Three Keys to Tosses: Warning–Flying Objects!


Tossing is a magical thing. The excitement of throwing something up in the air and seeing if you can catch it. That split second of hang time, to be so in awe of time, space, and distance, is a thrill rush of anticipation. These are some easy tips that can help with your tosses–with hoops and other flow props, as well.

The 3 simple keys to help pretty-up your tosses are:

1. Start small. If you start with wild, crazy big throws, you may spend extra time running after your hoop (or other flow prop), than tossing and catching it. Start with little releases, then when you have the technique and hang of it, go bigger.

2. The big key is in the release. I like a little “down up” motion: a little press down before your “up and release.” I also find it helpful to think of this with a little exhale (down movement) and inhale (on your up throw), and your catch as the next exhalation.

3. Keep trying! The cool thing about it is sometimes you don’t catch your flying object. Time to tweak, and make those adjustments to try it again. Try variations, as well. Use your other arm. Toss in both directions, AND on both sides. And then expand on that even further! Who said your “sides” had to be left and right…they could be front to back, or other imaginative pathways.


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