice it takes to make something look easy and effortless. Ha! If they only knew!

2. Smiles make everything brighter and lighter. Understandably not every piece of music or dance requires a plastered on fake smile, but it sure beats squishing up your visage into what I call my husband’s guitar solo, “Constipation Face.” And I am not immune to this foible–I find myself having to make a conscious effort to stop my own “Muppet Face” (strangely wrapping my lips over my teeth with a concentrated knit brow look like a Jim Henson puppet). Luckily, I weened myself off of “Michael Jordan Face” quite a while back (that’s the one with the tongue hanging out in utter focused “in-the-zone” movement).

3. Have some “mess-up” recovery moves practiced. If you know some pick up tricks when you drop your hoop, or something unplanned happens, it really helps with those awkward, “Oh-Crap-Now-What” moments.

***Bonus Tip #4*** “Fake it, til you make it.” I remember the fear of dropping my hoop during a performance. Well it happened…in front of all of my peers while under the big lights. In my mind it was a slow-motion catastrophe that seemed to last for an eternally long minute. When I looked back at the video, it was a mere split second of real time. And somehow, I kept spinning and swooped my hoop up and got right back into the dance. It didn’t feel very smooth like that from the stage, but I faked it, and apparently, it worked! (See Video below.)

In another scenario, I was in a big variety show and was just as surprised as the rest of the audience, when a professional belly dance friend’s top came undone on stage. Without missing a beat, she gracefully grabbed her goodies before all popped out, and whisked herself off stage. Before we knew it, she danced back on stage and finished beautifully–with her quickly-fixed top, back in tact. After the last beat, she did a playful self boob-grab, hit a double “thumbs-up” sign, winked and curtsied. Now that’s how you do attitude right!

Like this article? Please share and follow Hip The Hoopla on social media and spread the hoop love.

Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla at the Hooping Life Film Premiere

Keep up with Hip the Hoopla with news, #Hoopspiration and special offers. Sign up now for our special e-mails member list.

Sign Up Now

Also, please follow us on Facebook. We’re even on YouTube (with our own channel), Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedInYelp, and Instagram.  To contact us for group classes, private coaching, premium service packages, VIP days, events, performances or custom professional dance hoops, please call 303-980-6295, visit or e-mail (Please do not add us to call/e-mail lists without permission.)

Cracking the Whip: 3 Keys to Whippy Fast Moves!

Che Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla humorous hula hoop dance fitness

How do you get that cool “whooshing” sound with a hoop?

I’d say “Fear Not,” but alas, cannot, as ‘Whipping The Hoop’ about the cabin can be…well, fun, funny, injury-inducing, and sometimes object-destructive. I really wanna emphasize the “fun” part though, especially because it is awe-inspiring to see when done well!

Here are 3 tips though to help ya out as you learn some Whippy Hoopy Thangs.* (And, as always, these ideas are kind of a metaphor for life!) 

1. Make your life easier with the right tool for the right job…Use a lighter hoop. Yes, size matters boys and girls–especially for this stuff. It stands to reason that if your hoop is smaller AND lighter, that whipping it around quickly will be less taxing on your hands, arms, bendy body parts and nearby furniture. Recommended: Polypro or HDPE tubing. Not recommended: Toy hoops. Yes they will whip, but can be easily bent, kinked and warped much quicker than a professionally made hoop by a reputable hoop maker. (There are many qualified local hoop artisans you can support. Check your community. Hip The Hoopla covers the Colorado area and can ship, if you like).

2. Learn Good Technique–with a qualified teacher is best–in person, if possible. But you can also have an online coach (like Hip The Hoopla or many others world wide), or check out some video tutorials on YouTube. Get it slowwwwwwly. If you start just jamming on stuff right off the bat, you may need an injury lawyer–and no one wants to sue themselves.

3. You’ve got to PRACTICE! You knew that one was coming, right?! Whippy moves don’t come about by spontaneous combustion, or via fairy godmother. They take the time and energy of good ‘ole diligent practice. Technique is the main component. When you have that down, then confidence comes into play. Then there’s one more thing that you want to add to your practice…

One more little *Bonus Tip*:
****Facial Expression.**** Yep. Practice getting that scared, “oh crap” look off your face, and try smiling with confidence and ease. Yeah your brain chatter will be racing saying, “But that hoop is whipping near my face — I must close my eyes!” Don’t do that. Keep ’em open so you know which way to duck if you need to. Plus it’s way more enjoyable to watch someone with a pleasant expression…less cortisol for the viewer to stress about you. And, the fake it til you make it grin will bring more of your happy endorphins bubbling your confidence up, too!

P.S. Bonus, bonus tip: If you are new to the hoop whipping concept, start with grip moves before advancing to hand release moves for more control and less bonking of nearby valuables.

Hope these 3 tips and bonuses help increase your personal level of hoop dance. Happy Hooping!

♥ ♥ ♥

*Whippy Thangs can be described as very fast movements, sometimes moving so quickly that they make a whooshy sound. They can create a breeze from the hoop movement, and even more of a wind current from onlookers gasping, “Ahhhhh!” They can be moves like escalators, folds, flips, breaks, etc. Even schmears can be done at lightning speed in a whippy motion!

~Lovingly written, tongue-in-cheeky by CHO (Chief Hooping Officer) Che’ Rippinger, who’s been hooping since 2008, running Hip The Hoopla since 2011 – while teaching, performing and making pro custom hoops.


Hey, in case you want to learn more in person, please come join us at…
“Whip It, Whip It Good: Wicked Fast Moves Made Fun & EASY!” Saturday’s 10am Hip The Hoopla theme. Jump on the Crazy Train with us: or MindBody Connect mobile app to RSVP (all levels welcome + drop-in’s too, if space available!)

Or if you prefer to work one on-one, or a private group, we can schedule an in-person or virtual meeting!

For more information, Please visit , , or call 303-919-9280, or e-mail and subscribe to our e-mail (no spamming–just juicy hoop goodness).
We are also on YouTube, Pinterest, Yelp, LinkedIn & Twitter #hipthehoopla.

Visit Che’s profile on Pinterest.

January Jump Start – Schedule, Specials & More!

Hip The Hoopla humorous hoop dance fitness classes, performances & custom made hula hoops

Give your goals some jet fuel! Hip The Hoopla is here to help to kick butt on your wellness, weight goals and well-being (a.k.a. Happiness).

Give yourself the gift of health and humor with hooping. Here’s a sneak peak at the January Hoopla! (Warning: Hip The Hoopla promises high doses of laughter, hoop dance, positivity and motivation!)


Group classes (all levels welcome) Tuesdays 6:30pm & Saturdays 10am. January 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, (31-Tentative-depending if Broncos play in the Superbowl!)


♥ $99 January Special= 1 private lesson* + 1 Month of Unlimited Monthly Group Classes (save $71!)

♥ 5 Class Pack $65 (Save $10) (exp. 3 months from purchase)

♥ 10 Class $120 (2 classes Free-Save $30!)

♥ 30 Day Unlimited Group Class Pass $80 (Save $40+)

Stay tuned for Hip The Hoopla’s NEXT big Announcements including:

1.) ONLINE CLASSES! Yes, you asked, and they are in the works! The tentative plan is once a week with a replay (if available)…and also…
3.) A MONTHLY PLAN PACK for those dedicated to wellness and wonderment! (Including your own private sessions, and special surprises, too!)

(*Studio rental and/or on-site travel costs are extra. Private lessons priced for Lakewood location.)

For more information, Please visit , , or call 303-919-9280, or e-mail

Hoop Corkscrew Combo-Belly Dance Inspired!

You may already know all the cool hoop moves, but sometimes getting them coordinated in an eye-catching combinations is helpful. Here’s one I call the “Hoop Corkscrew Combination.”


So thrilled this tutorial was featured on (the mac-daddy of info for the hooping world) and also on ♥♥♥
♥ In-joy! ♥

Are there other moves you want to see explained or broken down in an easy-to-understand, silly, and humorous way? Connect with us! Hip The Hoopla is here to help.

Here is the Hoop Corkscrew Tutorial Link:


Connect with Us! Hip The Hoopla offers humorous hoop dancing classes, private lessons and coaching–both in person, and virtually–for whatever level you are starting at… or want to get to!

Check calendar for Hip The Hoopla class details.

*If you are interested in getting hoops: ready made, custom, twins, multis, collapsible convertibles, polypro, HDPE, or PE (black tubing)…please connect with us for a complimentary hoop consultation (by phone or in person).

Contact us: online at,, 303-980-6295  / 303-919-9280 cell 

Latest info, updates, tutorials, events and “Hoopspiration” posted regularly on Facebook:

We’re also on Twitter #hipthehoopla, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Yelp and Google+

A Hoopspirational Minute from Evergreen, Colorado

Please enjoy this peaceful gorgeous fall hooping minute from Evergreen Lake House in Colorado.

Ooh…Ahhh! We’re doing “3D Spins & Spheres” for Tuesday’s 6:30pm Hip The Hoopla class.
RSVP’s appreciated or on the MindBody Connect app!

All levels welcome. Drops-ins welcome if space is available.

A Hoopspirational minute from moi 😉
Please click on the video link:
Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla Hooping at Evergreen Lake, Colorado

Che’ Rippinger teaches Hip The Hoopla humorous hoop dance fitness classes, private lessons, coaching, does performances, events and creates custom professional dance hoops for all levels, from beginners to pro.

Contact: 303-980-6295,, and find us on Facebook, Twitter #hipthehoopla, Yelp, YouTube channel, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

♥ Thank you ♥

New Silly Hoopspirational Video!

Wacky Hoopspirational stuff!

Please click the link below to see my new video–a wacky practice session. Thanks!
~Ché Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla


Che’ Rippinger of Hip The Hoopla gets really silly, sassy & goofy to Gogol Bordello-cracking myself up!
Watch til the end…some great hoop drops and video fail, which might amuse you.          ♥  ♥

Humorous hoop dance fitness classes –positive, encouraging and SO much fun– for all levels from beginner to pro…with Laughter Yoga & belly dance. Plus private lessons, coaching, performing, events, and awesome custom hand-crafted/made with love professional hoops!

Please “like” & follow us…
♥   ♥
Plus we’re on Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google +, Yelp, etc.

♥ Thanks for watching and keeping any commentary positive ♦ ♥
Blessings ♥

Book now! Connect with us: